Ghost of Culture

1 Primodial Champion

I am a pervert.

I am such a pervert.

Even in death, I couldn't help myself.

I couldn't help myself at all!

But honestly, when you could pass through walls and buildings like they aren't even there and spy on basically anyone and everyone in the world, what would you do? What would you actually do!?

You would abuse the fuck out of it! That's what!

I certainly did.

By God, I certainly did!

With my bad little eyes, I spy on anyone and everyone. Except guys of course.

Fuck guys! Actually don't! Girls are all the way for me. Hot girls!

That hot girl next door, constantly playing hard to get with her sexy body? Fuck yeah!

That young mother I would love to pound in public while she is feeding her little baby? Totally! She is asking for it, and her perfect rear is just too awesome not to take it out for a ride. Goddamn it. I should teach her a fucking lesson!

That slut who totally screw everyone in high school? Definitely. She screws over more girls than guys, but who am I to judge her preference. Girl on girl scissoring action are fucking hot. I want to join in the fun as well. I do. I really do!

And those sexy movie stars? Holy fuck. Double yummy. I mean yup. Yup. Yup. And definitely yup!

You have no idea how sexually active they are in private.

I swear with what I have witnessed thus far, they would start in a lot more movies if they just let it all go. They already did when they believe that they are alone in their bedroom. I totally wasn't there in their home, watching them getting themselves off.


Alright. I fucking did!

There is no one to stop me. No one to stop me! No one to stop me at all!

I am the only ghost in the world. In this fucking wide world!

At least that is what I believe. For more than a decade now, I didn't see any other ghost floating around the neighborhood and spying on little girls like me.

Did I say little? I mean legal.

Legal! Wait! Holy shit! The FBI shows up!

They definitely did when I got ran over by a speeding truck.

I am no hero, and I certainly did not try to stop the robbers from getting away while crossing the road with my undivided attention on a hentai doujinshi.

Hey. Don't judge me!

I am a man of culture after all.

Even though it is not my intention to stop the speeding vehicle, my body decided it had enough of me and my antic. It accidently throws itself onto the windshield of the vehicle, blocking the view of the driver and causing the truck to crash into the nearby building.

A huge shootout between the robbers and the cops ensures.

I was there and watched the whole thing from the front seat.

I was also dead.

Obviously, I didn't realize it then.

And it did take me a long time to get over my death and move on. My parents cry their heart out when they had to bury me. Or what is left of me, I suppose.

The explosion during the deadly shootout makes me all nice and crispy. Too bad no one decide to take a sample.

That was more than a decade ago. Parents are dead now. But their ghosts didn't join me in this blissful paradise. In fact, no one did.

And slowly this paradise of mine becomes hell.

No one can hear me. No one can see me. And I certainly cannot touch anyone.

I can only watch. Watch!

Oh God! Why? Why!? Why did you just let me watch? At least let me enjoy.

At least let me get rid of my blue balls!

Fuck! I hate you, God! I hate you. I hate you! I so fucking hate you!

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I will worship the devil instead. He gets all the cool stuff. All the awesome people go straight to hell, I swear. So, take me to hell and let me suck on Rias' titties. I am ready.

Wait. I shouldn't have said. I didn't mean it!

A spiraling mass of darkness in the sky notices me. It descends straight to the ground, crashing against the earth and erupting into a bellowing storm. No one notice it. No one but me.

The darkness condenses and surges forwards, passing through everyone and everything on the road as it speeds towards me.

What the fuck? I swear I have never seen such thing in my entire life before, dead or alive! And unlike every hot girl in the world, I do not want to touch it.

So, I just run and run and hope it will not find me.

That is futile. Completely futile. It knows exactly where I am no matter what. It is as if it can see right through all the walls and buildings.

The flickering darkness eventually surrounds me and shrouds my vision.

The world becomes pitch black.

"Don't eat me. Please don't eat me. I don't taste good. I don't! Look. Look. I don't even have any meat on me. I am dead. I'm dead."

I pray and pray as the darkness condenses. I could feel an enormous pressure crushing down upon my spirit. It causes my ghostly body to ripple and being diffuse into the environment.

And for the first time in more than a decade, I feel pain. Excruciating pain.

This thing can hurt me!

"Stop! Stop! What do you want? What do you want!?"

I call out as I am forced onto the ground in anguish.

Red ominous light eventually pierces through the unrelenting darkness, forming a pair of devilish eyes and staring down upon my fragile and unstable astral form.

There are no pupils within those eyes, but I am sure it is looking directly at me and analyzing me.

I have never felt so see-through before. And when it finally speaks up, its piercing voice is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"A millennium soul? On this earth? How peculiar. You are not a normal spirit. No. And you are not one of the aspectual fragments either."

The monster speaks. The eyes descend towards the ground and me, forcing me to coil in fear. It exerts enormous pressure. Spiritual pressure!

"I am Erosire. The Primordial Sin of Lust. How would you like to become my champion? I will grant you unimaginable power. Powers to bend the very fabric of reality to your will. And all you needed to do is spread my ideals throughout all of creations."

The monster offers.

No. The Primordial Sin of Lust offers.

What is a Primordial!?

And the moment that question formulates in my mind, I immediately know what a Primordial is. It can see my thought!? It can fucking see my thought!

Holy fuck! It can see my entire life. Not just that. I know that I am an abnormality. That is why it is here in the first place.

"Do I have really a choice?"

Of course, I don't. I never had.

And against beings that see omnipotent Gods as mere dusts in the wind, I obviously wouldn't want to choose the other options.

So, I become a Champion. A Primordial Champion. My mission? It is to basically turn the entire fucking world and every other world into a lustful paradise.

My kind of mission! Hah!

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