Eldritch Guidance

Chapter 6: The end of old grief and beginning of new

The night before at Graheel police headquarters.

Despite being almost midnight, it was still hectic inside the headquarters.

There were people walking around carrying giant folders of paperwork. Rows of police sat at desks, writing a series of never ending reports. Officers were constantly entering and leaving the building, sometimes with people in handcuffs.

Graheel was a city that was just as active during the night as it was the day. A reality that was reflected in the local police department. If the city was to never sleep, so too would the cops.

In one corner of this large building was an officer, waiting impatiently at his desk. This officer was dressed differently from the others. He wore a long trench coat and a fedora to hide his receding hairline. If one was to take off this person's coat, they would find suspenders and a holster for a firearm underneath.

This man was named Joe, and he was a detective in an investigation unit. Currently, he was waiting for his partner Mike to get done talking with the police chief, while he sat here and thought of the recent happenings.

Joe couldn't believe it. After all this time and effort, the man he was chasing for years just turned himself in. He was so shocked he didn’t believe it at the time. He had to get Mike to say it to his face a few times before it sunk in. Joe had been working for so long to find this guy, and just like that, all his work was subverted. If Joe was more invested in advancing his career, he might've been more pissed at the wasted effort, but for him this was personal.

He wanted to be the one to bring down Rob Anvil. It was his vendetta against him. He was not so brazen as to want to take the law into his own hands, but wanted at least some involvement in Rob's arrest and sentencing. A sort of revenge against Rob for the people he had murdered. That was why he was waiting at his desk.

Joe and his partner were about to be taken off the case, and his partner was talking to the police chief to allow them to stay on. When Rob turned himself in, the chief decided to move the case to another unit.

Joe knew it was done out of pettiness. Joe's relationship with the police chief goes back and forth between good and bad, and right now it was bad. So Mike decided that it would be better if he talked to the chief while Joe waited outside.

Joe just sat at his desk, playing with his pen for five minutes when the door to the chief's office flung open and Mike walked out.

Mike was a little younger than Joe and also dressed the same, but didn’t wear a fedora. Mike was Joe's partner in crime and someone he trusted and knew very well. So, he could tell just by Mike’s expression that it didn’t go well.

Joe: “It didn’t go well, did it?”

Mike just let out a deep and long sigh.

Mike: “I got good news and bad news.”

Joe: “Start with the good.”

Mike: “The good news is that the chief will let us be the one to finish the case.”

Joe: “W-wha, t-that's great. So why ya coming to me with a long face.”

Mike: “The bad news. We’re to bring on a new hire.”

Joe: “Oh C’mon Mikey. You know I don't need anybody else but you on my team. Anybody else would just slow us down, especially if it's a green horn.”

Mike: “It was either that, or he would pass the case onto someone else.”

Joe grumbled.

Joe: “When the fuck did Murdock become such a prick.”

Mike: “It's probably because you grilled those Gilded Sun students last week.”

Joe: “When the fuck did we start giving preferential treatment to students.”

Mike: “Those students were from a noble family.”

Joe: “Oh, ok. So we're the bitch of the nobility, got’cha.”

Mike: “Come on man, you really pissed off the chief this time. I heard he got really chewed out by some higher up after that incident.”

Joe: “My point still stands.”

Mike: “Whatever, so we taking on the green horn or not?”

Joe: “Do we have to?”

Mike: “If you wanna get to Rob.”

Joe mumbled a bunch of profanities under his breath.

Joe: “Fine. Go tell the chief that we will take on someone.”

Mike: “Already said we would.”

Joe: “Huh. Didn't feel the need to run that by me first?”

Mike: “No, cause it's fucking Rob. You do anything to bring that bastard down.”

Joe: “Sigh. you know me too well. Fine, let's get some info out of Rob, before I have to think about training some snot nose kid. He still in holding, right?”

Mike; “You wanna interrogate Rob right now?”

Joe: “Damn right I do.”

Mike: “Ok.” He said with a sigh.

