Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 35: Power Testing

Lucas was eager to test his newfound abilities. His eyes gleamed with anticipation as he pulled out the Zeus Divine Mask, curiosity piqued by the thought of how it would interact with his newly awakened Void Physique.

"Let's see what you've got," Lucas muttered to himself, a determined edge in his voice. He placed the mask over his face, and the transformation was immediate.

A surge of power erupted within him, his body morphing into that of Zeus—a towering, muscular figure with long golden hair cascading down his back and thunder tattoos crackling with electricity along his skin.

Lucas flexed his hands, feeling the raw power coursing through his veins. His expression shifted from one of curiosity to one of predatory excitement. "Time to find a worthy opponent," he said, his voice deepened by the transformation, resonating with the power of Zeus.

He moved through the forest with purpose, his senses heightened by the Divine Mask. It didn't take long before he spotted a one-star tiger, its sleek, striped fur glistening in the dappled sunlight as it slept peacefully under a tree. A smirk played on Lucas's lips. This was the perfect opportunity to test his new strength.

As he approached, the tiger's ears twitched, sensing his presence. The beast awoke with a start, its golden eyes narrowing in anger as it locked onto Lucas. With a deep, guttural roar, the tiger launched itself at him, clearly displeased by the intrusion.

Lucas's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. He stood his ground, eager to see if his Void Physique would protect him even with the Divine Mask on.

The tiger's claws slashed through the air, aiming for his chest, but when they connected, it was as if the beast had struck an unyielding wall.

The impact barely registered to Lucas—he felt only the faintest tap. The tiger recoiled, clearly confused by the lack of effect its attack had.

Lucas glanced down at his chest, his smirk transforming into a satisfied grin. "So, my Void Physique is still active, even with the mask on," he mused aloud, a note of triumph in his voice.

He could feel the energy from the tiger's strike being absorbed into his Void Core, the power feeding into him like a steady stream.

[Well, well, well, look at you,] the system chimed in, its voice dripping with pride. [It seems your Void Physique and Void Core are working flawlessly. Did you really expect anything less from me, your all-powerful system?]

Lucas chuckled at the system's arrogance. "I was hoping they'd work together. But it's good to know I can rely on both, even with the mask on."

[Of course, you can,] the system replied, almost mockingly. [Your Void Core is devouring the energy from that pitiful tiger's strike. And while you might feel a bit of pain, it's nothing compared to what you've already endured. Isn't that right?]

Lucas nodded, acknowledging the truth in the system's words. He decided it was time to finish the fight. Clenching his fist, he unleashed a simple yet devastating attack: Thunder Punch. The force of the blow was immense, and the tiger was instantly obliterated, its body crumpling lifelessly to the ground.

[Ha! Look at that power,] the system crowed, shamelessly basking in the glory. [With your Void Physique and Void Core's peak defense, combined with the raw power of Zeus, you're practically unstoppable. Admit it, you're grateful to have such an amazing system guiding you.]

Lucas smiled at the system's boastfulness. "You certainly have your uses. But I have a question—are my Void Core and Heavenly Thunder Core fused together now, or are they still separate? And what happens when I take off the Zeus Divine Mask?"

[Ah, an excellent question,] the system replied, its tone shifting to one of condescending superiority. [Your cores are currently being forcibly fused by me—who else? When you remove the Zeus mask, your core will revert to the Void Core. But this isn't just a simple fusion; it's much stronger than that. That's why you're so ridiculously powerful when you use the Divine Mask. You're welcome.]

Lucas nodded, understanding the explanation. "I see. That makes sense."

Deciding to test the process, Lucas slowly removed the mask. As he did, a wave of pain shot through his body. The Heavenly Thunder Mana that had filled him was rapidly drawn back into the Divine Mask, but not before his Void Core managed to siphon some of it, growing even stronger.

Despite the pain surging through his body, Lucas couldn't help but grin. "So, not only is the Divine Mask a powerful tool, but it's also like a battery, constantly feeding my Void Core when I wear it. That's pretty convenient," he mused, his tone laced with satisfaction.

[Convenient?] the system retorted, its voice dripping with smugness. [Please, it's genius! You get stronger, but of course, there's a trade-off.]

Lucas could almost picture the system puffing out its metaphorical chest, reveling in its own brilliance. "A trade-off?" he echoed, raising an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.

[Oh, absolutely,] the system continued, its tone taking on a mocking edge. [The energy within the Divine Mask depletes faster, so you'll have to cultivate again to replenish it. But hey, nothing comes for free, right? And let's be honest—a little pain never hurt anyone, at least not you.]

Lucas let out a heavy sigh, realizing the truth in the system's words. The thought of going through the grueling process of cultivation again made his muscles ache preemptively. "Damn it, I guess I'll have to go through the pain of cultivation all over again," he muttered, his voice tinged with resignation.

[That's the spirit, Host!] the system chimed in, its tone now playful and teasing. [Keep that determination alive. After all, greatness doesn't come easy. And don't worry, you'll get used to the pain—eventually.]

Lucas couldn't help but roll his eyes at the system's words, though a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Damn you, system," he muttered, shaking his head.

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