Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

Chapter 56: Yu Parang, Turn on the Broadcast!! (3)

Chapter 56: Yu Parang, Turn on the Broadcast!! (3)

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast – 56

EP.56 Yu Parang, Turn on the Broadcast!! (3)


Parang exited the garden at an incredible speed and swam with a maddening pace.

Thanks to this, the viewers could see the outside of the ‘garden,’ which was quite fascinating.

At first, they saw a cavity surrounded by rocks and thought, ‘Oh, it’s a hole in a mountain or a cliff.’ But what was this?

It was just a rock with a hole in it, standing tall on a flat floor.

There were no mountains or cliffs around. Just a solitary rock standing on a flat surface.

Its appearance was very, very peculiar.

─Why is it like that?

─Damn, I never imagined it would look like this.

“Oh, sometimes there are sections like this. Just slightly above or below the Monster Layer. At such depths, there are occasionally awkward terrains like this.”

─This doesn’t seem like something to talk about so casually.

─So, what’s the depth here?

“We’re currently at a depth of 600 meters. Oh, I forgot to display the depth interface. Just a moment.”

Parang had forgotten to switch from the apology broadcast settings to the regular broadcast settings.

When she took out her phone and manipulated the app, the depth and temperature interface soon appeared on the broadcast screen.

“Now, I’ll be going down. Those who played pranks earlier, I remember your nicknames, so don’t leave and type ‘The sea is dangerous’ every three minutes. If you don’t, I’ll find you and ban you.”

─No, please.

─The sea is dangerous.

─Parang, just spare me.

─The sea is dangerous.

Being banned from Parang’s broadcast was scarier to the viewers than a monster surprise.

Parang continued to swim with a satisfied smile.

Before long, the flat plain that had been empty ended, and a cliff that dropped at a 90-degree angle appeared.

Below was the deep blue she had always seen.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Parang quickly swam downward.

─Hey, where are you going?

─Please at least tell us where you’re going.


─The sea is dangerous.

─Parang, we were wrong. Let’s talk this out.

─The sea is dangerous.

─‘ㅇㅇ’ donated 1000 won! –

[ Please, just give us one more chance…!! ]

“It’s over. You incompetent fools.”

Who told them to mess with Parang when she was just minding her own business?

Even the usually gentle Parang was quite angry about this matter.

There happened to be a perfect Object down below.

The last time she checked, ‘Topoda’ were living there.

She hadn’t hunted them, and Topoda were top predators, so they were likely still there.

‘Please be there… Please…!!’

Topoda would be more than enough to teach the impudent viewers a lesson.

─The sea is dangerous.

And finally, Yu Parang arrived!

Current depth: 2.1 km.

A giant beer can floating in the water appeared before Parang’s eyes.

With a red background, wide white accents, and black italic letters, the beer can stood out.

The tab on the opening was red, which was its trademark.

Its appearance was coincidentally very similar to a beer can on Earth, so when Oceanos first discovered it, he was greatly shocked.

Usually, when an Object resembling something humans use is found in the deep sea, it doesn’t have any brand markings at all.

A typical example is the toothpaste tube Object Parang encountered a long time ago.

It was painted in a single color without any patterns, let alone a brand.

The viewers were also amazed when they recognized the beer can from afar.

─Isn’t that the thing?

─I have that on my desk right now.

─I drank that yesterday, what is this???

─The sea is dangerous.

─Did someone drink it and throw it away?

─No way lol

─The sea is dangerous.

And Parang periodically entered this can to kill monsters and came out.

This is why she couldn’t drink this particular brand of beer in reality, even though she could drink other beers.

Anyway, Parang entered the beer can Object.

The beer can Object was about 1.5 times larger in volume than the toothpaste tube Object.

So, it could easily accommodate one or two medium-sized monsters like Galecus.

Inside, well, it looked like a typical Object.

A dark space covered with disgusting green mucus everywhere.

Parang turned on her flashlight and stood at the entrance of the beer can, scanning her surroundings.

And then she saw something in her field of vision.

─What the hell is that?

─Is that a bone??

─It looks like a bone.

─The sea is dangerous.

“That’s right. This is a monster’s bone. It probably tried to settle here but got eaten.”

Judging by its length and body shape, it was a serpent-type monster somewhere between small and medium-sized.

Parang wasn’t skilled enough to identify the monster just from its broken skeleton, so her deduction ended there.

