Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 29: Mana Storage

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest, Lucas and Lucy found a small clearing where they decided to set up camp. The day had been nothing short of intense, with Lucy effortlessly slaughtering beast after beast.

Her newfound strength was nothing short of incredible, and Lucas couldn't help but marvel at her abilities. The divine mask, which had fused with her without her even realizing, granted her the terrifying power to drain mana from the corpses she left behind.

Once they settled by the crackling campfire, Lucas turned to Lucy with a grave expression.. "Lucy," he began, his voice low and cautious, "you need to be careful with that ability. Absorbing mana like that... it could easily be mistaken for dark magic by others."

Lucy, who had been poking at the fire with a stick, looked up at him. Her face mirrored the seriousness of his words, the playful demeanor she often had replaced with concern. "I understand, little brother," she said, nodding solemnly. "I'll only use it in secret or when I'm with you."

Lucas studied her for a moment, the firelight dancing in her eyes. He could see the resolve there, the determination to heed his warning. Satisfied with her promise, he gave her a small, reassuring smile. "Good," he said softly.

The exhaustion of the day quickly caught up with Lucy, and soon, she was lying on the ground, her breathing steady as she drifted off to sleep. Lucas watched her for a moment, her peaceful face a stark contrast to the fierce warrior she had been just hours earlier.

But Lucas couldn't rest. His mind was too active, questions swirling as something new had appeared in the system. His curiosity piqued, he leaned back against a tree and focused his thoughts, calling up the system's interface with a familiar mental command.

Lucas squinted at the glowing words in the system interface, a deep frown creasing his forehead. The label seemed straightforward, but the number troubled him. He needed to understand what it really meant. "Why is the number so low?" he muttered, his voice tinged with concern.

[Mana Storage: 2]

The system's response came almost immediately, dripping with its characteristic condescension. [Oh, Host, how little you understand,] it sneered. [The mana is being purified and condensed into divine-grade mana, the only kind worthy of being used in Divine Scripture cultivation. Do you think ordinary mana could suffice for something as exalted as that?]

Lucas could almost feel the system's smug satisfaction radiating through his mind. It paused for a moment, clearly relishing the chance to flaunt its superiority. [And let's not forget,] it continued, its tone growing more insufferably arrogant, [Lucy's divine mask is greedily consuming a substantial portion of that purified mana. Did you really think all of it was being stored? Oh, please.]

Lucas's eyes widened slightly as he absorbed the system's explanation. He glanced over at Lucy, who was sleeping peacefully beside the campfire, her face illuminated by the flickering flames. He could see the faint glow of her divine mask, the very tool responsible for this unusual mana consumption.

"So, the mana Lucy absorbs isn't entirely stored," Lucas murmured to himself, piecing together the information. "Most of it gets purified and used by her mask immediately, leaving only a small amount for storage."

[Finally catching on, are we?] the system interjected with a mocking tone, as if Lucas's realization had taken longer than it should have. [But yes, that's exactly what happens. The mana is refined to perfection, and your dear sister's mask feasts on it. Only a minuscule portion remains for storage—consider it a small luxury you're allowed.]

Lucas sighed, shaking his head slightly at the system's attitude. But there was no denying the logic behind its words. "I see," he replied, more to himself than the system, but it was clear he was now beginning to grasp the complex dynamics at play.

With the situation now clear, Lucas turned his attention to the next pressing matter. "We need to create a new Zeus mask since the old one was destroyed," he said decisively, breaking the silence.

[Hmph, so you're thinking of sticking with the same tired old cultivation manual?] the system interjected, its tone dripping with disdain, as if daring Lucas to show some originality.

Lucas bristled at the system's arrogance but refused to be baited. "Of course not," he shot back, a hint of irritation in his voice. "Now that I've got a grasp on Divine Scriptures, I want to use one of those. Make a mask linked to the thunder element."

There was a brief, almost imperceptible pause before the system responded, its voice oozing with smug satisfaction. [Ah, finally showing some sense, are we?] it said, clearly pleased with itself. [Wait a moment.]

Lucas sighed, leaning back against the tree trunk as he waited. He had grown accustomed to the system's pace, though its condescending attitude never failed to grate on his nerves. The fire crackled softly beside him, casting dancing shadows on the forest floor as he stared into the night.

After what felt like an unnecessarily dramatic pause, the system returned with a sneer in its tone. [As expected,] it announced with an air of superiority, [the Divine Scripture available is only a three-star one.]

"I know," Lucas replied, his voice calm and measured. He wasn't about to let the system rile him up. "I'll upgrade it later when I collect more manuals. So, what kind is it?"

[Prepare yourself to be amazed, Host,] the system declared with grandiosity, as if unveiling a priceless treasure. [It is the Heavenly Thunder Core Divine Scripture. Quite an impressive name, wouldn't you agree?]

Lucas nodded thoughtfully. "The name does sound good," he admitted, though a question lingered in his mind. "But why do these Divine Scriptures include 'Core' in their names? Are all Divine Scriptures connected to cores?"

The system responded with a sharp scoff, as if personally offended by Lucas's ignorance. [How laughably uninformed you are, Host,] it sneered. [Of course not. It seems you've learned next to nothing about this.]

Lucas clenched his fists, trying to keep his frustration in check. "Of course, I don't know!" he retorted, exasperation creeping into his voice. "I only just learned about Divine Scriptures yesterday!"

The system let out a haughty chuckle, its arrogance now fully on display. [Ah, such charming naiveté,] it said with a mocking tone. [Very well, as the all-knowing and benevolent system that I am, I shall enlighten you.]

Lucas sighed deeply, knowing he was in for a long-winded explanation. But despite the system's insufferable attitude, he couldn't deny his eagerness to learn more. After all, the power of the Divine Scriptures had already changed his life in ways he never imagined.

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