End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 116: The Sun's Attention

Having concluded his transactions with Hector and Mann, Jeremy finally returned to his hotel accommodations.

It was there that he completed yet another deal, this time with Jack, the first gemstone trader he had encountered in Nocturne City.

Jack was thoroughly satisfied with the gemstones Jeremy provided. Much like Hector, Jack was slightly taken aback by Jeremy's need for energy crystals.

However, Jack did not pursue the matter any further, as he deemed it irrelevant to his own concerns.

"You are indeed an excellent trading partner. I should be able to bring more energy crystals in about two days.

The remaining gemstones you have should be sufficient for the exchange, right?"

Jack, being a well-connected gemstone trader, was naturally privy to a wealth of information.

Despite Hector and Mann's efforts to maintain a level of confidentiality, Jack had still caught wind of their ongoing transactions with Jeremy.

Jack needed to confirm whether Jeremy's remaining gemstones would be enough to trade for all the energy crystals he intended to acquire.

Without hesitation, Jeremy responded.

"You can rest assured! I have an abundant supply of gemstones. No matter how many energy crystals you find, I will be able to trade for all of them."

"That's great! It has been a pleasure doing business with you!"

With their transaction completed, Jack chose to depart immediately.

After all, as a gemstone trader, he had numerous other matters to attend to.

Moreover, acquiring a sufficient quantity of energy crystals in a short period was no easy task.

Once Jeremy had amassed enough energy crystals, he returned to his room.

First, he sealed off the entire room to ensure he would not be disturbed by anyone.

Then, he opened a portal that led directly to the location of the Class Change Goddess, Janna.

In the seemingly endless darkness, the Class Change Goddess Janna stared absentmindedly at the glowing points of light above her.

Although her condition had improved somewhat after obtaining a certain amount of energy crystals, she was still trapped in the prison prepared for her by the Fool.

At that very moment, a burst of white light suddenly appeared not far from the Class Change Goddess Janna.

Emerging from the radiant glow was Jeremy.

"I've brought you an abundant supply of energy crystals this time, they should significantly restore your strength."

Jeremy declared with a confident smile. After speaking, he promptly retrieved all the energy crystals from his storage space and tossed them out in one go. The numerous energy crystals immediately surrounded the Class Change Goddess Janna.

"Are you planning to build another cage for me with these energy crystals? The prison crafted by the Fool is already secure enough!" Janna said, her tone tinged with a trace of anger.

Jeremy, however, remained unfazed, fully aware that Janna had no choice but to cooperate with him. "My intentions are quite simple. I hope you can break free from the Fool's prison as soon as possible. So, I specifically created a new cage with energy crystals. Perhaps, in the process of breaking this cage, you might find a way to escape the Fool's imprisonment."

He explained, still smiling.

Janna rolled her eyes at Jeremy.

But chose not to waste any more time. She began absorbing the energy from the crystals into her body.

As each energy crystal transformed into pure energy and entered Janna's being.

Her condition visibly improved.

The countless small wounds that had marred her body began to heal, and the halo signifying her deity status gradually reappeared around her.

Jeremy observed the transformation closely, trying to gauge the extent of Janna's recovery.

While watching her absorb the energy crystals, Jeremy noticed with the corner of his eye that the crystals, when piled together, emitted not only a radiant glow but also a faint, elusive mist.

Drawn by curiosity, Jeremy approached the heap of energy crystals.

He extended his hand through the ethereal mist, which seemed to be attracted to him, encircling his hand.

As Jeremy's eyes fixed on the mist swirling around his hand, he felt as though he suddenly gained knowledge he had never possessed before.

The knowledge seemed to flood into Jeremy's mind all at once.

"It appears that acquiring such a vast amount of energy crystals has granted you some degree of Divine Consciousness."

The voice of the Class Change Goddess Janna echoed from a short distance away.

"Such a large quantity of energy crystals is enough to trigger a transformation in the soul's power. Even though you haven't absorbed these crystals to enhance your own strength, you have still been influenced by their essence." she continued.