She carefully looked inside the Object, but there was no noticeable movement.

Conclusion: The Topoda was still there.

‘Lucky me.’

What would she have done if the Topoda wasn’t here, which had about a 5% chance?

…Well, in that case, it would mean another monster had wiped out the Topoda and settled there, so she would have adjusted the broadcast accordingly.

Confirming the presence of the Topoda, Parang began her broadcast with a sly demeanor.

“Oh~ Unfortunately, it seems there are no monsters here. It looks like they were recently hunted. Such a pity.”

─Damn, there’s something.

─There’s something there.

─There’s definitely something.

─The sea is dangerous.

─We can see your smile reaching your ears.

Was it that obvious? It was hard to contain her excitement.

Having decided to be blatantly shameless, Parang walked forward silently.

Desperately holding back her laughter.

“There really are no monsters here. Look, over here, over there, even way over there. See? Nothing.”

─Is she serious?

─Do you think she’s serious? Look at her face.

─The sea is dangerous.

Parang pretended not to know anything, and it was very effective.

To the viewers, it indeed seemed like an empty space with no monsters, but seeing Yu Parang’s raised smile made it hard to believe there was nothing there.

Confusion, confusion. More confusion!

“But since we’re here, let’s just look around a bit…”


Just as Parang was about to continue speaking, the wall covered in green mucus suddenly opened its eyes and rushed at Parang at an incredible speed.


Parang skillfully speared it with her harpoon, killing it instantly.

─Oh my god, what the hell


─Do I have to see this even here?

─The sea is dangerous.

The chat was in an uproar, shocked by the sudden appearance of the monster.

It had shown no signs at all before suddenly attacking, so their reaction was understandable.

Barely holding back her laughter, Parang finally began explaining about the octopus monster, Topoda.

“Topoda is a mutated octopus monster. Originally masters of disguise, octopuses become nearly perfectly camouflaged with their surroundings when they mutate into monsters, hunting their prey.”

Octopuses have three other remarkable abilities besides their delicious taste that even fresh food can’t match.

The first is their ink. Spraying ink in an emergency and fleeing has become an undeniable identity of octopuses.

The second is their intelligence. A quick search on YouTube will show videos of octopuses escaping mazes and opening bottle caps, proving they have above-average intelligence.

The third is their mimicry ability. They can freely change their body color to blend perfectly with their surroundings, another identity of octopuses. In movies, octopus characters are always portrayed as masters of infiltration.

“And when an octopus mutates into a Topoda, all three of these traits become significantly stronger.”

More lethal ink, higher intelligence, and more perfect mimicry.

With these three abilities, Topoda can establish itself as a top predator in the monster ecosystem, despite being only twice the size of the original octopus.

Naturally, Topoda’s specialty is ambushing while in hiding.

“And inside this Object, there are swarms of Topoda. I’d estimate around fifty to sixty of them?”

─Damn, fifty of those things?

─I was going to eat octopus today!!!

─I was eating it just now lol…

─The sea is dangerous (this is serious).

“That’s what I means.”

Parang placed one hand on her hip and pointed her index finger of the other hand towards the ceiling.




The Topoda clinging to Parang’s hand tried to escape by spraying ink,


But Parang clenched her fist tightly, bursting the Topoda instantly.

“This means they will keep ambushing me like this. Were you surprised?”


─Yes, very much;;

“I see. I understand.”

She only understood. Parang had no intention of stopping.

“From now on, I will go to the end of this Object, which corresponds to the bottom of the beer can, and come back. During that process, the Topoda will keep trying to ambush me.”

─Oh, please, the sea is dangerous.

─Just this once, please, the sea is dangerous.

“Fortunately, once you spot the Topoda’s camouflage, it’s easy to see through it. This means you can know where the ambush will come from. Doesn’t that reduce the fear?”

─Well, yes, but…

─I feel like I’ll never find them.

─The sea is dangerous…

“Oh, that’s not something I need to worry about. Lastly, Topoda takes about five seconds to scan a target before attacking.”


“So, try to find them within five seconds. Good luck!”

Perspective, fixed in first-person.

Good luck, damn it, the sea is dangerous.

Parang confidently walked inside the Object.

And then, a scream.

The viewers cried out.

What could they do? It was a disaster they brought upon themselves.

Thus, the chat was quickly filled with the joyous screams of the viewers.

Yu Parang’s apology broadcast.

A great success.

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