End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 125: The Immediate Departure from the Land of Eternal Night

The fact that Ritchie managed to escape from the miniature prison was indeed beyond Kean's expectations.

"I must admit, I underestimated your abilities. I'm extremely curious—how exactly did you manage to break free from the miniature prison?" Kean inquired, refraining from launching an immediate attack on Ritchie.

To Kean, understanding the method of his adversary's escape was of paramount importance.

Ritchie, of course, had no intention of revealing his escape strategy.

"If you wish to know the answer, why don't you find out for yourself? Lock yourself in there and then figure out how to get out." Ritchie retorted with a defiant edge in his voice.

Without another word, Ritchie launched an unhesitant attack on Kean.

Ritchie commanded the shadows around him to morph into grotesque and terrifying creatures. These twisted monstrosities, though lacking physical form, posed a significant threat to any corporeal beings they encountered.

Despite the encroaching shadows, Kean's expression remained remarkably calm.

As if he were well-accustomed to such attacks.

With a simple snap of his fingers, Kean summoned a series of blinding lights that surrounded him. The intense illumination instantly dispelled the shadows closest to him, rendering them formless. "Controlling shadows is indeed a remarkable talent, but you have utterly failed to utilize it to its full potential.

You have no idea how to optimize this ability for maximum combat effectiveness." Kean remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of condescension.

Ritchie's assault was effortlessly neutralized by Kean.

Who seemed to possess an intricate understanding of shadow manipulation, much to Ritchie's chagrin.

This newfound knowledge of Kean's only served to fuel Ritchie's indignation.

"Is shadow manipulation your talent as well? If that were the case, you'd have already demonstrated your mastery. You're merely boasting!" Ritchie retorted defiantly.

Without hesitation, Ritchie gathered all the surviving shadows into a singular.

Colossal shadow beast that now loomed between him and Kean. Unlike the previous shadow creatures, this one appeared to possess a tangible form.

Seizing the moment, Ritchie concealed himself within a nearby shadow.

Confident that his newly summoned entity would inflict severe damage on Kean. Even if it couldn't defeat him outright, Ritchie believed it would be enough to force Kean to flee from the Flip-Flop Community.

However, what astonished Ritchie was that Kean merely watched the approaching colossal shadow beast with a calm, almost amused smile.

As the shadow creature raised its claw to strike Kean, a casual wave of Kean's hand rendered the monstrous entity into nothingness, dissipating it into thin air.

"I've already told you, your abilities are incapable of harming me in the slightest. You refused to believe it, so allow me to demonstrate my true strength." Kean declared, his voice carrying a tone of finality.

He had deemed it unnecessary to waste any more time with Ritchie.

From the beginning, Kean had the power to utterly defeat him, his prior actions had merely been a means to gauge Ritchie's ultimate capabilities.

Surprisingly, Ritchie did not appear disheartened by the failure of his attack.

He believed that, at the very least, he could still ensure his own safety. Having concealed himself within the shadows, Ritchie felt confident that Kean couldn't possibly extract him from his hiding place within the darkness.

But as Ritchie basked in his false sense of security, Kean swiftly merged his own form into the surrounding shadows.

The realization that Kean could also harness the power of shadows sent a wave of panic through Ritchie.

Before Ritchie could even react, he found his shadow ensnared by others within the darkness.

Kean's voice echoed ominously in Ritchie's ear.

"Now, let me show you what true shadow combat looks like."

No sooner had the words left Kean's mouth than Ritchie was forcibly yanked from his shadowy refuge. To his horror, Ritchie discovered that his own shadow had vanished.

For someone like Ritchie, a master of shadow manipulation, the disappearance of his shadow signified an impending dire situation. Without his shadow, the very cornerstone of his abilities was stripped away, leaving him vulnerable and exposed to whatever fate Kean had in store for him.

Ritchie frantically scanned his surroundings, desperately searching for his shadow.

It didn't take long for him to locate it, but the sight was far from comforting. His shadow was entangled, ensnared by a myriad of other shadows.

