Forsaken By The Gods, I Made A Contract With the Demon King

Chapter 91: Entrance Exam (11)

The second assessmt was completed successfully and Levi continued taking the next assessmts after that.

Thankfully, the following s were not that hard.

In the third , he had to fight a fellow studt. It was easier than the second .

The inexpericed studt that he was paired up with, didn't ev realize what hit him before Levi knocked him out.

He was clearly no match for Levi's strgth.

Levi's strgth was a the Follower rank wh he made contact with the demon king but after forming a core in the Sanctum, he was now on par with someone at the Priest rank.

The poor Follower rank studt was not ev his match and he couldn't ev last a minute.

Th, right after passing the third exam- Levi continued to the vue of the fourth exam.

And only th did he realize that the fourth and fifth s were his nemesis— it was time for the theory exams!

The fourth was a simple multiple-choice question with 50 questions, while the fifth required writing a detailed report on a giv topic, where they would provide a keyword, and the studts had to write everything they knew about it.

The multiple choice question contained most of the things that are taught in schools like the first founders of Paradise, the first established sanctuary, the name of some strongholds in Paradise, some monster-related questions, etc.

For a normal studt - these all were simple questions that could be answered easily.

But for Levi….well, let's just say that he didn't ev need to see the questions to answer.

He had no clue about the questions.

Levi randomly chose the answer for most of the multiple-choice questions.

And for some which he spt the effort to read…he eliminated the obviously wrong ones and chose whichever felt relevant.

If it wasn't for some basic math questions and some reasoning questions added here and there - Levi would have be truly screwed!

Anyway, he barely managed to pass that .

Th, for the fifth , he was giv the keyword "The First Cataclysm."

Once again, Levi didn't know much about it, so he scribbled down bits he'd heard from others. The last two months hadn't be a complete waste—he wrote whatever came to mind.

His report looked something like this-


The Frist Cataclysm, yeah. It happd a long time ago... I think like, 50 yearz ago? Or maybe more. Anyway, it all startd with those portalz. The ones called Bliss portalz.

They were suppose to conect Earth with Paradice. Human beeing greedy n stuff, we op like too many portalz. Like, A LOT.

At first it was fine I guess? People wanted the power from Paradice but, uhh, th stuff wt realy bad. The monsters came thru the portalz — yeh, that's how it happd. They wasn't sposed to come thru but they did. Caught evrybody off gard. I dont remember the detals, but I think like, over a third of people died or sumthin?

Or maybe more. Don't rly know. Lots of people died.

Th the monsters started making nestz near the portalz and we got realy messed up. Like big time. Countrees broke down and only the strong onez survived. That's wh the 5 Unions happd or sumthin. Yeah, that's importint. The Union of Africuh, Great America, Europ n' th Asia...

uh, wait. Not Antarc-tica. We lost that whole thing. Monsters took it. All of it.

After that, people got smart finaly (took long uf) and made sum rules. Only certified sankturies could op portalz now and they gotta close them if monsters show up. Oh, and Paladuns—those super strong people—gotta guard the portalz n stuff. So that helped, I guess. Made sure things dont go too bad... mostly.

So yeah, the Frist Cataclysm was realy bad. Lots of people died. Countrees fell apart. New ones made. We lerned to be carefull with Bliss portalz now, and, uh... that's it.

That's all I member.


…..No one could blame him - it was already a miracle that he knew how to write….

Anyway, Levi wasn't much worried about it.

With one of the academy's three guardians backing him, Levi only needed to pass the assessmts, ev barely, and ev if he did not make it into the top 460 - he would get a scholarship from Valerius's support!

It sure was convit to have the support of strong people!

Anyway, by eving, the results were announced. Levi received his score directly on his watch.


Congratulations on being accepted! You are now one of the Favored Ones!

Your assessmt results are as follows:

First Assessmt - 0/0

Second Assessmt - 90/0

Third Assessmt - 9/0

Fourth Assessmt - 56/0

Fifth Assessmt - 37/0

You have not met the Criteria to Enter the Academy!

You have be accepted through theScholarship awarded by faculty: Valerius Strom.

Congratulations! Overall Academic Rank: 49nd.

An Introductory Ceremony has be scheduled at 6:00 PM in the Fourth Auditorium of Ernest Block. Please be prest on time.


Levi sighed as he scanned the results.

He was expecting that but the numbers wer't surprising, especially considering how he'd handled the theory exams.

Still, failing to meet the criteria despite his high combat scores was eye-oping.

"The hell? I didn't ev make it?" he muttered. The academy's standards were no joke. Ev with near-perfect combat scores, he would've be rejected if not for Valerius' intervtion.

'Didn't I write a very detailed report? Fuck the instructors! Maybe he had fight with his wife before correcting the report - bad luck…'

The amount of confidce he had in himself was shocking!

Nevertheless, the academy was indeed harsh. Levi could only imagine how many others had be cut off without powerful backing.

He realized that Strgth wasn't ough here. You had to be well-ed—both physically and academically.

He glanced at the notification again.

"Scholarship awarded by Valerius Strom."

Levi smirked. It wasn't merit that got him in, but Valerius' influce. That didn't bother him much. If Valerius believed in him ough to pull strings, it meant something. Connections were also considered a part of abilities after all.

Finally, the last message caught his eye: "Introductory Ceremony scheduled at 6:00 PM."

"Already?" Levi groaned.

"No rest at all a here?" He'd just finished the assessmts, and now he had to prepare for the ceremony. He was still processing everything—being rejected, yet accepted.

With no choice, Levi made his way through the academy's maze-like corridors. His thoughts drifted back to the tests. The fights were easy— thanks to the fact that he had a core, unlike most humans, and ough combat experice to take down other studts effortlessly.

But the theory exams… those were the real challge. The academy valued knowledge as much as power. That was something he'd need to work on if he wanted to thrive here.

But one thing was clear—the real journey was just beginning.


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