Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

Chapter 55: Yu Parang, Turn on the Broadcast!! (2)

Chapter 55: Yu Parang, Turn on the Broadcast!! (2)

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast – 55

EP.55 Yu Parang, Turn on the Broadcast!! (2)


The green chroma key screen fell, revealing the scenery it had been hiding behind it on the broadcast screen.

And for a while, the chat stopped.

They had to take in the scenery before their eyes. There was no time to move their fingers.

Parang was standing at the entrance of some cave.

In fact, it was more like a cylindrical cavity than a cave.

Since Parang was standing at the upper part of the cavity, the viewers could see the entire interior at a glance.

“How is it?”

The inside of the cavity was filled with a deep, dark blue light.

Something filling the wide space was emitting that light.

Swaying, countless corals.

Various corals swayed here and there, filling the deep blue cavity, centered around a super-giant coral that grew almost to the ceiling.

When people think of corals, they often imagine them as hard, stationary objects like rocks, but there are many types that sway in the water like sea anemones.

The corals spread widely on the floor here were just such corals.

They were all blue, swaying back and forth with the water currents, looking exactly like grass swaying in a windy field.

And in the space filled with such corals, various giant corals also swayed.

Some stood upright like trees, swaying, while others spread out flat and raised their tentacles like a reed field.

With so many of them densely packed, it looked like a forest of tall grass.

Not just the floor. The strange-shaped corals clinging to the walls made the dreamy scenery look even more surreal.

One thing was certain: no one but Parang could show such a scene.

She, as if diving, lightly jumped forward from where she was standing.

Then she stopped. She let herself sink, waiting for her body to descend, as if watching a slow-motion scene.

As she got closer to the bottom, her wide field of vision narrowed, and finally, she could count each tentacle of the coral.


Yu Parang gracefully spun once in the air and gently landed on the floor of the cavity.

How she found a place to land among the dense corals was a mystery, but Parang landed without hesitation.

From the point where she landed, a long stone path stretched out like a small trail through a grassy field.

On both sides, tentacles about 1 meter long swayed, emitting a deep blue light.

It looked like a small path through a dense reed field.

It wasn’t visible from above, but small fish were swimming in and out among the corals.

The long, narrow floor between the corals led towards the super-giant coral seen earlier, winding and stretching out.

The scene was so dreamy, beautiful, and bizarre that the viewers couldn’t easily form an opinion about the cavity.

“It’s called the Coral Cavity. It’s a space somewhere in the East Sea.”

─Wow… is this a Hive too?

─It’s too small to be a Hive. Is it an Object?

“Unfortunately, it’s neither a Hive nor an Object. It’s just a simple geographical feature.”

Parang leisurely looked around the stone path of the Coral Cavity.

As if it were a real walking path, short pillar-shaped corals emitting bright blue light were placed at regular intervals along the path.

The viewers realized why this space looked so dreamy.

This wasn’t just a space where corals had grown densely.

It was more like a meticulously maintained garden. Now they noticed that the winding path had a consistent width, just right for a person to walk through.

Curious viewers—though anyone would be curious upon seeing this scene—bombarded Parang with questions.

─What is this place?

─No way these grew naturally

And they achieved a feat that happens maybe once in a few years.

“That’s right.”

Successfully predicting something on Parang’s broadcast.

“This Coral Cavity didn’t form naturally. It was originally a wide, empty space with nothing in it.”

Parang gently brushed her hand through the swaying corals beside her.

“And it’s not some mysterious anomaly that suddenly appeared like an Object or a Hive.”

As she gently swept her hand through the swaying thin tentacles, small colorful fish swimming together inside became visible.

When Parang cupped her hands to form a basket shape, the small fish gathered inside and swam in circles.

“I created the ‘Coral Cavity.’ When I first discovered this space, I wanted to make it into a place that suited my tastes. So, whenever I had time, I brought corals from all over the world and grew them here. The same goes for the fish.”

Corals are essentially made up of tiny animals called ‘polyps,’ so you don’t need to bring an entire giant coral; just a part of it can grow into a large size. This is why she could collect corals from seas around the world.

However, typical corals require very specific environments and are highly sensitive to minor changes, making it nearly impossible to create such a large aquarium.

But Parang thought.

Just as mutated fish from the Monster Layer can live in various environments and spread across the world’s oceans, perhaps mutated corals could also thrive in any environment.

“So I experimented. I took a coral from the surface and placed it on an Object located in the Monster Layer.”

A few days later, when she went back, she found a large, beautiful, and adaptable mutated coral that could grow anywhere.

Starting from there, she traveled the world, collecting corals that suited her taste, mutating them, and then bringing parts of them to this cavity to grow and create a garden.

In this way, Parang succeeded in making this entire large cavity her own space.

She visits once a month to maintain it regularly.

The viewers looked at Parang as if she were a crazy woman.

─She’s insane.

─Seems like a lunatic?

─She’s nuts.

