End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 117: Following the Sun's Eternal Light

At the pinnacle of the grand tower situated in the heart of Nocturne City's administrative district. Four elders, clad in pure white holy robes, were gathered around the radiant sun at the center of the room, engaged in solemn prayer.

These four venerable figures wielded the highest authority within Nocturne City.

They were the servants of the Sun, devoted to following the eternal light for life.

During their prayers, one of the elders seemed to hear the shining sun whispering some information to him. Focusing his mind, he faintly discerned a message.

"The enemy of the deity is concealed within Nocturne City, find him swiftly!"

The elder who received the sun's revelation displayed a mix of joy and concern on his face.

The joy stemmed from finally receiving the sun's enlightenment.

Signifying that he was the most favored and closest to the sun among the saints.

However, the mention of the deity's enemy.

Within Nocturne City caused him some anxiety.

He slowly rose from the ground and, in a trembling yet resolute voice, declared, "The great Sun has granted me a revelation. He has commanded me to seek out the enemy of the deity hidden within Nocturne City."

The other three elders, upon hearing this, also stood up.

Their faces, however, were etched with confusion, as they too were among the closest to the sun. Why had they not received any revelation?

"Did you truly receive the sun's revelation?" one questioned.

"Do you believe I would lie about such a matter?" the other retorted.

Their exchange was brief but laden with significance.

After a moment of shared contemplation, the four elders decided to deploy their most formidable asset—the Eternal Light, followers of the Sun.

The elder who had received the revelation spoke slowly.

"As of now, I am the only one who has been enlightened. However, it is possible that you too will receive the sun's revelation in due course. Regardless, I must promptly dispatch the Eternal Light to investigate the deity's enemy."

The other three elders did not voice any objections.

They watched the enlightened elder depart before returning to kneel before the radiant sun at the center of the room, resuming their prayers.

Descending the grand staircase of the tower, the enlightened elder eventually arrived in a lavishly decorated palace.

Here, numerous Sun Knights and priests devoted to the Sun were diligently managing the myriad affairs of Nocturne City and its surrounding regions.

The elder's presence commanded immediate reverence from everyone in attendance.

Surveying the room with a deliberate gaze, he slowly inquired, "Is Captain Yorick present?"

Yorick was one of the most formidable Sun Knights and also the captain of the Eternal Light division in Nocturne City.

In theory, any unforeseen incidents in Nocturne City required Captain Yorick's intervention. However, Yorick often ventured into the surrounding areas to combat beasts that were enemies of the sun.

Everyone in the palace remained silent, unsure of Yorick's whereabouts.

After a moment, a young Sun Priest slowly stood and said.

"Your Holiness, Captain Yorick has gone outside the city to confront the Shadow Dragon. For reasons unknown, the Shadow Dragon suddenly appeared on the outskirts of Nocturne City.

To prevent it from threatening the city, Captain Yorick had to temporarily drive it away. Other matters will have to wait."

The elder nodded.

"I understand. Since Yorick is not here, my orders will be executed by Vice-Captain Betak."

Upon hearing his name, a tall Sun Knight leaped from a nearby staircase. He was Vice-Captain Betak.

"Your Holiness, what are your orders? I will carry them out immediately! Although Captain Yorick is absent, I believe I can accomplish whatever task you assign me."

Betak had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

He always believed that, whether in combat skills or devotion to the sun, he was not inferior to Yorick. Yet, he had never had the chance to become the captain of the Eternal Light division.

The elder's expression remained unchanged.

"The great sun has revealed a prophecy. It has told me that the enemy of the deity is within Nocturne City. You must mobilize all of the Eternal Light to find the deity's enemy as quickly as possible."

After issuing the directive, the elder turned and ascended the staircase, slowly making his way to the top of the tower.

Vice-Captain Betak watched the elder leave.

Once the elder was out of sight, Betak turned around and said in a stern tone, "All Sun Knights must follow my orders!

