Eldritch Guidance

Chapter 5: More Dreams of the Past

As John closed up shop he gave out a long sigh. He had finally gotten rid of Scarlett.

John felt that Scarlett was a bit of an eccentric, but he didn’t dislike that about her. He was more motivated to send her off because it was so late.

Scarlett would semi-regularly visit him to talk about her research. John didn’t understand exactly what Scarlett's research was and told her so, but she insisted that the opinion of someone outside her field was helpful.

All he knew is it had something to do with archaeology. From the last conversation they had, she was developing a new method to reconstruct corpses, at least he thinks it was. John could see the value in reconstructing ancient corpses for the archaeologist community, and so did what he could to help out.

Regardless, those conversations they had went on for hours, and John was not willing to stay up that late to have them. So, he was quick to send Scarlett on her way.

John: “Geez, these researchers really need to pay more attention to the time. Normal people are sleeping right now. Why did she think my store would still be open at this hour? Well, I guess it's partly my fault too.” He said as he looked at the book he was reading earlier.

John had gotten his hands on an interesting fantasy novel and had been reading it voraciously. It was why the store was still open when Cid found it. John himself had lost track of time while he was reading the book, forgetting to close up the shop.

John: “I guess it still turned out for the best. I would've missed Cid if I had closed up my shop earlier, but I don't want to be making a habit of staying up so late.”

John could suddenly hear whimpering at the base of the stairs on the main floor. Looking over he could see a large pure white malamute with blue eyes looking at him expectedly.

It was his dear pet and companion, Lunar.

John: “Aww, were you waiting for me? Sorry about that boy. I know you don’t like to sleep without me. I’ll be sure to take you for a good long walk tomorrow to make up for it, ok?” He said as he petted Lunar.

Lunar: “Woof woof.” He barked happily as his tail wagged excitingly at the mention of a walk.

John: “I can tell you like the sound of that. Ok, let's go to bed.”

John turned off the lights and made his way upstairs. Lunar marched ahead of him to John's bedroom and jumped on the bed waiting for John. Smiling, John gave a quick pat on Lunar’s head and went through his bedtime routine. John brushed his teeth and changed his clothes before he crawled into his bed.

Once in bed, Lunar pushed his body into John's to get as close as possible to him. John gave another pat and a hug before laying his head down and closing his eyes.

What a strange life this has been.” John silently thought to himself.

John continued to reminisce about the past as he slowly drifted into slumber.


Twenty years ago. When John first arrived in this world. A storm raged outside the soon to be store.

Onyx: “The Mystic Emporium? You wish to call this place that?” The older gentleman said as he stroked his short beard.

John: “Well no, but you said it has to be a store, so that's what I'm going with.”

Onyx: “You know it doesn't have to be a store. It just makes the most sense that this place is a store.”

John: “Why is that?”

Onyx: “All the buildings on the street outside are a series of stores. It wouldn’t make sense if this place wasn't also one. At least, that is the realization I'm coming to now as Onyx.”

John: “How can you tell those are even stores? Most of those buildings out there look abandoned or dilapidated.”

Onyx: “Maybe in time we can fix that if you want, but to your question. They weren’t always like that. While I don't think you could call it prosperous, it still was more active and vibrant in the past. Times have changed though, and while many of the stores on this street have closed up, not all of them have. And so, to keep with the theme of this street, I suggest a store. The decision though is still ultimately yours.”

John felt that explanation he got kinda made sense to him. He could also tell it was becoming much easier to talk to Onyx, despite knowing his true nature.

John: “I guess that makes sense, but how am I supposed to ‘sell salvation’ like you mention?”

Onyx: “That it is up to you to figure out.”

John felt dejected from that response.

He wanted to help people that suffered like him, but had no idea where to even begin. He was in a strange place with no idea how he was supposed to support himself, let alone assist other people.

Onyx raised an eyebrow. Giving an impression that he knew exactly what John was thinking.

Onyx: “Do not worry. Everything that you will need will be provided for you.”

John: “Oh, really. I was a little worried there for a moment.”