Joe picked himself up and he and Mike walked through the police station past a bunch of other police officers. They were making their way out of the office area towards the holding section of the department.

On the outside of the headquarters it looked to be just one large building, but it was actually three buildings each with their own facilities. Over the years the police had expanded into the neighboring buildings and repurposed them for their own use, connecting them through skyways and underground paths. Currently both men were walking through one of those skyways towards their destination.

The holding area of the department contained many holding cells and interrogation rooms. It was where most of the people arrested in Garheel were held until they could be moved to a more secure prison, or if no one could pay their bail. It was where Rob Anvil was currently being kept.

They eventually arrived at the reception of the holding area. There was only one other person in the room when they arrived. It was Betty Parker, another officer in her blue and black uniform typing away on a computer at the reception desk. She was another fellow colleague that Joe would regularly have interactions with and were on friendly terms with.

Joe walked up to the front desk and slammed his hand down to get Betty's attention. The receptionist calmly looked up from her computer towards Joe with her green eyes.

Betty: “Nice to see you too Joe. So, what can I do for you?”

Joe: “I need an interrogation room with Rob Anvil in it.”

Betty: “No can do. Remember what I said last time. I was specifically told not to let you anywhere near Rob.”

Joe had tried to interrogate Rob yesterday, but Betty had said the same thing as she was saying now. It was then that Joe had learned that the Chief was attempting to take him off the case. He'd tried to sweet talk Betty into letting him talk to Rob anyway then, but she didn’t budge.

Joe: “Well It’s different now. The chief put me back on the case, so ya can let me see Rob now.”

Betty: “Oh, really.” She said while raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms while leaning back into her chair.

Joe: “What, you don’t believe me.”

Betty: “Well, I feel like I would hear something from the higher up about that.”

Joe: “We just got done talking about it with him. You can go ask him yourself.”

Betty: “So you want me to walk all the way down to the chief's office, which is in another building, while you wait here. You, the famous Joe Striker who is known for breaking protocol all the time, will wait here patiently and not try to sneak in… Get the fuck out of here Joe.”

Joe: “But, it’s true.” He said defensively.

Betty: “Everyone knows you will say and do anything to get at Rob. You literally tried to guilt me into letting you see Rob yesterday, so the answer is still no.”

Mike: “Listen Betty, Joe is telling the truth. I just got done talking about it to the chief like fifteen minutes ago. He’s probably filling out the paperwork right now to get us back onto the case, which is why you haven’t heard anything yet.”

Betty: “For real?” She said surprised.

Joe: “Wait, you're gonna take Mikey seriously, but not me?”

Betty: “Yeah, because between the two of you, you're the bullshitter.” She said while pointing towards Joe.

Mike quickly elbowed into Joe’s side hard, signaling for him to be quiet.

Mike: “Listen. I know we’re technically supposed to wait for the chief to finish filling out the papers, but could you make an exception, please.”

Betty tapped her fingers on the desk while looking down at her computer. She was carefully considering what to do. Joe and Mike were both holding their breath, waiting for her response. After another minute went by, she picked up a phone at her desk and punched in a code before bringing it up to her ear.

Betty: “Hello, can you move Rob Anvil to room AA3. Hmm, he’s already being interrogated. Can you tell them that they've been taken off the case. Yes, you don’t need to move him. You can leave him there. Yup, it’s Joe that’s coming. Ok, thanks.” She said as she put the phone back onto the receptacle.

Mike: “Did I hear that right? Someone else is already Interrogating Rob.”

Betty: “Yeah. Lewis and his team I think were put on the case. So, when you meet them please keep Joe from fighting them.”

Joe: “C’mon, I'm not that bad.”

Mike: “Don’t worry, I'll keep him under control.”

Betty: “Good. He’s in room AA2.”

Betty pressed another button at her desk, and a thick mechanical door beside her desk swung open revealing an elevator. Both the men thanked Betty one last time and got onto the elevator. Once in, Mike pressed the button to the floor they needed to go to and the door slowly closed before them, leaving both men alone together.

A few seconds went by before Mike spoke up.