From Jeremy's perspective, Janna seemed to have fully regained her optimal state.

Her tone was noticeably more relaxed and confident than before.

"You've already stepped one foot into the domain of divinity. If you continue to refine your skills and levels, you might soon become a deity, just like me."

The words of the Class Change Goddess Janna left Jeremy not only slightly astonished but also even more exhilarated.

The prospect of becoming a deity meant that Jeremy could potentially vanquish both the "Sun" within the instance and the ever-scheming "Fool" and "The Hanged Man."

The Class Change Goddess Janna seemed to have discerned Jeremy's thoughts.

With a faint, knowing smile gracing her lips, she spoke.

"It is somewhat premature for you to be contemplating such matters. Although you have indeed acquired a measure of Divine Consciousness, it is still insufficient to elevate you to the status of a true deity.

Even if you were to ascend to true godhood, vanquishing those legendary deities would still demand an immense amount of effort. What you need to focus on now is finding a way to extricate yourself from the current crisis you face."

Jeremy quickly regained his composure.

In his view, shouldn't the responsibility of overcoming such crises fall on the one with the power to act?

"I cannot leave the instance. Given that your state appears to be nearly restored, is it possible for you to help my companions and me escape the instance?" he inquired.

Janna shook her head slightly.

"Although my condition seems optimal, my actual power is still significantly diminished. I need more energy crystals to amass enough strength to facilitate your escape from the instance."

Jeremy felt a twinge of disappointment.

But quickly rallied his spirits. After all, he had never expected that the energy crystals he provided this time would be sufficient for Janna to aid in their escape.

"In that case, I'll return to Nocturne City immediately. I'll bring you more energy crystals in three days." he resolved.

Having said that, Jeremy prepared to leave immediately.

However, the Class Change Goddess Janna quickly stopped him.

"I haven't finished speaking yet. The crisis you're facing isn't merely about escaping the instance. The final boss within the instance, the 'Sun,' has already taken notice of you."

Janna's words left Jeremy somewhat astonished.

"How is that possible? Since entering Nocturne City, I've never encountered the Sun or his minions. The only individuals I've seen are gemstone merchants."

"But that doesn't mean the Sun hasn't detected you. The energy crystals you've been collecting contain traces of the Sun's power."

Janna explained. She casually picked up one of the energy crystals.

And let it float in front of Jeremy.

Upon closer inspection, Jeremy finally noticed the solar radiance flickering within the crystal.

"So, what do you suggest I do now?" Jeremy asked.

"You need to hide yourself, at least for the short term. Don't allow the Sun or his minions to find you. As long as you can bring me more energy crystals, my strength should recover quickly." Janna advised, waving her hand dismissively.

"I've said all I needed to. The rest is up to you."

Jeremy nodded and promptly returned to Nocturne City.

Back in his room, he collapsed onto his bed, furrowing his brows as he pondered his next steps.

"If I am to hide myself, then how can I conduct transactions with those gemstone merchants? Without obtaining energy crystals, the Class Change Goddess Janna won't be able to help me escape the instance.

Yet, if I engage in these transactions, it will inevitably draw the attention of the Sun and his minions. This is a classic catch-22! There seems to be no perfect solution."

Jeremy mused for a while before abandoning his thoughts altogether.

Since there was no ideal resolution, it was clear he would have to take it one step at a time.

Even if the Sun and his minions had already noticed him, Jeremy felt confident that his current strength would allow him to put up a formidable fight.

"I won't be easily defeated, no matter what!

Even if the Sun himself descends upon Nocturne City, I can still use my skills to outmaneuver him. My priority should be to gather as many energy crystals as quickly as possible." he resolved.

With this final decision, Jeremy stepped out of his room.

He sought out Heber once more, no longer content with dealing with just three gemstone merchants. He hoped Heber could help him find more gemstone merchants.

As this would be the fastest way to amass enough energy crystals to restore the Class Change Goddess Janna to her full strength.

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