In the very instant he spotted it, his own shadow was suddenly pulled apart by the surrounding darkness.

With a sense of helpless dread, Ritchie watched as his shadow was gradually torn asunder, and to his horror, his physical body began to mirror this disintegration.

"Behold, this is what true shadow combat entails." Kean declared, his voice imbued with an air of superiority.

"A person's shadow is intrinsically linked to their physical form. To tear apart one's shadow is to rend their very body. Did it never occur to you to exploit this connection in battle? It seems your talent is woefully underdeveloped."

Kean observed Ritchie's body being methodically shredded with a smile of cold satisfaction.

Ritchie attempted to scream in agony, but it was futile, his vocal cords had already been torn apart. Observing this gruesome spectacle, Emma and Claire were overcome with panic.

Their fear was twofold: concern for Ritchie's suffering and the terrifying realization that Kean could easily use the same horrific method on them.

Claire, a professional psychologist, struggled to maintain her composure in the face of such a harrowing scene.

Fighting back her terror, she activated her communicator, transmitting a detailed account of the situation to Jeremy. Though uncertain if Jeremy would receive her desperate message.

Claire felt he was their only hope for salvation.

At that moment in the Land of Eternal Night, Jeremy was relentlessly hunting the creatures lurking in the darkness. With each kill, he amassed a significant number of energy crystals.

He meticulously stored these crystals, intending to deliver them to the class change goddess, Janna, once he had accumulated a sufficient quantity.

Just as he finished off a particularly formidable monster and was about to take a breather, a series of shocking images flooded his mind.

"Ritchie… torn apart by shadows?! Emma and Claire… captured by Kean?!"

Jeremy quickly grasped that these visions were indeed unfolding in the real world.

Claire's desperate gambit had succeeded. Given that Jeremy was in a region beyond the sun's reach, the usual solar interference on the communicator was nullified.

Realizing that his friends were in imminent danger due to Kean's actions, Jeremy was consumed by fury.

He slammed his weapon into the ground with a forceful thud.

"Kean will pay dearly for this! I have to return to the real world immediately!"

Deciding against gathering any more energy crystals.

Jeremy knew that any delay could result in his friends suffering a torturous fate at Kean's hands.

Without hesitation, Jeremy opted to use his Substitute Puppet to reach the location of the class change goddess, Janna.

Her surprise at Jeremy's sudden appearance was palpable.

"Have you already gathered enough energy crystals?" she inquired.

Jeremy's voice was laced with urgency as he responded, "It's no longer about the energy crystals! My friends are in grave danger in the real world, and I must return immediately to aid them."

His tone conveyed the depth of his anxiety and determination.

The class change goddess Janna shook her head after hearing his words. "The risks involved are exceedingly high, and this significantly deviates from our original plan."

"Forget the plan." Jeremy retorted with palpable urgency. "When my friends' lives are in imminent danger, why should we bother with plans? I demand that you transport me back to the real world immediately! This is something you promised."

Janna found herself momentarily at a loss for words.

She could sense that Jeremy was beyond reason and would not entertain any further suggestions. After a brief moment of hesitation, she finally spoke. "If you truly intend to proceed, it is feasible, but you must understand that it comes with a significant cost."

"Whatever the cost, I am willing to pay it, as long as it gets me back to the real world as quickly as possible." Jeremy declared, his resolve unwavering.

No matter the price, he was determined to return and save his friends.

Janna nodded slowly. "The price you must pay is that during the teleportation process, the Sun will be able to pinpoint your location. You should be aware that the Sun can manifest directly at your position."

Jeremy's face displayed a flicker of hesitation.

If the Sun could indeed lock onto him during the teleportation, it could potentially interrupt the process.

"Did your current strength suffice to contend with the 'Sun'? If you could manage to contend with him, our actions wouldn't have been too dangerous."

Jeremy believed that Janna's powers had likely recovered to a substantial degree.

Making her capable of facing the Sun in battle.

However, Janna shook her head slowly. "My condition is not as optimal as you might think. My strength has not yet fully returned to its peak. In an encounter with the Sun, I can only manage to protect myself."

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