Forsaken By The Gods, I Made A Contract With the Demon King

Chapter 92: Dormitory

The Favored Ones Academy stretched before Levi like an elaborate maze, its marble halls and soaring archways rivaling any royal palace. His footsteps echoed against the polished floors as he searched for the Fourth Auditorium, trying to focus on finding his way rather than dwelling on his exam results.

"49nd out of 500," he muttered, the words leaving a bitter taste. While theory had never be his strong suit, ranking this low hadn't be part of his plan. Without Valerius's influce, he wouldn't have made it through the gates at all—a fact that stung his pride more than he wanted to admit.

After several wrong turns, Levi finally found Earnest Hall. The trance doors bore intricate carvings that seemed to pulse with ancit power. As he approached, they slid op siltly, revealing the vast chamber within.

The auditorium took his breath away. Hundreds of studts filled the tiered seating, divided into two distinct sections. The lower seats held freshm in varied attire, while the upper level was occupied by siors in the academy's signature uniform—dark royal blue adorned with silver embroidery. Gold chandeliers cast a warm glow over the massive stage below.

Levi found a seat near the back, trying to bld in despite feeling like an outsider. The room fell silt as a sharp voice cut through the quiet chatter.

"Good eving, studts."

All eyes turned to the stage where a woman stood, commanding atttion without effort. Though she held no microphone, her voice carried clearly throughout the hall—likely the work of an artifact or ability. Her red eyes and spiral brown hair marked her as someone extraordinary, ev by the academy's standards.

"I am Instructor Cassandra, and I'll be overseeing part of your education in the coming years," she announced, pausing to let her words sink in. "First, congratulations. You've earned your places here, chos from thousands of applicants. But this is only the beginning."

She paced the stage with measured steps, her presce filling the vast space. "You are the Favored Ones—future heroes who will lead Earth and explore Paradise itself. However," her voice harded, "with this title comes tremdous responsibility. You're not just studts; you're Earth's protectors, sworn to defd it from all threats."

The underlying meaning wasn't lost on Levi. Monsters and Demonic followers posed constant dangers to their world, threats that they would soon face as defders. He swallowed hard, understanding the weight of the path ahead.

"This academy doesn't simply teach—it forges warriors and leaders," Cassandra continued. "Every lesson, every challge, every test will push you beyond your limits. Some of you come from noble families, others fought your way here through sheer determination. But within these walls, only your actions matter."

Her words resonated with Levi. He might have barely scraped in, might lack the advantages of his peers, but of that would matter if he could prove himself where it counted.

Cassandra's speech continued, outlining the academy's history and expectations. She spoke of legdary graduates who had shaped their world's destiny, of the power and knowledge waiting to be claimed.

And after here, there was speeches from differt individuals - Levi easily got bored and dozed off.

He only woke up wh someone nudged at him telling that the ceremony was over.


Levi's watch buzzed, displaying his dormitory assignmt: Block D, Room 47.

He sighed, staring at the sprawling academy buildings. Ev with the map on his watch, the place felt like a maze. Studts rushed past him, all heading to their assigned rooms.

Anyway, wh they came out of the auditorium - their belongings were returned to them. Levi received his small bag contained some clothes and his two spatial rings.

After that they were told to rest for the next day and settle at the assigned dormitories.

As Levi didn't had any inttion of wandering a the academy he directly made his way towards his dormitory.

After two wrong turns and a dead d, he finally found Block D. The building stretched five stories high, its walls lined with intricate carvings. A sign near the trance read "Male Dormitories."

The elevator took him to the second floor. Room 47 was at the d of a long hallway, its door idtical to the others except for the gold numbers mounted on dark wood.

Levi turned the handle and pushed the door op. The room was spacious, with four beds arranged in corners and a shared living area in the cter. But before he could take another step, a familiar voice made him freeze.


There, standing by one of the beds, was the chubby boy from the trance exam – the one he'd st on a wild goose chase for the bathroom. The boy's face turned red as he pointed at Levi.

"You're the jerk who gave me wrong directions!" He stomped forward. "Do you know what happed? I ded up in the GIRLS' bathroom!"

Levi couldn't help but grin. "Oh? How'd that work out for you?"

"Don't act smug! I was mortified!" The boy's arms waved wildly. "Two girls saw me! TWO! I almost died of embarrassmt!

"Look on the bright side," Levi shrugged, dropping his bag on an empty bed. "At least you've got a memorable first day story."

"A memorable– Are you kidding me?" The boy sputtered. "I can't believe I have to room with you for a whole year!"

"Well, I'm Levi." He extded his hand, still fighting back laughter. "Your new roommate."

The boy stared at the offered hand like it might bite him. "Toby," he finally grumbled, giving Levi's hand a quick shake. "But don't think this means I forgive you!"

"Wouldn't dream of it." Levi flopped onto his chos bed. "So, Toby, tell me more about these two girls..."

"I hate you already," Toby groaned, but there was less heat in his voice now.

Their bickering was interrupted by the door oping again. Their other roommates had arrived.

A boy with an athletic build stepped into the room, his expression calm yet focused. He moved with the quiet confidce of someone accustomed to physical challges, his alert eyes taking in every detail of the space and its occupants. His short black hair and olive skin contrasted sharply with the light grey academy uniform, which fit snugly over his broad shoulders.

"Room 47, right?" he asked, his voice low as his gaze landed on Levi.

Levi, sitting on his bed, simply nodded in response. Toby, who was still sulking on the other side of the room, gave a brief wave but said nothing.

The boy gave a small nod in acknowledgmt. "Alex," he introduced himself, his tone neutral as he moved further inside, heading for one of the remaining beds. He dropped his bag down with a practiced efficicy and began to unpack without another word, his movemts precise and deliberate. The room seemed to shift slightly with his presce, the atmosphere becoming more ged.

Levi watched in silce, taking in Alex's calm demeanor. There was a quiet precision about him, less bravado than others like him seemed to carry. Levi leaned back against the wall, keeping his thoughts to himself as he observed the newcomer settle in.

The door swung op again, this time with more force. A lanky boy with sandy blond hair stumbled in, muttering to himself. He barely glanced at anyone as he made his way to the last available bed, dropping a heavy stack of books onto it with a loud thud.

Wh all three of them stared at him, the boy looked up, his gre eyes flashing briefly with frustration before they softed into a tired smile. "Yeah, sorry about the grand trance," he sighed. "Ryn Carter. My schedule's already a mess, and I hav't ev started classes yet." He ruffled his hair, making it ev messier than before.

Levi gave a nod of acknowledgmt, his face neutral, before gesturing toward Toby, who was still quiet on his own bed. "Toby," he said simply.

Toby waved again but seemed preoccupied. "Yeah, I'm the guy with a 'bad directions' rep now, appartly."

Ryn chuckled lightly at that. "Don't worry, you're probably not the only one a here making mistakes. This place... feels more like a fortress than a school."

Alex, who had be unpacking, spoke up for the first time since Ryn tered. "It's not just the size. The rules and rankings here—they're strict." His voice carried the weight of someone who had se structures like this before.

"Great," Ryn muttered under his breath. "Just what I needed—more pressure."

Levi's lips twitched slightly at their exchange but he remained silt, observing how the dynamic in the room was beginning to form. They were a mixed bunch, each carrying their own burds and expectations. Whether that would work in their favor or not, only time would tell.


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