Devouring Monarch: Rebirth of the Profane Phoenix

Chapter 133: Reunion


"See you tomorrow, My Lord!"

"I'll pay the tab, so take care and get home safe; you are the treasures of my Phoix Glade; never forget that!"

Asura grasped the hand of Delta; it was like a habit of always being with Mu Xue or Xavida, so he took her hand and left the bar. Oblivious to the way, the old craftsm watched his back with a befuddled but happy face.

"I can't believe it, a noble took us seriously, and ev the costs we made higher to test him, he knew that although it was over the total cost, he knew sometimes there are errors or issues in construction."

"Ah, I once heard the lad was a no-mag. Maybe this would make him focus on studying until he reached the right age. His etiquette and knowledge were so wide..."

"Have we found the lord we wish to serve at last? Us old m with our crazy plans and ideas?"

"One more pint to celebrate, boys?"



In the quiet streets, as the last punters from the pubs returned to their homes or the temporary tts, Asura's steps were slightly unstable as he laughed happily. Delta supported his shoulder with a strange smile, finding it difficult to refuse him after spding hours drinking together.

"Delta, thanks for accompanying me today. I know you're busy, so I hope you can stay another few days and assist me with Wolfsheim's improvemts."

"Of course, Lord Asura."

"It's a shame you're not a permant help. You're so efficit and talted." He whispered before they reached the steps leading to the damaged fort; standing on the road in their and blue dresses were Mu Xue and Princess Vela.

"Asura! Delta!"

"Welcome home, husband!"

Mu Xue rushed forward with a slight frown before hugging Asura and kissing him passionately; Vela stood shyly, her dress fluttering in the wind as she watched Mu Xue act so intimately.

".... I wish I could."

"Hmm, what's the matter, My Lady?" Delta, who noticed the Princesses' jealousy, asked her as she watched the hands that touched her earlier now wrapped a the Eastern knight's buttocks.


Delta smiled slightly before glancing at Asura; her mind recalled the touch of his hands as she realised she wasn't the only woman he treated like this, but why did she feel vious of this sce?

Shortly after, they finally guided the drunk Asura to his bedroom, where Mu Xue asked Vela, "Are you joining us tonight? Fufu." Only for the lovely princess to turn bright red and turn away.

"A princess cannot freely sleep with a man... Ev if he is my fiancé... Mother hasn't made the announcemt yet."

"Haha, alright. Goodnight, Vela."

"I won't give up, no matter how hard. I will make him look at me and love me the most!"

Vela closed her eyes and almost shouted as she walked away, with her hands clched tightly.

She didn't have that last momtum to push forward. Vela liked Asura from the momt they first met wh he beat her and gave her the win. Her times fighting him in the training field, the times she secretly kissed his lips wh he dropped to the g exhausted, filled with sweat, and slept.

For others, it might seem too sweet a love, but to Vela, it was the first time she became interested in something other than magic and her mother.

"I can't wait, Vela. May the best woman win."

Mu Xue waved her hand with a giggle. Delta bowed respectfully and left the room after Asura lay on his bed; Mu Xue stripped the drunk lord naked before lying next to him.

"Xu'er... I'm sorry... I drank too much..." Asura muttered as Mu Xue placed her hand on his chest and kissed him gtly.

"I don't mind, now... let me make you feel much better and relaxed. Fufu..." Her voice became more ssual as she spoke, her skin turning blue as she took on her devil form while sneaking under the sheets.


The morning birds sang as light seeped through the window; a feeling of déjà vu filled Asura as he woke up naked with Mu Xue resting on top of him. Hard fluids covered their bodies as she slept peacefully with an innoct face despite still being connected to him and the sheets on the floor.

'Did we really...?..' Asura remembered drinking yesterday and teasing Delta slightly, but everything else was a blur as he kissed Mu Xue's forehead.

Her eyes flickered op, showing surprise before she realised Asura had recovered, so she hugged him tightly and kissed him repeatedly on his face, waking up slowly as she joyed every momt of trying to roll him a in her arms.

"Xu'er, I have a business to finish today, so why don't you relax in the room? Take a day off?" Asura whispered as Mu Xue's eyes wided slightly; she pouted cutely before smiling with a nod.

"Okay, I will rest today... Just come back early so we can eat together?"

"Of course." Asura kissed Mu Xue one last time before dressing himself in casual, red and noble attire and shortly left the room for the meeting.

He found that Delta waited for him at the d of the hallway, beside her two other Valkyrie, who gave him a light bow before they headed towards the meeting room where the Frudette Merchant Family and the many old m already waited.

"Oh? You're all so early, haha."

"My Lord! We couldn't be late to discuss this with you, haha..." The old man named Turner, who specialised in stoneworks and masonry, laughed with his brown suitcase filled with parchmts rolled up, likely design drawings.

"Well th, let's start." Asura sat behind the long table after Delta poured him a glass of water from a jug nearby and placed a light bowl of porridge for him to eat.

The discussion started with a vibrant feeling, with the old m bringing many ideas that Asura's eyes seemed to shine, as the people noticed him getting so involved that he forgot to eat.