It was indeed a crazy act. Who would come up with such an idea?

But well, it wasn’t the first time Parang had shown her eccentric side, so they just accepted it.

“So, today’s broadcast is about garden maintenance.”

As she started walking along the path, small fish that had been swimming among the corals began to swirl around her.

─Did she train the fish too??

─The atmosphere is insane.

“I don’t know about the fish… They just keep sticking to me. It’s fascinating.”

Well, even if she didn’t know the reason, it looked nice.

Parang, who already had a mysterious aura, walking through a beautiful coral garden surrounded by fish, looked like a mermaid princess.

─It’s really pretty.

ㄴYou think this is pretty? It’s just gloomy and scary.

Of course, opinions about the coral garden’s scenery varied among the viewers.

Some found the sight of countless tentacles swaying like grass to be beautiful and dreamy, while others found it creepy and eerie.

“Yuna, please ban the person who just said it’s creepy from chatting for 30 minutes.”

However, there wasn’t much a viewer could do if they found it creepy.

Seeing the unfortunate viewer who had their preference ‘normalized’ in an instant, the ‘anti-coral garden faction’ had no choice but to keep quiet.

Chatting and leisurely enjoying the scenery as they followed the path, Parang eventually reached the large central coral.

She stepped back slightly to give the viewers a better view.

This was the coral she had first brought here and started growing, the one she was most attached to.

Parang didn’t know the exact species name. Vertea told her every time, but it was too long to remember.

It looked very similar to a baobab tree growing on land, so she called it Baobab.

“It’s a Baobab. Isn’t it pretty?”

─Wow, is this also a coral?

─It’s really huge.

─Pretty… maybe?

Parang knew that the Baobab slightly, just a little, deviated from the general standards of beauty.

“10… 9… 8…”

─It’s really pretty.

─Among the corals here, it’s one of the prettiest.

─I think I like corals.

But the kind-hearted viewers respected Parang’s taste.

“Well done.”

She started ‘maintaining’ the area around the Baobab.

In fact, mutated corals were so tough and grew so well that there wasn’t much professional maintenance needed.

She just trimmed the unsightly protruding parts and removed any dead sections.

Thus, for almost the first time on Parang’s broadcast, a peaceful, non-combat broadcast took place.

Initially, the viewers were puzzled by the unusual broadcast without a single monster, but soon they found peace of mind watching the leisurely garden maintenance in the deep sea.

Thanks to Parang’s continuous storytelling, it was perfect as a radio broadcast as well.

“So, upon closer inspection, what I thought was a fish turned out to be bait. Suddenly, those things opened their eyes from all directions and stared at me….”

Of course, she didn’t forget the main purpose of the broadcast, which was to prevent viewers from falling asleep, so she only told terrifying and bizarre stories, occasionally sending chills down their spines.

But visually, it wasn’t creepy.

So, it was quite a fairy-like broadcast.

And Parang felt this, just like the viewers did.

She thought that the peaceful atmosphere was indeed better.

She didn’t know if that day would ever come, but someday, if diving became completely safe and not dangerous at all, if that day ever came.

Then, it would be nice to zone out for a while, watching the beautiful sea with the viewers.

She looked at the swaying corals with unusually sentimental eyes.

And when she checked the chat,

─Open your eyes.

─Open your eyes.

─Open your eyes.

Chills ran down her spine.

What? There’s no way Brachium could be here, right? Besides, there was no skill notification!

She quickly looked around but saw nothing.

Her eyes trembled violently.

In a hurry, she looked at the chat again,




─ ‘ㅇㅇ’ donated 1000 won! –

[Lol, trolling the host is so much fun lol]


She scrolled up the chat and saw the scene of the conspiracy.

─The host seems to be zoning out right now. How about we spam “open your eyes”?

─Oh shit lolololol

─Open your eyes.

─Will this work?

─Open your eyes.

─Open your eyes.

─Open your eyes.


Parang let out a sigh of relief.

At least nothing bad had happened.


But on second thought, wasn’t this a perfect example of being completely played by the viewers?

How dare they joke around like this. It seemed necessary to establish some discipline.

There was still time before the interview.

She had planned to just show the garden and end it today.



─Clip it and make it a meme lol

The viewers, who were laughing uproariously without knowing the fate that awaited them, seemed so annoying.

So, she made a decision!

“Everyone, did you have fun?”

Parang smiled only with her mouth, without even a slight movement in her eyes.

“I hope you did.”

She immediately dashed out of the coral garden.

And about 5 minutes later.

─I’m sorry, I was wrong, I’m sorry, I was wrong

─Just spare me…

─Damn, I thought I could watch until the end of the stream today

Parang, we had a good time, why do you keep doing this

The disaster they had brought upon themselves engulfed the viewers.

Author’s Note (Author’s Postscript)

If you’re curious about corals that resemble swaying grass, search for ‘Star Polyp’ on YouTube.

Link: Here

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