Mike: “So, what’s this about guilting Betty.” He said a little annoyed.

Joe: “Look, I tried complimenting her, but she still wouldn't budge. So I tried to recount all the victims of Rob to her, to get her angry at him. I guessed she thought I was guilt tripping her.”

Mike: “By the fucking light. Why would you do that?”

Joe: “She wasn't gonna let me see Rob; I thought if I got her mad at Rob she would let me beat the crap out of him.”

Mike: “Joe! Betty’s been a good friend to us and you tried to emotionally manipulate her.”

Joe: “Ok. You're making it sound a lot worse than it really was.”

Mike: “Am I?”

Joe grumbled.

Joe: “Maaaaybe you have a slight point.”

Mike: “What would Jeff say!” He yelled.

Joe: “Don’t you dare!” He yelled back.

They both glared at each other in anger and silence.

Jeff was a dear friend to them both. He was once on the same investigation unit as Joe, Mike, and Blake. Everyone called him the goody two shoes of the group. A kind and compassionate person. He would step in to be Joe’s moral compass from time to time, especially when he was being too aggressive. A role that Mike had to fill now.

The sources for Joe's obsession was due to their friends. Both Blake and Jeff were murdered by Rob.

Years ago they were investigating Rob and his gang, the Skull Crushers. A small-time gang that was slowly growing in influence on the south side of Graheel. Joe and his unit had been assigned to investigate them.

At some point, Rob and his gang had found out about this. The investigation itself wasn't even that far along when it was discovered. All Joe and his partners were doing was collecting accounts and rumors about the gang's activities. It was preliminary work to eventually find evidence and build a case against them in the future.

The Skull Crushers were ruthless and wouldn't stand for what Joe and his friends were doing.

One night, both Jeff and Blake had gone out drinking after work. The next day both men had disappeared. Joe and Mike spent the next three days desperately looking for their friends, until their bodies were found.

Blake and Jeff's bodies were discovered in some trash cans in an abandoned alley. There were countless stabbing wounds on their back and their skulls were crushed in. The damage was so severe that they would’ve been unidentifiable, if not for their badges.

The act of crushing someone's skull was something that Rob did to his victims, a calling card. It was a warning that was issued to Joe and the police, “not to mess with the Skull Crushers”.

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Anyone else would've been scared, but Joe was just mad at the time. Rather than dissuade Joe or Mike from investigating them, they had caused them to double their efforts. It was no longer about justice for Joe, this was vengeance.

Then just like that, Rob disappeared. The Skull Crusher gang without their leader was then forced to disperse. It all happened in less than six months after the death of Joe’s friends.

It was assumed around the police force that he was probably taken out by another rival gang, but Joe didn’t accept that narrative. He had a gut feeling that Rob was still out there, so he continued to compile information about him in hopes he would find him.

This vendetta has been going on for seven years now. In his mind he needed to get revenge for his friends, or he would never be forgiven. Anytime Blake and Jeff were mentioned, it would upset Joe. It was a reminder of him failing them.

Another minute went by with Joe and Mike glaring at each other, before Joe took a deep breath and finally calmed down a little.

Joe: “Look, I know you're right. And, you’ll have plenty of time to chastise me when this is over, but until then, can you hold back?”

Mike just sighed and nodded slightly.

Eventually their elevator stopped and the doors opened. Waiting outside the elevator was a thin skinny man with glasses wearing a white shirt and black tie with a brown folder in hand.

Joe: “Um, who are you?” He said as both Mike and him walked out of the elevator.

Steven: “My name is Steven. I'm part of Lewis’s team. I was sent to do some preliminary questioning of Rob Anvil, but it seems I've been taken off the case. Quicker than I expected”

Mike: “Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.”

Steven: “If you're going to do this back and forth fight with the Chief, don’t drag other people in.” He said as he pushed the folder into Mike's hands.

Mike: “This Is?”

Steven: “The few notes I took while talking to Rob, enjoy.” He said as walked by them into the elevator.

The Elevator door closes behind Mike and Joe, leaving them alone.

