Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 36: A New Path Forward

The morning sun slowly crept through the canopy of leaves, casting a gentle glow across the forest floor. Lucy's eyelids fluttered as she stirred from her sleep, the warmth of the sunlight gradually rousing her.

As she blinked her eyes open, she was met with the sight of Lucas, already awake and moving with quiet purpose. He was carefully packing their gear, his movements deliberate yet efficient.

Lucy, still wrapped in the remnants of her dreams, took a moment to simply watch him. There was something comforting about the way he moved, a sense of calm assurance that seemed to envelop him.

"Good morning, Lucas," Lucy finally said, her voice soft but bright with the remnants of sleep. A gentle smile played on her lips, her eyes still heavy with the lingering warmth of rest.

Lucas looked up from his task, his expression immediately softening as he met her gaze. "Morning, Lucy," he responded, his tone warm and full of a brotherly affection that made her feel safe. "Did you sleep well?"

Lucy nodded, stretching her arms above her head as she tried to shake off the last remnants of sleep. Her movements were slow and relaxed, her eyes still a bit heavy-lidded from just waking up. "Yeah, I slept well," she said, her voice soft but gradually becoming more alert as she spoke.

She glanced at Lucas, who seemed deep in thought, and tilted her head curiously. "So, what's the plan now?"

Lucas paused, his expression serious as he weighed his words. "Lucy," he began, his tone gentle but firm, "you've awakened, and the power you possess is incredible. But you're still only twenty years old, and there's a lot you need to learn—not just about your abilities but about the world itself."

Lucy's brow furrowed slightly as she listened, sensing the gravity in his voice. "What do you mean, Lucas?" she asked, a hint of concern in her tone.

"I think it would be best for you to go to an academy," Lucas continued, his voice steady, though his eyes reflected a mixture of hope and worry. "There, you can train, learn, and grow stronger in a safe environment."

Lucy blinked in surprise, her lips parting slightly as she processed his suggestion. "An academy?" she echoed, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But… which one? We don't really have a lot of money, and I don't even know where to start."

Lucas leaned forward slightly, a reassuring smile on his face. "You don't need to worry about that," he said, his voice calm and confident. "I heard some interesting news recently. If I'm not mistaken, there's a town not far from here that's about to be visited by an envoy from the Celestial Academy."

Lucy's eyes widened, her surprise evident. "Wait, you mean that Celestial Academy? The one everyone talks about?"

Lucas nodded, his expression growing more serious. "Exactly, the very same. It's the top academy in the entire realm, known for producing some of the most powerful cultivators."

Lucas then continued to tell her what she can even do later, "If you can pass their test and manage to impress—or even shock—them, it could change everything for you. And who knows, they might even allow me to accompany you, even though I'm still technically 'unawakened.'"

Lucy bit her lip, a mix of excitement and doubt flashing in her eyes. "But Lucas… can I really do it? I mean, I've only just awakened, and there's so much I don't know."

Lucas's smile softened, and he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, looking her directly in the eyes. "Lucy, you've already accomplished things that most people could only dream of. You've awakened a rare and powerful physique, and your potential is off the charts. There's no doubt in my mind that you can do this."

Lucy's hesitation melted away as his words sank in. Her eyes brightened with renewed determination, and she straightened her posture, her voice growing stronger. "You're right, Lucas. I can do this. I won't let fear hold me back."

Lucas watched the transformation with a proud smile, his eyes shining with encouragement. "That's the Lucy I know," he said warmly. "Fear is natural, but it's how we face it that defines us."

Lucy nodded, a fierce resolve now in her gaze. "I've come this far, and I'm not going to stop now. I'll prove myself, not just to the Celestial Academy, but to myself as well."

Lucas chuckled softly, pleased with her newfound confidence. "By the way," he said, his tone shifting to one of curiosity, "have you started to feel any signs of a breakthrough to two-star yet?"

Lucy paused, closing her eyes for a moment as she focused inward. A thoughtful expression crossed her face, and then she nodded. "Yes, I can feel it… It's like there's this energy building up inside me, just waiting to be unleashed."

Lucas grinned, clearly excited by her progress. "That's great news! If you're already close to a breakthrough, then we should make the most of our time before we reach the town. How about we hunt a few more beasts along the way? It might just be enough to push you to two-star."

Lucy's eyes lit up at the idea, her earlier doubts completely gone. "That sounds perfect. I'm ready to give it my all."

With their plan set, Lucas and Lucy gathered their belongings and set off into the dense forest. As they walked, Lucas's eyes constantly scanned their surroundings, alert to any potential danger.

Beside him, Lucy moved with a mix of excitement and nervousness, her mind buzzing with anticipation of what lay ahead.

It wasn't long before they found their path blocked by a pair of large tigers, their eyes glowing with predatory intent.

Lucas immediately assessed the situation, sensing the tigers' strength at the middle of the two-star level. He also felt a familiar tension in the air, one that hinted at a deeper connection.

"These must be the parents of the tiger I killed last night," Lucas thought, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Lucy, noticing the subtle change in his expression, leaned closer and whispered, "What's wrong, Lucas?"

A small, confident smile tugged at the corner of Lucas's lips. "It seems we won't need to search for any more beasts, Lucy. They've come to us." His tone was calm, almost amused, as he added, "This is your opportunity."

Lucy's gaze sharpened, her eyes locking onto the tigers with renewed focus. Determination settled over her like a mantle. "You think I'm ready for them?" Her voice held a slight tremor, but it was clear she wanted to prove herself.

Lucas placed a firm, reassuring hand on her shoulder, his eyes full of unshakable confidence in her. "I know you are," he said, his voice steady and encouraging. "This is your chance to advance to two-star. Don't hesitate—trust in your power."

The uncertainty in Lucy's eyes faded, replaced by a fierce resolve. She took a deep breath, her body tensing as she prepared herself for the battle ahead.

The tigers growled low, their muscles coiling as they sensed the impending fight. "I won't let you down, Lucas," she vowed, her voice now strong and sure.

Lucas stepped back, his proud smile never wavering. "You never do," he replied, giving her the space she needed. "Show them what you're capable of."

With those words, Lucy squared her shoulders, her expression resolute and determined. She was ready to face the challenge head-on, eager to prove herself and take the next step in her journey.

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