Devouring Monarch: Rebirth of the Profane Phoenix

Chapter 132: Wolfsheim - Repair, Upgrade, Dominate!

Asura's body suffered during the battle, and because of the cracks, he couldn't use his full power, although it gradually healed as time passed.

The cracks would not vanish until he reached the fourth layer.

'Damn, I feel like something has lodged inside my veins and blocked the passage of mana hurts. It's like having a piece of food stuck in my throat, and I'm slowly choking.'

He slowly dressed in a simple black noble tunic with highlights and an undershirt with dark red velvet pants tied with silk.

"Dad's taste is horrible!" Asura complained as he left his room with slow steps.


Mu Xue rushed to his side the momt she saw him. Her body wore a black and maid outfit, and in her hand was a duster, as if she was cleaning like normal.

'This girl...'

"Why are you acting like a maid?"

"Why are you acting like a maid?" Asura asked with a sigh as Mu Xue blushed slightly and smiled sweetly.

"I heard the maids complain about being overworked because of the damage to the manor and fort, so I offered to help."

'I didn't expect that, but I appreciate your kindness.'

"Xu'er, you are my wife, not a maid." Asura held Mu Xue's waist before kissing her lightly.

"But I joy helping others, especially those who serve you. My cute husband. Now look at your amazing figure. Fufu, those pants are sexy. Now let's get you something to eat..."

Asura never expected the new devilish Mu Xue to grab his ass or make such lustful actions in broad daylight, yet somehow he felt refreshed by her showing her desires.

He remembered the first weeks of coming to this world, and Mu Xue wouldn't ask for anything; ev wh they started dating, she held back.

'After all, this side of her is good too.'

Asura smirked slightly, his thoughts unknown to Mu Xue, as she led Asura to a dining area where the kitch staff served piping hot dishes.

Delta and Lucretia waited there for Asura as he ate with them quietly, asking about the damages to Wolfsheim, which surprisingly avoided the worst situation of a destroyed port.

Many of the Phoix Glade required the trade of Wolfsheim for money and produce coming onto the mainland, especially the Lyndwrym Valley, which needed the support now, too.

Thus, Asura planned to visit there shortly with Delta since she would handle military affairs regarding the city for the time being.

"Thanks, Delta; although I am the heir, it might be ev more reassuring if you are with me, the que's Valkyrie commander."

"Any spare food, please share it with those who lost their homes or spt the night fighting for us."

After eating, Mu Xue brought Asura to the fort. In three hours, he would visit the port with Delta, so now he would review the reported damages, the needed repairs, and the remaining damages.

The princess didn't attd the breakfast because she also had official business; rather, she offered to help calm the people. She did this for the kingdom and to relieve the pressure from Asura's shoulders.

"Xu'er sit beside me. Can you massage my shoulders?"

'She looks tired and deserves a rest.'

"Mm, anytime."

He didn't want her to work so hard all day, standing and rushing a without rest. So he used his powers as her lord and lover to make her submit, watching as she swayed her lovely hips towards him, sitting so close she almost mounted him.

Mu Xue gtly massaged his shoulders as Asura read through the reports Delta had giv him, some related to before the battle and geral land details or issues.

Th, the ones from the battle, mainly for repairs and allowing them to spd money from the city treasury. Although it was his first time doing this, he didn't rush.

Asura examined the details to avoid errors and fraud.

"So this is the damage list..."

There were fewer casualties than expected, with only sev hundred deaths, mostly civilians who hid inside their basemts and cellars below their houses, suffering minor water damage, which was fixed by the many mages in the Valkyrie unit.

'Lower the remuneration for these homes, only those that still have damaged homes that need more than just some magic to fix...'

'Ahh... Xu'er and her massages are the best.' Asura sighed, his mind relaxing as Mu Xue's hands loosed his tse muscles.

The costs of repairing Wolfsheim totalled two thousand gold, including the fort and the port, which required immediate atttion to resume trading.

Asura th tried to remember the best traders from his memory. Yet he couldn't quite picture such insignificant details; he wanted to find a female who helped him with the first farming improvemt.


Meanwhile, while grossed in the documts and joying a magical shoulder massage, Mu Xue softly whispered in his ear.

"Mmmm, what's wrong?"

Mu Xue glanced towards his face as he turned a before kissing his lips gtly. The sweet cherry taste of her lips made him addicted to her instantly as Asura returned the kiss passionately.

"Fufu, nothing. I just wanted to remind you that Delta is waiting downstairs. It's be three hours."

'Wh did she get here?'

"She can wait. Come here. Let me kiss my lovely bride a little more."

"Kya~ save me, he's going to eat me alive."

Mu Xue teased Asura playfully, and he loved every second as they kissed and embraced for a while longer before Delta knocked on the door loudly.


There were strange sounds from the large black doors, causing Delta and the two female guards to look strange. The sound of a woman's pleasant groaning, followed by a woman's dirty talk.

Delta didn't want to ter, but the time for their business was almost late. So she knocked on the door after the female's voice seemed to reach its peak and calmed down.