Joe: "Did Lewis take on new people? I've never seen that guy before."

Mike just shrugged.

They then made their way down a series of hallways and checkpoints. Standing outside of the hallway of their destination was another guard and colleague they were both familiar with. It was Greg.

He was an older, more portly individual that looked to be a few more years from retirement. Both Mike and Joe had countless interactions with him over the years and were friendly enough.

Greg: “Well, well. If it isn't Joe Striker.”

Mike: “Hey Greg.”

Greg: “Nice to see you too Mike. Rob's down there in Room AA2.” He said while pointing behind him. “If you need anything I'll be in the break room.”

Mike: “Got’cha.”

Greg: “Also, one more thing. How’d ya get the chief to let you back on this case?”

Joe: “I used my charms on him.” He said sarcastically. “Why do you care, Greg?”

Greg: “I just heard he was really pissed at you this time, so I'm kinda surprised he let you back on so quickly.”

Mike: “There were some concessions we had to make.”

Greg: “Ooh, do tell.”

Joe: “Don’t wanna.”

Mike: “We have to train a new investigator.” He said, cutting off Joe.

Joe: “Mikeyyy.” He said annoyed.

Greg: “Hahahahaha. Of course he would do that. That's so funny. Joe Striker and a newbie working together. Knowing the chief, he probably won’t even let you select who you're gonna get.”

Mike: “Yeah… It’s as you say”

Greg: “I don’t know if I feel more sorry for Joe, or the newbie. Anyways, I'll let you boys get to work.” He said as he patted Mike's shoulder and walked away.

Joe turned to Mike with a completely dumbfounded expression on his face.

Joe: “W-we don’t get to choose?”

Mike: “I wanna make it clear to you Joe. You really, and I mean really, pissed off chief Murdock this time.”

Joe: “Ugh…” He grunted as he rubbed his palm into his face.

Mike: “We’ll talk about this later. Let's interrogate Rob for now.”

Joe: “No wait. Let's get a good look at him from the viewing room first.”

Mike: “Why?”

Joe: “I'm trying to behave, so I gotta psyche myself up first, or I might punch him as soon as I see him. It will also give you some time to look through that pencil pusher’s notes.” He said while pointing to the brown folder in Mike's hand.

Mike: “Huh, ok. Sounds good.”

They both walked a little further down the hallway into the room beside AA2. The room was mostly empty except for a few chairs. It was dark. The only light was what shined in from a window looking into the room beside this one.

This was a viewing room. A room for people to discreetly examine a person who was being interrogated. The window was actually a one way mirror that could only be seen through on the side both Joe and Mike were on.

Mike grabbed a chair and began reading through the notes he received, while Joe approached the window. Looking through the window, Joe could see the man he had been hunting for years sitting there quietly.

In the past, Rob Anvil was a titan of a man with a hard stare. He once stood over six and a half feet tall (1.98 Meters) with rippling muscles from head to toe. The size and strength he's possessed bordered on the unnatural. People would believe he could crush a man's skull with his bare hands, just like the rumor said he did.

However, that was Rob Anvil of the past. The man that sat here now was a disheveled man of a former hardened criminal, who was once known as the leader of the Skull Crushers. While still tall, he did not exude the strength that he may have had in the past.

It had only been seven years since he had gone missing, yet he looked like he had aged fifty since then. His head had become mostly bald with a few strands of gray hair hanging from it. He had become skinny, losing all of his former imposing bulk. Rob’s skin sagged and looked like it was barely holding on to his body in places, and his eyes had sunken into his skull making him look closer to a skeleton than a human.

People who saw this man wouldn't recognize him as Rob Anvil, but Joe could still tell it was him. He still had his signature tattoo of an intricate crushed human skull that wrapped around his left arm.

His facial structure and other tattoos were still the same as it was in the past, and the constant scowl he wore on his face, while slightly softened, was still the same as Joe remembered.

Ten minutes had gone by since they entered this viewing room. Mike had finally finished reading the notes and walked up beside Joe, who was still staring at Rob through the window.