Onyx: “There is nothing to worry about. We all will be here to help you along the way.”

John: “You’ve been saying ‘we’ for a while now. Who else is there?” He said as he shuttered at the thought of more creatures like Onyx.

Onyx: “That’s hard to explain, so pay it no mind. You have a store to run.”

John didn’t like that answer. He could feel a sense of terrible foreboding from that response. His mind began to race through all the possible horrific things that this creature could be hiding from him.

Onyx spoke up before John could put any more thought into the meaning of his words.

Onyx: “Now then, close your eyes.”

John: “W-what?”

Onyx: “Just trust me.”

John hesitantly complied. He closed his eyes and waited patiently for a few seconds before onyx spoke again.

Onyx: “Now if you would please open them again.”

He really didn’t want to. John was afraid what he would witness if he did, but he also knew that it was pointless to refuse to do so.

Upon opening his eyes he was greeted with the sight of the same old man that he named Onyx. The old man seemed unchanged, however his surroundings were not.

In the few seconds that John had closed his eyes, the empty room became completely furnished. There were display shelves full of various items and a large desk with chairs near the back of the store. He was no longer in the dark either, above his head shined an electrical light fixture along with a bunch of other glass baubles, hanging from the ceiling, refracting and displacing light.

Taken in its entirety, it looked like an old rustic antique store. A far cry from the empty abandoned building it was a few seconds ago.

It left John feeling amazed.

He knew that the entity was truly powerful. It did bring him back to life, but seeing it change the place so drastically in the blink of an eye was still surreal for him.

John: “How is this possible?”

Onyx: “Would you like to know? I did have you close your eyes for your benefit, but I can show you if you're truly that curious.” He said with a slight sinister grin.

John: “M-maybe not.“ He said, frightened.

Thinking back to the twisting monstrosity that Onyx appeared as was unnerving. John would have preferred to be ignorant of Onyx's true nature. He could only take him at his word when he said ‘it was to his benefit’.

Onyx: “Well then. Is it to your liking? If you don’t like the design of the interior, it can be changed to something that better suits you.

John: “There is nothing wrong with the design, but I'm not sure how this helps me. I don’t understand how an antique store is supposed to help people like me.”

Onyx: “This is not a simple antique shop, and helping people like yourself is not simple either. The aesthetic is to help get people into the front door, from there you can assess their problem and attempt to fix them.“

John: “Oh, ok. I think I see what you mean. The way the store looks is just to get people in here. So all the items lying around are just props to help the aesthetic.”

Onyx: “The items here are very much real, and not just props.” He said as he stroked his beard.

Onyx: “Human beings are fickle creatures and the way to save them is not always clear. Sometimes it's just a simple few words of encouragement, other times it's a more materialistic need. A starving man needs food more than he needs kind words. So, the items are varied in this place, and could be used to help in ways that are not always obvious. If there is a specific item you need or desire, just look around and you will find what you're looking for.”

John: “Does that also include food and money”

Onyx: “I did say everything would be provided to you, so if that is what you need, that is what you will get. Just look around, I'm sure you will find it.”

John: “Also I meant to ask. Where exactly are we? Are we in some old English town?”

Onyx: “Oh right, you probably don’t know. You are in the city of Graheel in another world.”

John's eyes widened in surprise and shock.

John: “R-right you said I was not allowed to exist in that world.”

Onyx: “I did indeed.”

John: “Is there anything else I should know about this place then?”

The elderly gentleman stroked his short beard for a few seconds, as he pondered John's question before he spoke again.

Onyx: “It is a city for scholars and mages. So some of the folk you come across will be of that type.”

John: “When you say mages, you mean like people that can use magic, right?”

Onyx: “People that can manipulate aether, yes. It is quite a trite ability that they do in this world, but it’s not something you need to worry about. Since you are from another world, you will be unable to perform magic like they do here.”

The story has been illicitly taken; should you find it on Amazon, report the infringement.

The childlike fascination that John had for a moment was dashed by Onyx’s words. For a brief moment, John had thought that he could learn magic and become a wizard, like in all those fantasy novels he had read.

