Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 43: Mana Purity Test

The central arena of the town was a bustling hub of activity, with crowds of people gathered around its massive structure. The arena, built like a grand Colosseum, towered over the surrounding buildings, its imposing presence drawing everyone's attention. This was where the registration for the Celestial Academy was taking place.

The registration process was split into two main areas within the arena. Despite the large number of hopefuls, the procedure was surprisingly straightforward. The officials first checked each applicant's age and strength. As long as you were between 18 and 21 years old, you were eligible to register.

However, because of the overwhelming number of applicants, the registration sites also conducted a test to measure the purity of each person's mana.

The purity of mana was a crucial factor. The purer the mana, the better the chances of being accepted. And as the registration continued, it became clear just how stringent the requirements were.

A young man, around 20 years old, stepped forward with a mix of hope and anxiety etched on his face. The official overseeing the registration, an older man with a stern expression, placed a hand on a crystal orb designed to measure mana purity.

The orb glowed faintly as it registered the young man's mana. The official's eyes narrowed slightly as he read the result. "20 years old, 2% mana purity," he announced in a clipped tone, his voice carrying a hint of disappointment. "Fail."

The young man's shoulders slumped, his hope evaporating as quickly as the faint glow in the orb. He muttered a dejected "Thank you" before turning away, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation.

Next in line was a 19-year-old girl, her face a mask of determination. She approached the orb with confidence, but there was a flicker of nervousness in her eyes. As she placed her hand on the orb, it glowed a bit brighter than before, but the official's expression remained unchanged.

"19 years old, 3% mana purity," the official declared, his tone flat and indifferent. "Fail."

The girl's eyes widened in disbelief, her lips parting as if to argue, but no words came out. She bit her lip, fighting back tears as she nodded curtly and walked away, her fists clenched in frustration.

Next, an 18-year-old boy stepped forward, his posture rigid with tension. Unlike the others, he wore a serious expression, as if fully aware of the challenge before him. The official glanced at him with mild curiosity, noting the boy's composure.

As the boy's hand made contact with the orb, it pulsed with a steady, bright light. The official raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued for the first time that day. "18 years old, 5% mana purity," he announced, his tone slightly warmer. "Pass."

The boy exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, a small smile of relief forming on his lips. He offered the official a respectful bow before stepping aside, clearly pleased with his success.

The announcements echoed through the arena, the voice of the officials cutting through the crowd's murmurs. From the ongoing tests, it was evident that passing the first round was incredibly difficult.

This was because 10% purity was the limit for those at the one-star tier, and reaching 20% required one to be at the two-star level, and so on. It was rumored that those who reached the fabled 100% purity would transcend beyond the nine-star level, though this remained speculative.

The registration continued, and as expected, due to the town's relatively modest size, not many people passed. Those who failed left with dejected expressions, while the few who succeeded were quickly ushered to the next stage.

Soon, it was Lucy's turn to approach the registration site, but as she moved forward with a calm demeanor that stood in stark contrast to how she would have reacted in the past.

There was no sign of the nervousness that would have gripped her before. The old Lucy would have been anxious, her heart pounding with uncertainty.

But now, she felt nothing but a cool, controlled focus. Her new personality, fierce and confident, had taken hold, and it felt like a blessing rather than a curse.

Lucas, standing a short distance away, observed her closely. It seems that this change in her really is a good thing, he thought, a mixture of relief and pride swelling within him.

Lucy stepped up to the registration platform, her movements steady and assured. The official overseeing the process barely glanced up as she approached, his attention more focused on the orb in front of him. Without a word, Lucy placed her hand on the orb designed to measure mana purity.

The moment her hand made contact, the orb blazed to life, glowing with an intensity that immediately drew the attention of everyone nearby.

The light was nearly blinding, casting sharp shadows across the arena. The official blinked in surprise, his expression shifting from boredom to confusion as he scrutinized the orb.

"Could you… try that again?" the official asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. His brow furrowed as he looked at Lucy, clearly puzzled. "It seems there might be something wrong with the reading."

Lucy raised an eyebrow but didn't argue. "Sure," she replied, her tone even and unbothered. Without hesitation, she pressed her hand to the orb once more.

This time, the light that erupted from the orb was even more intense, flooding the registration area with a radiant glow that forced some onlookers to shield their eyes. The official's jaw dropped slightly, his disbelief evident as he stared at the readings in front of him.

He blinked rapidly, trying to process what he was seeing, then glanced up at Lucy, who remained as composed as ever. Finally, after a long pause, he cleared his throat and announced, "Twenty years old… 20% mana purity."

The official hesitated, his voice faltering as if he still couldn't quite believe it. But protocol demanded that he continue. "You pass."

The moment the announcement was made, the crowd around the registration site erupted in shock. Whispers and murmurs spread like wildfire as people struggled to comprehend what they had just witnessed. A 20% mana purity was extraordinary, especially in a town like this.

Meanwhile, Lucy smirked confidently as she walked past the stunned crowd and entered the Colosseum for the next test. Her new personality had not only given her strength but also the composure to handle situations like this with ease.

As Lucy entered the Colosseum, ready for whatever challenge awaited her next, someone else in the queue behind her also smirked, their eyes fixed on her as they waited for their turn.

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