Ghost of Culture

17 The System Scores

It takes a while for me to finally remove myself from my beloved teenage daughter and her young and wet mouth.

Even if my sexy daughter doesn't want to on the account of her getting very addicted to the thick and steamy venomous milkshake that only I can produce, I really have nothing left in my balls for her.

That is not exactly true.

There is always cum for my little girl to suck out. Heh. Getting a bit devious now.

It isn't because I am all milked out. It is because I need to have a moment of clarity, away from a cock-tease of a daughter. It is to sort something out in my mind.

There is simply so much information to go through after I have finally leveled up, and a lot of it really scares the dead shit out me.

Yes. You heard me correctly. Dead shit.

It makes sense because I am technically dead. Hah!

Honestly, I had never thought that I would want a moment alone to myself instead of being ball-deeps in my daughter, especially after being stuck as a disembodied ghost for so very long. Some people sure love to watch like the big boss back at the office.

I, on the other hand, do not.

Obviously, I am a man of action. I want to grope every inch of her body. I want to feel her hot and tight inside. I want to immerse myself fully into her in any way I can as I have done so in the past few days.

Has it only been a few days? It actually feels longer.

I suppose that is what really happen when you have two sets of distinct memory in your brain, fighting for dominance. It also twists my personality slowly, making more and more angry and frustrated with everything in my fucking life.

Why am I frustrated and angry with everything in my life? Not me per se. Richard is. It is as expected, considering his shitty wife and shitty job.

The only thing good that comes out of his marriage is his lovely daughter. So young. So hot. So wet.

His memory continues to linger in my head even when I had been evicted from his body, but it is not nearly as overpowering as it is right now, thus allowing me to return to my normal whimsical self, even for just a moment.

It is also the reason why I had referred to him as Richard and Mary as his daughter instead of me and my daughter.

But since I am now back to possessing him again, it is back to being me and my daughter again. It feels more natural that way, to be honest.

Differentiating between myself and the host just creates pointless headaches for me and for you guys, my dear audiences.

Did I just break the 4th wall? Hah!

Anyway, I am currently resting in my bedroom while my daughter is taking a shower down the hallway.

Mary has to clean herself out of the sweat and cum from this afternoon. I want to join her to get some cleaning done myself as well. She will definitely help me in that regards. If she doesn't, I am sure I can think up of plausible lies.


What? I am a pervert. I don't need to apologize for that!

And besides, I want to see how well she has developed without all that clothes getting in the way. Last time I have seen her stark naked was when she is just a little girl. Her chest was beginning to develop then.

It is not even fully developed now despite being so soft and tender.

Oh God.

I really need to leave my daughter alone since I have more important things to attend to. I think I also have to make dinner soon. It is getting late, as I had enjoyed myself a little bit too much.

Maybe I should order some takeout instead?

But sadly, I'm sure Bitch will say something about that. She doesn't want our daughter to eat any junk foods whatsoever. Our daughter must always eat healthy and drink my creamy milk.

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That is my laughter. Get use to it. Hah!

Wait a second. Why do I have to make dinner personally?

That is a pointless waste of time. And I don't have a lot of time to waste. I only have like 23 hours left on the clock!

Richard. Go and do your think while I have a look at my status. That means he should go and make the damn dinner while I sit back and read through all the notifications.

Unfortunately, Richard didn't do that when I relinquish my control over the body. Instead, he goes off to have a good peek at his teenage daughter as she takes a shower.

Oi. Oi. Didn't you just have her suck your cock just an hour ago!?

Why the fuck are you reverting back to a peeping Tom!? Also, you can't fucking see anything because of all the steams!

Oh wait. Richard didn't take the initiative despite how much he really wants to.

I did. I made my daughter suck my cock. Not him. If it was him, he would just drive her straight home and then go jack off in the bathroom like he always does.

Richard is still a nervous wreck and feeling guilty about what had happened last night and today. This is just fucking great.

What do I have to do to make him a man of culture?