The older man took no notice of John's disappointment and kept talking.

Onyx: “Is there anything else you wish to ask for.”

John: “No, I don't think so. At least for now.”

Onyx: “Good, I shall take my leave now.”

John: “You're just going to leave like that?”

Onyx: “I will visit you from time to time, but don’t worry. I won't be too far if you need me.” He said with a slight sinister grin.

John shuddered.

That smile reminded John exactly what Onyx is. An indescribable monster wearing human skin.

Onyx: ”Oh right. It can be quite dangerous outside the store, but as long as you remain here you will be safe. To ensure your safety outside this place, I recommend that you search for a companion to protect you.”

John: “Wait, what do you mean…”

John was unable to finish his sentence before Onyx disappeared into the shadows. Leaving him alone and confused in this weird antique looking store.

John: “He said it was dangerous. What did he mean by that?”

Thinking about it for a few minutes, he realized that the place he was living in was probably suffering from severe levels of poverty. He knew that such areas were hotbeds for crimes and violence. With that in consideration, Onyx’s warning of danger made a little more sense.

John: “But what did he mean by finding a companion?” He said as there was another flash of lightning from outside.

“Did he expect me to leave this store and find a bodyguard?” He wondered.

He pondered this for a little while, but couldn’t come up with a sensible solution to Onyx's suggestion. This was another world and John knew nobody, so he didn’t know who he could trust. He knew better than to ask just anybody to be his bodyguard, especially if he was asking around for one in such a seedy area. John concluded that with current circumstances he would be safer by himself, and decided to put off finding a guard until he had a better grasp of where he was.

His focus then shifted toward the ‘store’ he was standing in. It was an antique shop, there were no better words to describe it. It was cluttered and many of the items on display looked as though they were from eighteen hundreds america. There was no central theme of the items on display, other than appearing old. The variety on the shelves was varied and random with boxes full of more glassware and metalworks lying about. It was a stark difference from the empty room it was a few minutes ago.

This change was not limited to the main floor of the building. Heading upstairs towards where he first woke up, John was greeted with a fully furnished room with a bed and drawers for storing clothing. The other rooms beside his new bed room were also furnished with one of them becoming a bathroom.

John's exploration was interrupted by the sound of his own growling stomach.

John: “Oh yeah. I just woke up today, so I haven’t had anything to eat yet, but where is the kitchen?”

John had explored most of the upstairs area, but there was nothing that resembled a kitchen here. He was a little worried that he would have to explore outside sooner than he wanted, but he recalled a door that was off to the side on the main floor.

He made his way back down and entered it. Sure enough, the door led to a kitchen. It had all the appliances and amenities that John would expect of a fully stocked kitchen: sink with running water, fridge, stove and oven, pantry, table and chairs.

John then made his way towards the fridge, looking for anything he could eat. Inside was a bunch of raw vegetables and meat, making him a little disappointed. What John really wanted was something he could just grab and eat. The food that was currently in the fridge would take time and effort to prepare into a proper meal, something he didn’t want to do right now.

“I wish there was at least something that I didn’t have to prepare.” He thought before he closed the fridge door.

Almost immediately after the door was closed, he did this weird habit where he saw there was nothing in the fridge he wanted and closed it, only to open the fridge door again and look to see if there was anything else to eat. It was like a strange part of his brain that expected different food would appear if he did this. He knew better, but it was a habit.

Looking into the fridge again, the contents were unchanged, but John noticed a carton of milk he missed on his first viewing. He grabbed it and opened it up and sniffed the contents. It still smelled good to him.

John: “Cool, now I just need to get a bowl and some cereal.”

He turned around to open up the pantry, but noticed that there was a bowl and a box of cereal on the kitchen table. It made him do a double take.

John did not recall there being those things on the table when he first entered this room. Any other time he might have just assumed it was a bad memory, but with recent events, he was not so sure. The conversation with onyx and being whisked off to another world made him a little more paranoid.

He then recalled where he was.

This store was not normal, it could not be normal. Not from everything that had happened to him and what Onyx had said.

“Do things just appear out of nowhere in this store?” John wondered to himself.