To find the deity's enemy, not only must the Eternal Light be mobilized, but the Sun Knights division must also be deployed! The Sun Knights will be responsible for scrutinizing all suspicious individuals who have recently entered Nocturne City.

The Eternal Light will be tasked with covertly gathering crucial intelligence. As soon as any information about the deity's enemy is discovered, report it to me immediately. If anyone makes a mistake during the mission, I will ensure they pay the price!"

Everyone could tell that Vice-Captain Betak was determined to complete this mission at all costs.

Moreover, even without Vice-Captain Betak's command, as devout followers of the sun, both the Sun Knights and Eternal Light would spare no effort in searching for the deity's enemy.

Upon receiving Betak's orders, the Sun Knights immediately sealed all the gates of Nocturne City. They also commanded the merchants within the city to report to the Sun Knights' headquarters and divulge all their information.

Meanwhile, the Eternal Light began employing divination techniques to locate the deity's enemy. Their operations were much swifter than those of the Sun Knights, and they quickly pinpointed the general vicinity of the enemy.

One particularly high-ranking member of the Eternal Light determined through divination that the enemy was near the commercial district.

Consequently, the majority of the Eternal Light converged around that area.

The Sun Knights applied overt pressure on the deity's enemy, while the Eternal Light waited in the shadows for the opportune moment to eliminate them.

The sudden upheaval in Nocturne City astonished everyone, particularly those in the commercial district.

The merchants, who typically resided there, were the most anxious.

After completing their trades in Nocturne City, they needed to move on to other places.

Any delay in the city meant unforeseen losses for them.

Jeremy learned of the Sun Knights' lockdown on Nocturne City's gates that afternoon.

Though slightly concerned, he was not surprised.

As the class-change goddess Janna had already warned him beforehand.

In stark contrast, Heber was visibly furious.

Heber continuously complained to Jeremy: "These damned Sun Knights are at it again with their pointless endeavors.

They've sealed the city gates—how are we supposed to leave?

As a merchant, am I supposed to stay in Nocturne City indefinitely? Being stuck here, I can't expand my business channels at all!"

Jeremy had little to say in response to Heber's grievances. He simply continued with his transactions with the gemstone merchants.

However, during the course of these dealings, he noticed that the gemstone merchants had also become quite frantic.

The gemstone merchant Jeremy was most familiar with and trusted implicitly was, of course, Jack. During their transaction, Jack disclosed some crucial information to Jeremy.

"Nocturne City is certainly facing a major crisis. The sealing of the city gates by the Sun Knights is merely the surface of the matter. I've also learned that even the Eternal Light, who usually remain in the high tower, have secretly mobilized."

Jeremy had no prior knowledge of the Eternal Light.

So upon hearing the mention of their name, he hastily inquired.

"What is the Eternal Light? Are they, like the Sun Knights, followers of the sun?"

Jack smiled at Jeremy's question.

"The Eternal Light is far more formidable than you might think. Indeed, they are, as you said, followers of the sun, much like the Sun Knights.

However, while the Sun Knights receive only a portion of the sun's power, making them proficient in combat but lacking in administrative skills.

The Eternal Light is endowed with not only combat strength but also the ability to divine and manage Nocturne City."

Jack's explanation deepened Jeremy's understanding of Nocturne City.

The outermost guards of the city were ordinary people with limited combat capabilities, and they might not even be followers of the sun.

The core military strength of Nocturne City lay with the Sun Knights, who, despite their devotion to the sun, only received a fraction of its power.

The city's administrators were all members of the Eternal Light, comprising both warriors and priests.

They were responsible not only for governing Nocturne City but also for conveying the sun's revelations directly.

The four most powerful members of the Eternal Light were the supreme leaders of Nocturne City. Only these four had the authority to mobilize all the Sun Knights and seal the city's gates.

With this newfound understanding, Jeremy became increasingly concerned about his situation.

"It seems the sun truly intends to target me. The fact that it has issued an oracle directly to the Eternal Light is alarming! I must proceed with even greater caution from now on."

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