Mike: ”Shit. He looks awful. You think he was shooting up?”

Joe had seen the effect hard drugs had on people, and could only imagine what Rob must have been taking to look like this.

Joe: “Must be. Have you read anything interesting in those notes?”

Mike: “Not really. He didn’t get far before we showed up. Just some basic psych evaluation and whatever he talked to Rob about that’s not in these notes.”

Joe: “Anything of note about the psych evaluation.”

Mike: “Nothing on that one either. Only that this Steven guy suspected that Rob was hiding something.”

Joe: “Well that’s a given. Why even bother writing that down. ”

In the time that Joe had been working as an investigator, he had never interrogated a criminal that was completely honest with him. They would of course hold back information to either negotiate with, or cover their own asses so other criminals wouldn't go after them. This was an obvious fact amongst investigators that didn’t need to be said.

Mike: “Yeah. Must be a new hire. So, are you ready to go in yet?”

Joe: “Just give me one more minute.”

Joe was in the process of swallowing his anger.

While Joe came off as brash and a hot head to most people, he could be extremely calm and focused when he needed to. He was the leader of his unit and knew he couldn’t be careless with his decisions all the time. He needed to make sure what he did from now to the end of the interrogation was decisive and professional. If he messed up now he might not be able to see it to the end.

Mike: “Man. He’s really messed up.” He said in a softening tone.

Joe: “Don’t be giving this guy any of your sympathies. Remember, he killed Blake and Jeff, our friends.

Mike: “I know. So good cop bad cop?”

Joe: “You can be the good cop, and by good cop I mean keeping me from beating the shit out of him.”

Mike: “Hey now, don’t you even dare. You're already in enough shit with the chief.”

Joe: “I'm kidding, partially…”

Mike just gave Joe a stern stare.

Joe: “Trust me. Let me do the talking. I won’t lay a finger on him. Kay.”

Joe took another deep breath and finally focused. The air around changed slightly. He was almost like a slightly different person.

Mike took note of Joe's change of demeanor and relaxed himself.

They both exited the viewing room and walked over to AA2. The door was locked up tight with three different locks welded to it. They unlocked each of them and entered the room.

The arrival of Joe and Mike brought Rob to an alertness .

Joe took a seat at the table across from Rob while Mike stood in the corner watching.

Joe: “Why if it isn't the great leader of the Skull Crushers, or should I say former leader.” He said sarcastically.

Rob gave them a quick glance before groaning.

Joe and Rob had met many times in the past. Joe was always bringing in Rob for interrogations back in the day, in hopes that Joe could find enough evidence to put Rob in jail, to Rob's annoyance.

Rob: “Of course it had to be you.”

Joe: “Rob, not happy to see me?” He said again sarcastically.

Rob: “Whatever, it doesn't change anything. I already told you I'll confess everything.” He said with a confidence born out of experience from previous interrogations.

Joe: “Yeah, that's what I heard. All in exchange for protection.”

Joe pulled out a series of documents from his jacket and began flicking through them.

Joe: “Let's see. I have you admitting to murder, trafficking drugs, extortion, assault, and theft. That is all correct, right.”

Rob: “Yes.”

Joe: “Why admit this?”

Rob: “You know why.”

Joe: “I want to hear it from your mouth.”

Rob groaned again.

Rob: “I pissed a lot of people off who want me dead, and they definitely want me after this.”

Joe: “Yes. Your testimony is going to help us bag a lot of your former buddies, but the question is still why.”

Rob: “I already told you why.” He said annoyed.

Joe: “Rob, word on the street was that you were dead. If you were worried about your former buddies, you could have kept your head down and no one would come after you. So, why?”

Rob: “Maybe I have a guilty conscience.”

Joe: “You and I both know that's not true. I think you're doing this cause you're running from someone else. So, who’s chasing you Rob.”

Rob: “You want to know what the last things those two cops said before they died. You know, the same guys that were investigating me. They were part of your investigation unit, right?”

Joe was swallowing his anger and maintaining a deadpan face. He could see Mike clenching his fist from the corner of his eye.