John: “Anything I need will be provided.” He said, echoing Onyx’s words.

He believed he wasn’t too far off with the idea of things appearing from nowhere, but he wasn't sure how it worked. John recalled how onyx made him close his eyes before.

John: “It couldn't be that simple.” He said as he closed his eyes to think about.

John: “I need a spoon for my cereal.” He said aloud.

Upon opening his eyes he saw a spoon in the bowl on the table, something that was definitely not there before. It was enough to confirm it for John. The cereal, bowl, spoon, and milk all appeared out of nowhere.

John then sat down at the table and poured the contents of the milk and cereal into the bowl and began eating. The cereal was a brand that he wasn't too familiar with, but it was sweet and edible, and that was good enough.

He was slowly becoming more numb to his current affairs, so he was able to calmly process the current oddity of the situation. Right now his priority was to understand the limits of this phenomenon.

Through the process of eating his meal, John continued to experiment a little more. He made a cup of coffee and a plate of toast with jam appear on the table. He did this while closing his eyes for the coffee then looking away for the toast, both times thinking about what he wanted.

He deduced that as soon as he starts to look for something, it will appear just out of his sight. He had no idea why it worked like this, but he at least understood how Onyx meant to “provide what he needs”.

John eventually finished eating and was left unsure how he was to proceed with the rest of the day.

He knew that once the storm outside was done he would have to explore the city a little, but Onyx's warning of danger made him a little apprehensive about leaving. He didn’t want to end up in a dangerous situation where he could be hurt or killed.

John: “If only I had something or someone that could protect me…. Wait, he said that I should search for a companion. Does that mean if I search around, I will find someone that can protect me?”

John didn’t know the limits of this weird phenomenon that manifested things he wanted outside of his sight. He just assumed it wouldn’t work on living creatures, but there wasn't any clear indication that he couldn’t. And he was considering trying.

“He told me to get a companion. Someone that could protect me like a bodyguard or a guard dog. Dog…” He solemnly thought.

He remembered his dear pet Zu. The husky he had for years when he was back in his old world. It was the same dog that had been murdered to get John to snap. An idea Rick had gotten from a movie, whose effectiveness in breaking John's mind was undeniable. It was a nightmare for John, and a memory that he actively tried to block out of his mind. Only recalling vague images of the event, which was still enough to bring John to tears.

John loved Zu with all his heart. It was his only friend and family during those dark days. John blamed himself for his pet's death and hated himself for it. He felt like he had allowed his family to die twice when they had killed Zu.

Tears ran down John's face as he thought about Zu. Eventually a minute went by before he regained his composure and he wiped the tears from his face. A thought then went through his head.

“I had died and that entity had brought me back to life, I wonder if it could do the same for Zu.”

Onyx had told him he couldn't ever be where his family was, but maybe his pet would be an exception. He dared not hope, but he had to try.

He concentrated real hard on Zu, thinking about wanting to find him. Hoping that he would appear like all those other objects. When he opened his eyes there was no change. His Zu didn’t appear out of nowhere like the other things.

It was a gut punch to John. He wanted to see Zu so bad. He wanted the dog he carried home in his arms when he was just pup to be here beside him, to know he had at least someone in this world that loved him.

It was twice now that John had dared to hope and was immediately met with despair.

John began to put away the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, trying to take his mind off what had just happened, when he heard the sound of skittering and objects being moved from the next room.

The sounds suddenly stopped, but there was no mistaking it. There was something else in this building.

John thought he was the only one here. He wondered if someone had come in through the front door of the store, but the sounds he heard were not something he expected a human to make. John swore he heard some low growling sounds along with everything else and feared it was a wild animal.

There were only two doors in the kitchen, one that led to the back outside the building, and the other back into the main room where he heard those sounds. There was brief consideration of fleeing out the back, but Onyx promised John was safe here in this building, and so far he had kept his word on everything he had said to John.

Another possibility came to John's mind. Onyx never denied that there were multiple creatures like him. If Onyx appeared here, what would stop another creature like him from appearing again? The thought made John pale.