Tell me!

Maybe some actual fucking will probably set him straight. I will certainly do that later.

Mary is still a virgin, so it will be quite painful for her and maybe for me as well. I surely hope that I do not break her snatch with my huge cock. Heh.

But what must be done, must be done.

Why let something like that stops me spreading my wonderful culture? Hah!

I am currently at level 0, and my SP is sitting at 1/200?

Eh? What the unholy fuck!? I thought I have earned 108SP from tricking my daughter into sucking my cock and swallowing my cum.

Where did all those points go? System!?

System didn't response.

It has to be specific questions for the System to response.

I recall that I have 13 out 100 before I leveled up. Adding to 108SP, I should have exactly 121SP in total. I spend 10SP to repossess Richard. No 20SP. What is up with that?

Why did it cost more now? It is still 10SP on my status window.

System speaks up.

[Repossessing any living being you have possessed before will cost more energy. This is because their spirit and soul build up resistance against you. It is advisable not to keep possessing the same person, as it will cost more and more SP to do so.]

Oh. Ah. That makes sense, I guess.

So, doing a little math, I should have 101 left. But I guess to level up, I have to spend 100SP. Somehow that feels dangerous. What happen if I level up and have no SP to left to use!? Shit. System!?

System remains silence.

Alright then. System, is it possible to manual level up? Is it possible to not level up? It possible to stay at the same level?

[Yes. However, any excess SP are lost. Would you like to turn off auto level-up once you have sufficient energy to do so?]

Oh. In that case, don't worry about it then.

Now. Let's see all the notifications. The first one tells me that I have earned 108SP.

It also asks me whether I wish to see the results. Since I have time, I guess, I should. Just to understand how the points are calculated. I recall that Richard only have 24SP.

[Your achievements and penalties are as follows. You can expand on each item for more information and subcategories. If you have a dispute about the rewards or deductions, feel free to file a complaint. Someone will be with you in 69 millennia.]

[Sexual Tension Release: +24SP] Ah. I see. This is where it comes from.

[Spreading Your Culture (one-time bonus): +50SP] Awesome. But it won't give me again.

[Fail to Penetrate (oral does not count): -50SP] Eh? Shit. That just removes the bonus! Fuck!

[Daddy Dearest (incest): +30SP] Incest is wincest! Is there any better?

[Home Schooling (all day fun): -30SP] Eh? Wait. What? Why did I get penalty for this? Open it up and let me see. Oh. I see. It is possible. So, I get penalty for choose the wrong course of action. Fuck! How would I know that?

[The Younger is Better (teenager): +20SP] Nice. Does that mean little kids would give me more?

[Blowjob Fetish (more than 10): +10SP] Heh. Her mouth is just too awesome. I couldn't help it.

[Milky Richness (more than 10): +10SP] Well. She has to suck out the venom.

[Creamy Breakfast (feed her): +5SP] Hah! I also feed her after dinner.

[Midnight Snack (feed her): +5SP] Awesome.

The list just goes on and on for several pages. It seems that I am being scored on basically everything, including stuff that isn't involving my daughter, such as all the sexual innuendo in the office.

Luckily, the System isn't too harsh on those parts, considering that my daughter is the main conquest, and since there are penalties as well as achievements, I could lose points in the end.

It is actually very hard to, but it is not impossible. If I do squat the whole time that I possess someone, I would definitely get a bunch of penalties instead of achievements.

Interesting to know.

I expand each of the item to get more information before moving onto the next notification. This one is about my leveling up and my attributes point.

Alright, System. Tell me everything you know about attribute points and how I use them.

[Attributes points (AP) are rewarded whenever you level up. They are used to upgrade your physical body. As you currently do not have one, you can upgrade your host instead. However, attribute points once used cannot be returned

The System keeps talking for minutes on end.

Since this is going to take a while, I will spare you the exposition and get to the fun part.

It is what you are all here for, right?

I also get to enjoy the fun as well. Hah!

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