Rob: “Officer Blake and the other one. What was his name Joe? I'm having a hard time recalling. I think his name started with a ‘J’.”

Joe: “I'm not playing your games Rob. You're deflecting. If you don’t tell me who’s after you, I can't give you protection.”

Rob: “That wasn't part of our deal.“

Joe: “That deal was made with the last guy, not me. I don't have to give you anything if I don't like your answer.”

Rob just shrugged.

Rob: “If I'm not guaranteed protection, I won't testify to any crime.”

Joe smirked briefly at Rob. He was feeling powerful in this position.

Joe: “You see that up there.” He said pointing to a camera up in the corner of the room. “That has recorded everything you said to me and the last guy that was interrogating you. So, I don't need you anymore. I have enough dirt to put you and your former goons behind bars.”

Joe was lying. He didn’t know what was said to the last guy, and video evidence that was used and acquired in this way wouldn't stand up in court. But, he wanted to get as much as he could out of Rob, and Joe was banking on him not knowing this.

Rob was stunned by what he heard. The confidence he had been projecting had faded away, leaving a gibbering nervous wreck of a man.

Rob: “Y-you can’t do this.”

Joe: “I can and will, unless you tell me what I want to know.”

Rob: “N-no you have to give me protection. I-i still have dirt on the night queen. S-so please help me. I beg you. Don’t let it get me” He said, whimpering and tears forming in his eyes.

It wasn't the response Joe expected. He had expected that Rob would be stubborn and defiant till the end, not begging him. The anger that was inside Joe for many years broke, leaving him feeling empty. This wasn't the Rob Anvil he knew anymore. It was just the husk of a man.

Joe was coming to the realization something more was going on.

Joe: “What happened to you? It's not just drugs, is it?”

Rob just sat there blubbering and crying.

Joe: “Rob, listen to me. We can’t protect you if you don’t tell us what’s going on.”

Rob: "I-i can’t say." He said with tears in eyes.

Joe: “Why can’t you?”

Rob: “If I say, it will find me.”

Joe: “Who will find you?”

Rob shook his head as snot and tears started to run down his face.

Rob: “I'm sorry Joe. I'm so sorry. If I could undo what happened to your friends, I would. So please, don’t let it get me. I can’t take it anymore.“

Joe: “Does this have to do with why you went missing?”

Rob: “It’s because of that day. The day I killed Mark…” He immediately stopped and covered his mouth with both hands. His eyes started to look around erratically for something.

Joe: “Rob? Is everything OK?” He said concernedly.

Rob didn’t say anything and just kept looking around. Thirty seconds went by and Joe kept trying to get Rob to speak up.

Suddenly for less than a second, in the corner of the room a light flickers before turning back on. This singular and simple event turned Rob's expression to that of absolute terror.

Rob: “It found me! Joe, please you gotta do something!”

Joe: “Rob, calm down.”

Rob: “Please don’t let it take me! Don’t let it take me!! Don’t let it take me!!! Don’t let it take meeee!!!!” He screamed before jumping across the table and grabbing Joe by the neck.

Both men tumbled down onto the ground with Rob strangling Joe.

Joe himself was so surprised and had no time to react. Despite his diminished state, Rob was still fairly strong and Joe couldn't force him off alone.

Mike, also surprised, quickly ran over to Joe and helped pry Rob off him. Each investigator grabbed one of Rob's arms and slowly pulled them away from Joe's neck. Together they were able to get Rob off. Once Joe was free, Mike grabbed Rob by the collar of his shirt and threw him into the corner of the room.

Rob landed with a thud and slid slightly towards the wall. He then curled up into a ball and started wailing and crying.

Joe was on the floor breathing heavily and dazed.

Mike picked Joe up onto his shoulders and exited the room, locking it on the way out. Rob's wailing and crying could still be heard outside the interrogation room.

Once both of them were alone in the hallway, Joe was able to slowly get back onto his own feet. He rubbed his own neck sorely. Thankfully Rob wasn't as strong as he was in the past, otherwise his esophagus might've been crushed.

