End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 126: Preparations Before the Portal Opens

The response from the class change goddess, Janna, only deepened the look of despondency on Jeremy's face.

"Am I truly powerless to save my friends? Must I stand idly by as they are harmed? What good is my strength if I cannot protect them?"

He murmured to himself, his voice tinged with despair.

Janna gazed at Jeremy with eyes full of sympathy.

After a moment, it seemed that the class change goddess, Janna, had come to a decision. She directly inquired of Jeremy.

"Are you determined to return to the real world, no matter the cost?"

At this, Jeremy raised his head and looked at the class change goddess, Janna.

Without a trace of hesitation, he met her gaze with unwavering resolve and replied, "Yes."

"Do you truly understand the price you will have to pay? If I indeed assist you in opening the portal to the real world, you will very likely have to confront the Sun directly."

Janna's tone had grown much more serious than before.

She wanted Jeremy to grasp the immense risks involved in taking action now.

"I am fully aware of what it means to face the 'Sun.' I can even make a pledge to you here and now: I will exert every ounce of my strength to combat the deity known as the Sun."

Jeremy's resolute answer left the class change goddess, Janna, thoroughly satisfied.

With a sweeping gesture, Janna summoned an emerald-green staff from the void.

In a voice that resonated with both emptiness and sanctity, she declared, "Very well, then. Return and make your preparations. I will open the portal to the real world immediately."

The class change goddess, Janna, had resolved to embark on this perilous adventure alongside Jeremy.

The reason lay in the radiant spark of humanity she discerned within him.

Although Janna was a deity, she stood apart from her divine counterparts in her profound appreciation for the gamut of human emotions—joy, anger, sorrow, and elation.

When Jeremy had declared, with unwavering resolve, that he would return to aid his friends even if it meant confronting an overwhelmingly powerful deity, the class change goddess, Janna, made up her mind to join him on his quest.

Jeremy nodded firmly, "Thank you very much for your assistance. I will inform the others to make the necessary preparations."

Though Janna possessed the ability to open the portal to the real world, it would require a certain amount of time to set everything in motion.

Jeremy could utilize this interim to meticulously plan and prepare for the impending battle.

When Jeremy returned to the cave where the members of the caravan were gathered, they hurriedly surrounded him.

"Where on earth have you been? Why did it take you so long to come back?" Bonnie and Nina asked simultaneously, their voices tinged with anxiety.

Jeremy shook his head, "I have something more important to discuss with all of you."

Without further ado, he retrieved the precious weapons he had acquired from the instance from his storage space. One by one, he distributed these valuable armaments to the members of the caravan.

This action caused a wave of panic to ripple through the group.

"Are you planning to abandon us? You brought us here, and now you intend to distribute these weapons and leave on your own?"

Heber seemed to have grasped Jeremy's intention and questioned him urgently.

"I do need to act alone, but this is not an abandonment. It is to ensure your safety."

Jeremy's tone was resolute as he spoke.

Caught between confusion and concern, Heber and Master Bard were uncharacteristically silent, awaiting further explanation from Jeremy.

"You should know that I am not from this world. In my world, my friends are facing immense danger. I must return as quickly as possible to help them." he continued with unwavering determination.

Jeremy briefly described his predicament.

And the caravan members listened with patient attention.

"In order to return to my world, I must open a portal. However, the moment the portal is activated, the Sun will become aware of its existence."

At the mention of the Sun, Heber and Master Bard's expressions changed dramatically.

Finally grasping why Jeremy had distributed his rare weapons to others.

"Didn't you tell us before that you have other deities supporting you? Can the deity behind you defeat the Sun?"

Master Bard asked urgently, his voice tinged with hope.

Jeremy shook his head.

A gesture that left Master Bard and Heber visibly disappointed.

An awkward silence enveloped the group.

After what felt like an eternity, Heber finally spoke, his voice measured and thoughtful. "In truth, we cannot place all the blame for our current troubles on Jeremy. If it weren't for him, we would have been killed in Dawn City.

Since Jeremy intends to return to his world to help his friends, we should naturally support his decision. To avoid causing him any further trouble, let's take these rare weapons and move to another location."

As the leader of the caravan, Heber's words carried significant weight, and his decision was met with silent agreement.

At that moment, Jeremy's gaze towards Heber was filled with gratitude, fully aware of the difficulty behind Heber's decision.

With Heber's agreement to Jeremy's plan, the members of Heber's caravan began familiarizing themselves with the rare weapons that Jeremy had distributed to them.

"Others may indeed leave, but I must accompany you!"

Bonnie stood up abruptly and walked swiftly to Jeremy's side.

"After all, I also need to return to the real world. Only by doing so can you explain yourself to my father."

Bonnie's reasoning was irrefutable.

However, Jeremy had no intention of allowing Bonnie to join him.

The forthcoming actions were far too perilous, and Jeremy couldn't guarantee his own survival in the impending battle against the Sun.

"My dear class president, this is not the time for childish tantrums. Once the portal is opened, a deity-like entity will take notice of us. Do you really think I can protect you as I did before when facing the Sun?"

Bonnie's expression remained resolute in the face of Jeremy's query.

"I don't need your protection, I can ensure my own safety and even assist you in the battle."

Her words left Jeremy both amused and exasperated.

"Do you really believe I am unaware of your true capabilities? Your ice spells are utterly ineffective against the Sun.

Moreover, do you think I could ignore your safety during the battle? The moment you appear on the battlefield, I would be obligated to consider your well-being!"

The voices of Jeremy and Bonnie grew louder and louder.

Escalating into a full-blown argument. Though the members of the caravan could hear their heated exchange, none of them turned to look.

Jeremy, noticing Bonnie's reddened eyes, realized that he had raised his voice excessively.

Gently pulling her into an embrace, he whispered, "To ensure your safety, you must stay with the rest of the caravan.

If I am fortunate enough to return to the real world, I will find a way to bring you back as well. Moreover, I need you to help take care of someone else."

Upon hearing the first part of Jeremy's words, Bonnie felt a sense of gratitude.

Despite their previously strained relationship, the recent events had brought them closer, fostering a mutual understanding.

However, Jeremy's mention of Nina in the latter part of his statement was something Bonnie found hard to accept.

Breaking free from Jeremy's embrace.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and retorted, "You don't need to remind me of my responsibilities. It's not just you who promised Nina's mother to take care of her, I made that same promise."

With that, Bonnie grabbed a couple of rare weapons and walked towards Nina.

A moment later, Nina approached Jeremy.

Her voice timid as she asked, "Are you really going to fight a deity? My father always said that those who oppose a deity meet a terrible fate. I don't want you to come to a bad end."

Tears streamed down Nina's face as she spoke.

Her worldview equating defiance against a deity with certain doom. She couldn't bear the thought of Jeremy leaving her forever.

Jeremy, with patience and reassurance, responded, "The people of your world may find opposing a deity to be a death sentence, but remember, I am not from your world.

As someone from another world, I have a fighting chance against your deities. It is only when I face the deities of my own world that I might be courting disaster."

Nina's worries were alleviated by Jeremy's confident words.

After Nina had departed, Jeremy spoke to himself in a low, contemplative tone.

"Whether in an instance or in the real world, I am confident I can defeat a deity. Even the planners of the apocalypse game won't best me in their own game!"

His gaze was steely and resolute as he stared at the streaks of blue and purple lightning striking down in the distance.

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