Ghost of Culture

-1 Character Sheets Chapter 43

This auxiliary chapter is for me to keep track of all the characters.

I do keep track of them in excel, but I guess I will add them here for you all to read.

It also stops people form calling me out on stuff that I don't really want to waste time on explaining.

First off. All girls are of age. Around 18 years old. They are still being called teenagers in the story since that word is for anyone who is under 19.

When they are in their 20s, they are called young adults.

Yes, I did check with the dictionary, so stop wasting time bitching about this.

It is annoying.

As for Chapter 43, there are several prominent characters and several minor ones. I will only list those that are important to the story with the exception of Ghostly. He is the protagonist, so unless you are skipping through the story, you should already know about him.

[Wilson Family]

Richard Wilson He is a family man. Works at an Accounting Firm. Really good at his job, but life has not been very easy on him. He is quite perverted, but he would never dare to act upon them, at least not without the help of Ghostly. Things do change for the better with his wife out of the picture.

Mary Wilson She is the only daughter of Richard Wilson. She inherits her beautiful blond hair as well as bright blue eyes from her father. She extremely busty and very athletic when the story begins mostly thanks to her mother and all-girl school. She is actually 18, but in her father eyes, she will always be his little girl.

Bitch Wilson The mother of the Wilson family. That is not her actual name. Ghostly just calls her that because she is quite a bitch. She was fun and loving once, but the Church corrupts her. Now days, she just talks about the Church and all the good that she is doing in the world. She is also a strict person, thus leading to her daughter not knowing anything about the outside world.

[Shelton Family]

Alice Shelton Dark long hair and dark-brown eyes. She is a friend with Mary Wilson and goes to the same school. While having a mature and strong exterior, she is quite a crybaby inside. This is because of her elder sister who chastises her for everything she does. Her chest size is bigger than even Mary, but she tries to hide it most of the time. Like Mary, she doesn't really know anything about the world.

George Shelton Alice's father. Not much is known about him yet, but he seems to be quite busy, and similar to Richard, he is sexually frustrated, but there isn't much he could do about that. He loves his family, but he just doesn't have the time to be with them due to his job as a Real Estate agent.

[Mason Family]

Sophia Mason Another one of Mary's friend. She is quite an outgoing girl, who doesn't want to really be left out of things. She actually likes to bully others just like her mother and considered herself best at everything. She is not very liked amongst her classmate due to that kind of behavior, but Mary likes everyone, so they become friends.

Henry Mason Sophia's father. Not much is known about him as yet. He was first seen locked up in a police cruiser belonging to his wife, so that shows his position within the family.

Milf Mason Sophia's mother. Again. That is not her name, but Ghostly calls her that because he is a perverted ghost. Milf is a police officer, and quite a strict one at that. She does make joke every now and then, but they don't last very long. She is hard-ass against criminal, especially her husband. In her eyes, he is sort of a criminal. She is the dominant one within their household, which more or less like a jail than an actual house.

[Stone Family]

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Jessica Stone A really sexy milf, who was once a bully back in high school a couple of decades earlier. She is one of those popular girls, thus she uses her position and reputation to bully others, especially Ghostly since he is kind of a nerd back then. Ghostly totally forgotten about her until she shows up at the finance firm that Richard works at. She also doesn't think much of Richard, considering the balding man's appearance. She also dresses quiet provocatively.

Derrick Stone A school bully. He is part of the jocks (popular guys), which Ghostly wants to join simply due to their popularity. Also, they get all the girls. However, due to run in with Jessica, Ghostly couldn't and forever become their punching bag. It is to the point that Ghostly has to switch school just to get away from them. Other than that, not much is known at the moment.


If I miss anyone important so far, please shout out.

As the story progress, more and more characters will appear, so this will get longer and longer huh.

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