Mike: “Are you OK?”

Joe: “Ugh. Y-yeah. Didn’t expect that.”

Mike: “Me neither. I didn’t hear anything about him being unstable. Seemed pretty normal until you said something to set him off.”

Joe: “Which is just great. It sets our investigation back to zero.”

Mike: “Why do you say that?”

Joe: “Any testimony from a mad man wouldn’t hold up in court.”

Mike: “Right…”

They both stared at the ground feeling exhausted and defeated.

Mike: “You know you told me not to feel sympathetic for the guy, but…”

Joe: "I know. I felt the same way. Whatever is left in that room isn't the Rob you and I know anymore."

Mike: “Yeah. It made me realize something.”

Joe: “What’s that?”

Mike: “Rob's suffering doesn't make it hurt any less. Our friends are still gone.”

Joe: “Yeah…”

Another minute went by standing in the hallway while Rob wailed in the interrogation room.

Mike: “Sorry for bringing the mood down.”

Joe: “Oh, don’t worry about that. I think finding out about Rob’s mental state has more to do with the mood than your comment.”

Mike: “Right, so what do we do about this?”

Joe: “Well I guess first we need to…” He stopped mid sentence.

An unnatural silence filled the hallway.

There was a strange feeling in the air. It didn’t feel right. It felt fundamentally wrong. They looked at each other knowingly. They both could tell that the other could also feel it. Both men felt uneasy.

The primordial instincts that were buried deep in their souls were telling them not to be here.

Whatever Mike wanted to say, he couldn't. He wanted to speak, but couldn't form words to break the silence. The sensation he was feeling was paralyzing him.

Joe was able to push through it. He slowly looked around to try and see the source of this strange feeling. The hallway they were standing in somehow felt a little darker and more unwelcoming than it was before. There was nothing he could see that would be causing this sensation.

He then finally noticed that Rob's wailing couldn't be heard anymore.

Taking a step towards the room Rob was in, Joe heard a wet spat sound from the grounds. Looking down, he had stepped into blood that was pooling at the base of the door to Rob’s interrogation room. Realizing something was terribly wrong, he quickly kicked open the door.

Joe had opened the door to a slaughter. Rob's decapitated head was laying on the table with his face frozen in absolute terror. His other limbs scattered all over the room. Blood drenched the walls and the few pieces of furniture that were in there.

His torso was near the door with his guts spilled out and blood still slowly seeping out of it.

Rob had been butchered by someone or something and left as a bloody mess.

Neither Mike or Joe had seen anything like this. Mike didn’t know how to process what was going on. He'd been to a scene of a murder before, but something about this was different. His stomach started to turn. He put his head off to the side to vomit.

Joe was handling the situation a little better, but was also slightly dazed. There were too many things happening and too quickly at once. His thoughts couldn't catch up. What was happening defied reason for Joe. He just stared at Rob's head with its lifeless and terrified expression. A single thought coursed through his mind: ’What would a man need to see to make that face?’

He then saw from the corner of his eye, one of the ceiling tiles shift slightly back into place.

Joe didn’t understand what was happening, but he knew what he needed to do right at this moment. There was someone hiding in the ceiling, and he needed to catch them. Coming to his senses, he quickly ran down the hallway, leaving bloody footprints behind him as he did. He pulled an emergency lever.

All the exits of the building were automatically locked and an alarm was blaring for all to hear. The entire police station went into full lock down.

Joe ran back to Mike, who was still dazed. He grabbed the dazed officer by the shoulder and aggressively shook him.

Joe: “Mikey! Snap out of it! There's a murderer hiding somewhere, we need to find him.”

Mike just barely pulled himself out of his daze and nodded his head in response.

Mike and Joe ran out the hallway and would meet up with other officers. They would tell them someone sneaked into the room that was holding Rob and murdered him.

Every available officer at the headquarters would search the area, but by the morning nothing would be found.

Meanwhile, some pedestrians nearby would hear the blaring alarm and wonder what was going on.

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