Delta shrugged her shoulders before taking a small chair beside him and spoon-fed Asura, who became grossed in the conversation.

'Wow, these old m are amazing! They could probably finish the work that took me twty years in a few!'

"My Lord, these are the detailed designs of the port upgrades; the pulse cannons require mages to power them, and each one costs t gold a month, but the damage they cause is worth it."

"However, here is an automated version that would only require someone with Stage One level of mana to power them, but the monthly cost would increase to Twty gold a month."

Delta fed Asura some delicious porridge as he read through the detailed designs; his eyes shone as he imagined the defce Wolfsheim could have, but he frowned slightly as he thought of the costs.

'Father's a stingy guy, but if I give him my detailed documtation, after all, there is another threat that can attack from the north...'

Asura glanced at Delta before writing a letter to his father requesting the upgrades and the additional defces, including the pulse cannons.

Although expsive, Wolfsheim earned ough from trade and taxes to cover the costs for a hundred years with no growth or improvemts.

He also mtioned lowering the tax overall, which might affect the territory's total money, but Asura knew that in a short while, war would break out for the kingdom, and he wished to make the people of the Phoix Glade happy above all else.

'With my new farming method, the yield and recovery is almost doubled... This should help make more money from exports, and th there are the hidd mines near the Lyndwrym Valley filled with the most sought-after metal in the world.'

After all, he chose not to write about this in the letter. Instead, he would tell his father in person. Asura knew this discovery could shake the world and cause wars among the nations if anyone discovered it. 'We must develop our army and defces before it gets revealed.'

After finishing the letter, he sealed it before handing it to Delta, who left to deliver it immediately to the fastest mage courier; however, as she was leaving, her eyes noticed a new carriage approaching, with many following carriages in the caravan filled with supplies...

However, the flag was not Fix but the flag of Drakkur.


The meeting ded with the deal for four cannons to be created, while Turner would use a special mixture to create a defsive wall that could resist up to a Stage Six level of dragon breath or cannon barrage. Asura promised to keep his doors op; if they wanted to discuss, th make an appointmt, and he would happily discuss more.

Thankfully, the Frudette family and Darnius's master of agriculture agreed to test his new idea; they signed a copyright using this method, which would last t years.

Th Asura suggested to Fredette that he would give them a unique method almost as effective as a sign of good faith for the t years, which they could sell to other families or nobles, with the Fix Family gaining half the earnings.

It seemed steep, but that was how valuable it was for the people involved; they used the highest tier of contract and NDA pacts that would kill the family of the ones that broke it. Only Asura signed one that would cause his death, rather than his family.

"Phew..." As the last guests left, Asura sighed in the quiet room before one maid tered, bowing.

"My Lord, Verana, Heir to the Duchess of Drakkur, has arrived, bearing supplies and gifts to help you recover in this trying time."

The next momt, before Asura could react or dy it... the huge black doors oped, and she finally reappeared in his life... A year early, unexpectedly...

Asura watched as her eyes, as red as blood, oped, that beautifully alluring sharp face, the silky crimson hair draped down her shoulders and chest, and her black and red dress, with the emblem of Drakkur swaying with the movemt of her ormous, firm and flawless breasts.

"Lord Asura Fix, I have heard you suffered terrible injuries protecting Wolfsheim against such overwhelming odds." Her voice was chanting; she held a soft smile as she approached. Her steps were elegant but held a slight arrogance.

'Should I kill her?' Asura thought darkly as he felt Helia appear behind him. She shook her head slightly before disappearing again... 'Why? What should I do? I...'

[Calm down, take a deep breath and make sure you see everything clearly]

'...' Shaking his head, he realised making Drakkur an emy now would be foolish. Instead, he heard her out...

Verana stopped a few metres from Asura before curtsying deeply and gracefully. Each movemt was perfect, as her body swayed as if to amplify her eroticism.

"I am Verana Drakkur, heir to Duchess Helliana Drakkur. Please allow us to offer these supplies and gifts to help Wolfsheim following our gagemt."

'What gagemt!'

Asura nodded politely before accepting the gift with a bitter face... Delta appeared siltly with two maids carrying boxes of goods. They examined it before oping the letters Verana handed over.

"Lord Asura Fix, I have heard much of your achievemts."

Verana... You hav't changed that arrogant look...

He noticed her looking at the table and seeing the agriculture documts. He hid most of the important things, but he knew that light... the shine in her eyes.

It reminded him of that dream and his memories...

"I also know of the talted Lady Verana; her shadow skills are unmatched."

"Fufu, they might be good. However, I am here in the flesh today."

'Who would believe that?'

Delta handed him a letter... Asura's eyes narrowed slightly as he saw Verana bow, her chest leaning forward, showing her deep cleavage; this woman was trying to seduce him already. The vile vix's stomach churned with disgust.

His body tsed as he gripped the letter tightly...

'Helia, what happs if I kill her now?'

[She will die. This is her actual body.]

'What!? Why? Verana never used her actual body to travel!'

And so, the most disturbing and disgusting reunion happed wh Asura was completely unprepared.

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