Ghost of Culture

16 Unending Notifications

Half an hour goes by very quickly, especially when you have a sexy gullible teenage daughter, inhaling your hard cock all the way from the garage and into the living room.

She is more than happy to swallow everything as well, making the entire experience indescribably awesome.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

And once my time is up, my time is up. I have no choice but to vacate the body and let things continue its natural course of event. Natural being after my machinations.


I am now hovering around the ceiling, witnessing my former daughter kneeling on the floor with both of her huge breasts hanging out in the open. Her mouth is preoccupied with the cock that has created her years ago while her father himself could not help but groan and grunt at the greatness of her very hot and tight throat.

Unholy damn!

I have half a mind to repossess Richard just to feel those wonderful lips around my steel pole, but the system interrupted me before I did.

[Your reward has been calculated. You have earned 108SP. Would you like to view the result?]

[Congratulation. You have leveled up. You are not level 0. Your journey to the Zenith begins. You have been awarded 5 attributes points (AP) for leveling up. Each level you managed to ascend, 5APs will be rewarded. You can assign the attributes to whatever attributes you wish. For more information, please refer to page 100 of your manual. If you did not get one, one will be delivered to you eventually. Please note that points once have been assigned, cannot be retrieved.]

[New ability (Parental Guidance) is available for purchase. Parental Guidance grants the host the ability to introduce new knowledges to his or her offspring. It can also reinforce and expand upon previously learned knowledges. Like all mental-based abilities, the Sexual Points (SP) cost to cast will be related to the willpower of the targeted item or person.]

[Error. Shop is locked. It is currently unavailable because you have not reached the required level. You can still purchase any ability you have unlocked by asking the System directly. It is there to guide you and help you reach the Zenith. Reach the top and the world and the universe will be your playground! Not even the Gods themselves can undo your will.]

[You have received a new message.]

[Inbox is now available. You can send and receive messages from others. To send messages, you must know the true name of the entity you wish to send. Unsent messages will automatically be destroyed instead of returning to sender. Do not send spams or scams or you will be severely punished.]

[A message from administrator detected. Message will automatically open. Please standby.]

[Well done, Ghostly. You have taken the first step towards spreading my ideals throughout your world and the next. You have made me happy, and when I am happy, everyone is happy. I will reward those who tries their best, so do your best. Here is a gift for your journey. I hope it serves you well.]

[You have received an item. Please check your inventory]

[Error. Inventory is locked. It is currently unavailable because you have not reached the required level. You can still retrieve any item out of your inventory by asking the System directly. You currently have 1 giftbox available. Would you like to open the gift box?]

[Warning. Warning. Warning. Tutorial is over. Your presence is now visible to the cosmic entities and those within the cosmic planes of existence. As your level is currently very low, you will not be able to defend yourself. It is imperative that you find a way to hide or shield yourself. Possessing living things is a possible way of hiding your presence. If your soul is devoured or destroyed, you will cease to exist.]

[Entry (Cosmic Entities) is available for viewing in the Cosmic Codex.]

[Error. Cosmic Codex is locked. It is currently unavailable because you have not reached the required level. As knowledge is power, System will help you in this regard and answer any of your questions for a price. System can also unlock new entry to your Codex for a price.]

[Cosmic Codex is an ongoing progress from before the dawn of creation. It is an encyclopedia created to help those attempting to reach the Zenith. Most entries in the codex is available for purchase. Some will be unlocked freely. Some is only viewable to people with certain privileges. Note that only genuine and true knowledge are allowed to be added to the Cosmic Codex. Those who attempts to insert false or misleading information will be severely punished.]

[Entry (Plane of Existence) is available for viewing in the Cosmic Codex.]

[New entry (Plane of Existence) is added to the Codex.]

[Entry (Primordial Sins of Lust) is expanded for reviewing in the Cosmic Codex.]

[Entry (Ghostly Ghost) is available for viewing in the Cosmic Codex. You are the current owner of this entry. It will automatically be updated as you continue to exist. It is advisable for you to view this entry and adjust the setting. Note that true names have certain power over the spirit and soul. You shouldn't reveal your real name without a proper cause.]

The messages keep on coming, flooding my brain to the point that I nearly pass out from the overload.

There is just too many information to take in, in such a short span of time. Several of those messages are warnings, telling me that the tutorial is over.

And without the safety and protection of the tutorial mode, I am now available on the menu of all you can fucking eat buffet on a cosmic scale.

Unholy fuck! I need to find a host immediately.

I didn't need to look very far, given that there is one lucky bastard available right in the room, getting his cock suck by his lovely teenage daughter.

Therefore, I will just possess them again just to hide from those cosmic terrors. I don't want to die!

Not die. Cease to exist! That is fucking worse!

I expend some of my steam-earned sexual points (10SP) in order to possess Richard again. Considering I just rack in a good amount, 10SP isn't that much. Wait. Why is it 20SP now!?

Before I could ask the System about the price hike, his memory reinforces itself in my hammered brain along with the overwhelming delight as my balls are deep within my daughter's mouth and throat. Oh fuck!

Fuck! That feels so good. So, fucking good!

I think I just blow a nut into her hot mouth and tight throat as my head is thrown backwards against the backrest of the sofa in utter and blissful pleasure.

"God, sweetie. You are so good. So hot. So wet."

I groan and buckle my hips, pumping out all of that steamy venom for her to swallow.

And with the new repossession of this very lucky father, I have another 24 hours on the clock to farm some nice SPs. But first. I need to read through all that messages and comprehend them all.

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Did the System inform me that knowledge is power?

But first! I need to umm get something out of my system.


Mary responses as she swallows gulps after gulps of my chunky baby batter like a champ. She is such a cock-sucker and sperm-drinker. She will suck the life out of me if this keeps up.

Now, what was I talking about?

Ah, who cares. Time for another load.

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