He really didn’t want to see or deal with another creature like that, but he couldn't deny the possibility that’s what it was. If it really was that, John knew that he couldn’t run from it. He was bound to those creatures because of the contract he had made with them.

John approached the door to the main room of the store and stood in front of it for a minute. He was psyching himself up to prepare for whatever lies beyond that door. Whether it be another human or a nightmare monster, he did not know, but proceeded anyway and slowly opened the door.

The store floor looked exactly the same to John. There was nothing notable that John could see, so he cautiously took a few more steps into the room. As he did, John heard heavy panting coming from the stairwell. He looked toward where he heard the sound, and sitting at the base of the stairwell was a pure white Malamute with blue eyes staring at him expectantly.

John: Huh?

Malamute: "Woof!Woof!" It barked excitedly.

The Malamute ran toward John with tail wagging in excitement. It ran circles around John playfully and was clearly excited to see him.

John: Whoa! Where'd you come from?

It stopped running around, and sat in front of John with its head tilted slightly to the side looking up at him.

John: “Aww. You're so adorable.” He said as he began to pet it.

John’s thoughts began to wonder about the appearance of this dog. He was convinced it was linked to what he was just doing a little while ago. He couldn’t believe that it was a coincidence. It also seemed unlikely that the dog just wandered in. It appeared after trying to make Zu appear from nowhere, it was somehow connected, but the dog he was currently petting was not Zu.

Zu was not pure white and did not have blue eyes. And while Zu and this dog may both appear as huskies, John knew it wasn't exactly one. The dog in front of him was far too large to be a regular husky. He had heard of a similar breed called a Malamute that were much bigger than other breeds of huskies, so he figured that's what it was.

“Is this the result of trying to use that phenomenon to bring a creature back to life?” John wondered to himself.

He thought that maybe this place tried to make Zu appear, but couldn't. So it instead created something that was an approximation of what he wanted. It was a dog and a breed that was close to what Zu was. That was the best that this place could do.

This event was starting to make John question more on how this place was making these things appear. Was it creating them, or was it taking them from somewhere else? There were moral concerns for John depending on the answer. If it was taking things, would that mean he was stealing? If it was creating them, then it wouldn't be as big a problem, except for living creatures. He believed that when someone chooses to bring life into this world, they should do it with careful consideration, as there are many moral implications in doing so.

Unsure of the reality, John resolved himself to at least not ask for any living creature in the future.

Regardless of what he thought now, the dog was now here and he was told he needed a guard. He wasn't sure if this kind of breed made the best guard dog, but figured that it was close enough because he was a very large breed.

John: “Do you think you can be my guard dog?”

Malamute: “Woof!” He barked excitedly.

John: “Hmm. If you're going to live here you're going to need a name. How about Lunar, cause you're as white as the moon. How does that sound?”

Lunar: “Woof woof” the dog barked excitedly again. Clearly happy with its name

The dog then jumped at John, putting its front leg on his shoulders and began licking his face.

John: “N-neg ha ha stop.” He said while chuckling

He eventually pushed Lunar off himself.

John: “I guess you'll be my companion from now on.”

Lunar: “Woof.”

John: “Well, let's look around a little bit more and try to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing.”

Through the next week John would be exploring every nook and cranny of this place before eventually flipping the sign on the front of the store to open.


Back in the current day.

John's sleep was disturbed by the feeling of something wet and slimy moving across his face.

Opening his eyes, it was Lunar licking him

John: “Morning to you too boy.” He said as he pushed him away.

Lunar: “Wah”

Taking a glance at the window of his room and saw that morning light beginning to shine through.

John: “Looks like it’s going to be a sunny day.”

He then went through his morning routine: brushing his teeth, showering, getting dressed, preparing breakfast for him and Lunar. Once he was done with all that, he went to the front and flipped the close sign on the door to open.

John grabbed a broom and headed out to sweep the stairs in front of the store, when he noticed a roll of newspaper on the ground and picked it up.

Looking at the heading. “Disturbance at police headquarters last night.

John: “Hmm. I wonder what that is about?”

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