Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 42: Eleven Percent Zeus

In his Zeus form, Lucas felt the surge of power coursing through his veins. The golden hair, the crackling thunder tattoos, the sheer intensity of his transformation—it all made him feel unstoppable. He clenched his fists, the energy pulsing in his hands, and muttered to himself, "Time to cultivate."

[Oh, eager, are we?] the system chimed in, its tone laced with smug arrogance. [Get ready for some real pain, kid.]

Lucas rolled his eyes, already bracing himself for what was to come. "Just start it."

The system's voice took on a gleeful edge, almost relishing what was about to happen. [You're going to regret this,] it teased, drawing out each word with a sinister delight. [But hey, no pain, no gain, right?]

Lucas exhaled slowly, steeling himself. He knew what was coming, but that didn't make it any easier. With a deep breath, he began the cultivation process, channeling the mana from the Mana Storage into his body.

The pain hit him like a tidal wave. It was immediate, overwhelming, searing through every nerve as if his very bones were being shattered and reformed. His muscles tensed involuntarily, and he gritted his teeth so hard he thought they might crack. The room blurred around him as the agony threatened to consume him entirely.

[Hurts, doesn't it?] the system mocked, its voice dripping with a twisted sense of satisfaction. [But that's the price of power! Not everyone can handle this, you know. Aren't you lucky to have me guiding you through it?]

Lucas's face contorted in pain, but he pushed through, refusing to give in. "I'm not sure 'lucky' is the word I'd use," he spat out between clenched teeth, his voice strained.

The system responded with a jeer, its tone dismissive and taunting. [Oh, come on, don't be such a baby.] It seemed to revel in his suffering. [You're getting stronger, aren't you? Just imagine the look on those weaklings' faces when they realize how far ahead of them you've become. That's got to be worth a little pain, don't you think?]

Lucas focused on those words, using them to fuel his determination. He visualized surpassing those who had once looked down on him, the shock on their faces when they realized how much stronger he had become. It gave him the strength to endure, to push through the excruciating pain.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain finally subsided. Lucas collapsed to his knees, panting heavily, drenched in sweat. His body ached, every muscle trembling from the ordeal, but the power he felt in his veins was undeniable. He was stronger, more formidable than before.

[See?] the system crowed, its tone smug. [Told you it would be worth it.]

Lucas, still catching his breath, managed a weak smile. "Yeah, yeah," he muttered, his voice tinged with exhaustion. His body ached from the strain, but he could feel the power that had been forged through the pain. He knew the system was right—this was the price of power. The system's notifications flashed before his eyes, confirming his progress.

[Name: Zeus]

[Class: Cultivator]

[Tier: One Star (11%)]

[Divine Scripture: Heavenly Thunder Core Divine Scripture]

Lucas couldn't help but smile, despite the lingering pain. "Finally, 11%," he murmured, feeling the new surge of strength coursing through his veins. Every fiber of his being felt more potent, more alive.

The system, never missing an opportunity to boast, chimed in smugly. [That's right, kid. Only 11%, but look at you now. Far beyond any ordinary one-star cultivator. You should be thanking me, really.]

Lucas rolled his eyes, the familiar motion somehow comforting in the midst of all the change. "Sure, sure," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I'm grateful. Happy now?"

The system's voice came through, laced with a shameless sense of pride. [Oh, I'm always happy when you're suffering,] it replied with a mockingly cheerful tone. [But you'll thank me later when you realize just how powerful you've become. Just remember who got you there.]

Lucas shook his head, a smirk tugging at his lips despite himself. "You really don't miss a chance to remind me, do you?"

[Of course not,] the system shot back, sounding almost offended by the very suggestion. [I'm the reason you're not just some weakling getting trampled on out there. A little gratitude is the least you could offer.]

Lucas chuckled softly, the sound strained but genuine. "Fine, fine. I'll keep that in mind next time you put me through hell."

[You better,] the system huffed, though there was a hint of satisfaction in its voice. [Because this is just the beginning. The more you push, the stronger you'll get, and the closer you'll be to making everyone else kneel before you. Isn't that worth a bit of suffering?]

Lucas's smile faded slightly, his eyes hardening with determination. "Yeah," he said quietly, more to himself than the system. "It is."

[Well, now that you've finished your little crybaby session—I mean, cultivation—let's go register,] the system announced, its voice dripping with smug satisfaction.

Lucas, still catching his breath and wiping the last beads of sweat from his brow, couldn't help but smile at the progress he'd made. "Yeah, let's register."

As he began to stand, a sudden thought struck him, and his smile faded into a puzzled frown. "Wait, register for what, exactly?"

There was a brief, almost theatrical pause from the system before it responded with a mocking tone. [Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Seriously? How thick can you be? Obviously, you're going to register for the Celestial Academy, genius,] it added, as if Lucas should have known all along.

Lucas's eyes widened in shock, his heart skipping a beat as the realization hit him. "What?!"

[That's right, buddy,] the system continued, clearly relishing the moment. [You didn't think I'd let you hide in the shadows while your sister takes all the glory, did you? Please. You're going to march right in there, head held high, and show them what you're made of. After all, what's the point of having me if you're just going to play it safe? Where's the fun in that?]

Lucas's shock quickly turned to irritation. "Are you serious right now? I've been trying to keep a low profile, and you want me to waltz into the top academy like it's no big deal?"

[Oh, come on, don't be such a wet blanket,] the system retorted, its voice laced with playful arrogance and a hint of mischief. [You should know by now that I always have a plan. And believe it or not, this one might just let you keep that precious low profile of yours.]

Lucas's initial irritation gave way to a spark of curiosity. The system's tone was teasing, almost as if it was dangling a secret just out of reach. His brow furrowed slightly as he considered the possibility. "You have a plan? Really? How?"

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