Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 28: Lucy's New Strength

Lucas and Lucy moved through the dense forest, the soft rustling of leaves underfoot the only sound in the tranquil wilderness. Sunlight struggled to pierce the thick canopy above, casting flickering patterns of light and shadow across their path.

Lucas, however, was far from at ease. The shock of Lucy's recent display of power gnawed at him, a constant reminder that his sister was far more than he had ever realized. He had always known she was special, but the sheer magnitude of her strength was something he hadn't anticipated.

As they walked, Lucas stole a glance at Lucy. She moved with a calm grace, a serene smile playing on her lips, as if she were merely enjoying a peaceful stroll. Yet, beneath that calm exterior, Lucas sensed a new depth to her, something potent and unfathomable.

"Lucy," he began, his voice tinged with hesitation, uncertainty lacing his words, "how did you know how to use that skill earlier?"

Lucy turned her head slightly, meeting his gaze with a smile that widened ever so slightly, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. There was a quiet confidence in her expression, as if the answer was so simple it needed no explanation. "I just… knew," she replied softly, her tone light and almost playful, as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

Lucas frowned, confusion clouding his features as he tried to make sense of her response. There was something about her answer, the ease with which she spoke, that left him both perplexed and uneasy. Without a word, he turned inward, addressing the system in his mind. "Is this the effect of the Divine Scripture or her special physique?"

[Oh, Host,] the system purred with an air of superiority, [I couldn't possibly be expected to know every little detail, but it's likely her strength stems from that special physique of hers.]

The system paused for effect, clearly savoring its own words before continuing with a haughty tone, [Though, I must say, it's exceedingly rare—almost unheard of—for someone to exhibit such power immediately after awakening. Most would be stumbling over themselves, but not your sister.]

Before Lucas could react, a thunderous roar shattered the forest's tranquility, its powerful reverberations shaking the trees and sending flocks of startled birds into the sky.

From the dense underbrush, a massive bear lumbered into view, its fur bristling with tension and its eyes glowing with unrestrained rage. The sheer size of the beast was enough to freeze anyone in their tracks; its presence was both imposing and terrifying.

Lucas's heart raced as he recognized the creature. It was a two-star beast, a formidable opponent far beyond the capabilities of an ordinary person.

Panic surged through him, and his first instinct was to shout, "Lucy, run!" But before the words could leave his lips, Lucy turned to him, a calm and confident smile on her face. "Leave it to me," she said, her voice steady and reassuring.

Without a moment's hesitation, Lucy pulled her fist back and launched herself at the bear, her movements fluid and graceful.

Lucas's breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding wildly. "No, Lucy!" he shouted, desperation lacing his voice. But it was too late. Her fist connected with the bear, and… nothing happened. The bear didn't even flinch.

Fear seized Lucas. What if something happens to her? He reached for his Divine Mask—Zeus, ready to spring into action and protect his sister at all costs.

As Lucas reached for his Divine Mask, the system interrupted with a smug, unapologetic tone, [Ah, Host, you'll find that Zeus is no more. Every last drop of its mana was drained to create Lucy's mask. It's gone, poof, just like that.] The system's arrogance was palpable, as if it took pride in Lucas's shock.

Lucas froze, his eyes widening in horror. "How the hell can this happen?" he thought frantically, his mind spinning in confusion. With no other options left, he swiftly drew a knife, his resolve firm. He would at least buy Lucy enough time to escape.

But before he could act, Lucy began to laugh—a light, carefree sound that contrasted sharply with the tension in the air. "Wow, your skin is pretty tough," she said to the bear, her tone almost teasing, as if she was playing with a mere toy. "How about this?" she added, a playful edge to her voice.

"Eruption," Lucy whispered, and in an instant, the bear's massive body began to swell grotesquely. A heartbeat later, it exploded in a violent burst, sending chunks of flesh and bone scattering in all directions. The forest fell silent, the air thick with the acrid stench of blood and burnt fur.

Lucas stood there, utterly dumbfounded, his mind struggling to comprehend what had just happened. Lucy turned to him, her smile bright and innocent, as if nothing unusual had occurred. "Little brother," she said cheerfully, "the bear is already dead. Let's continue."

Lucas could only nod, his thoughts a whirlwind of disbelief and awe. As they resumed their walk, he spoke to the system in his mind, "Is this really the strength of my sister now?"

When Lucas questioned Lucy's strength once more, the system's voice was a mix of confused pride and disdain, [Honestly, Host, I'm not entirely sure what's happening here. Your sister is human, after all, and even those with special physiques typically struggle to adjust to their newfound power. They're usually weaklings at this stage, but your sister… she's something else entirely.]

The system's tone shifted, growing more serious, yet still tinged with awe and arrogance. [If I'm right, and it's rare that I'm not, your sister isn't just powerful—she's a prodigy, no, a monster in the making.]

The system paused as if relishing the implications before adding with a condescending lilt, [If she's truly this capable, she could crush three-star beasts and even three-star warriors with ease.]

Finally, the system's voice dripped with smugness as it delivered its concluding remark, [I must say, Host, I'm starting to wonder if you two are really siblings. She's just… leagues ahead, don't you think?]

Lucas clenched his fists, a storm of emotions churning within him. His thoughts were a chaotic mix of pride, confusion, and a hint of fear. "She really is my sister," he thought fiercely, his jaw tightening with determination.

[Oh, of course, Host,] the system mocked, its voice soaked in condescension, [Whatever helps you sleep at night.]

"Damn it," Lucas muttered through gritted teeth, frustration etched into his features. But as much as he hated the system's smug attitude, he couldn't deny the truth staring him in the face—Lucy's power was far beyond anything he could have ever imagined.

The path ahead was growing more uncertain, the future more unpredictable, but amidst the turmoil, a flicker of happiness warmed his heart. She was strong, stronger than he could have hoped, and that brought him a strange sense of relief.

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