"My lord, we need to depart now." She cracked the door, only to find Mu Xue's back visible while facing away, but her eyes were sharp, and she saw Asura knelt betwe her thighs, causing Delta's eyes to wid before she bolted from the room with pink cheeks.

"S-sorry! Lord Asura, I will wait outside."

Delta shut the door and covered her mouth before thinking of a cold bath. She th cursed herself for being too curious. However, she could never forget the blissful look on the maid's face.

Inside the room, Asura kissed Mu Xue's thigh with a smirk after Delta ran off with bright red cheeks.

"Xu'er, shall I continue?"

"Naughty, Husband... It's ssitive... let's go; I will nap on the sofa and wait for you to finish what you started."

Asura lifted her off the desk, noticing the copious amounts of viscous fluids on the edge of his dark mahogany desk, and shook his head, gtly placing her on the large sofa and covering Mu Xue with a warm blanket.

"If you get hungry, call for the maids. Don't overwork yourself, okay?"

"Mmm, I promise. See you tonight."

Mu Xue kissed Asura before falling asleep on the sofa. He stroked her cheek before leaving the room, noticing Delta, who awkwardly greeted him without making eye contact. They th walked down the curling stone steps, a sse of cold and bitterness from the icy winds coming from the small windows along the path.

"How are your sisters? Did any of them suffer great injuries?"

"Two died, my lord, but the Valkyries lost 5% of their members. For now, it will take a week or two for them to recover."

"I see... Delta, I am glad you survived. Let me know if you need anything to mourn the two lost girls."

Delta nodded with a surprised expression. Asura guessed it was because she rarely expericed such empathy for those under her command.

"Thank you, my lord. We plan to hold a memorial in three days."

"I will attd if possible. Without you girls, I would have lost my two future wives and my life."

Delta blushed slightly, nodding with a smile, but her eyes contained complicated emotions.

"My lord, what do you think of the princess? After seeing you two fight so well together, I thought perhaps she might become your third wife."

Asura found it rather charming that Delta would bring up Vela here. He never planned to dy their marriage, anyway. So he just smiled softly.

"I like her as a woman, and ev more if speaking about her as a person. We agreed to the marriage, but there were two wom before her, and she accepted that, so I plan to do my best to love her as much as my other wom."

"That's good, my lord..."

Delta replied, feeling slightly jealous and vy of Mu Xue, the princess and Lucretia, who would marry Asura. The Valkyrie lacked many features a normal person might have, so hearing these things helped fulfil their emptiness.

Asura didn't notice Delta's feelings, nor did he care. After all, he still had too many romantic debts to deal with, and he wasn't one to search for wom, anyway.

He would never let them go if they tered his heart, ev if the world was to be destroyed.

"Delta, are there any merchants you trust currtly? I plan to improve Wolfsheim further with agriculture, fishing, mining and hunting. We must also improve our weapons, armour and food storage facilities."

He trusted this woman because of who she supported. Asura was a fan of the que as she spt more time fighting on the front lines than any knight or warrior.

Delta fought alongside her majesty and commanded her elite troops, so Asura believed she possessed the experice and knowledge he needed to succeed.

"Hmmm... My lord, I recommd the merchant family of Frudette, who specialise in shipbuilding and transporting rare herbs and potions. They operate in Wolfsheim frequtly since this place connects with the capital of three nations."

"Alright, let's contact them tomorrow if possible. I also need to arrange meetings with the best blacksmiths and farmers..."

Delta recommded many names. Those families with strong reputations and those she knew personally. Asura memorised all of them as he walked through the streets of Wolfsheim with Delta before arriving at the port.

A man in brown lin greeted them with a large board and a piece of parchmt.

"My lord, I am Varian Bluge, the shipbuilder for Wolfsheim. The damages are severe, but we repaired the docks and sured they were stable. However, this is only a temporary matter. So repairing them fully would take 000 gold, and upgrading them to resist the same bombardmts would take 5000 gold... May I ask what the lord thinks?"

Delta quickly introduced the port manager as Asura signed the contract and handed over two chests of gold coins. "For now, Mr Bluge, I would ask you to repair them, and I will speak with my father about the upgrades. He should be more than willing to humour your designs and ideas after this week."

"Should we speak inside, My Lord?" Delta whispered, noticing the cracks visible from the back of Asura's shirt and feeling a sse of regret she allowed him to become injured.

"Let's, are you okay with the Crying Pony? Mr Bluge?"

"Of course, My Lord! Let's go; I have many suggestions for you to read!"

Asura tered the tavern with the excited shipbuilder as Delta ordered tea and light snacks, discussing matters with the innkeeper, whose home suffered minor flooding but required no repairs.

Varian Bluge was a middle-aged man with greying hair. His beard covered most of his chin as he talked thusiastically about the dock improvemts.

"My lord, if you upgrade the port to resist cannon fire, it will cost nearly five thousand gold, but the befits will outweigh the costs! These cannons are called Pulse-Cannon's and use magic to fire deadly electrical waves that make normal cannons pale in comparison!"

Like this, Asura listed to hundreds of ideas from the passionate middle-aged man, unaware of wh he became tipsy and started to tease Delta by stroking her thighs.

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