Debut or Die

Chapter 507

If you can’t debut, you’ll get sick to death Episode 507

[Update complete!] -Similar

pop-up to the one we saw before

the 1st adjustment .

And then another pop-up follows.

[Applying ‘■■■ (ver.2.1 Beta)’]


System update complete pop-up.

… … .

What comes to mind is… Doubtful.


Last time, Steer Cha Yu-jin’s condition was restored, so wasn’t it completed early?

Nothing is resolved now. Ryu Cheng-wu never changed his position saying he did not want to regain his memory.

Could it be that it was completed by performing on stage together in a cooperative state? But this isn’t even the first stage, so based on what standard, it was completed early… .

‘for a moment.’

I took a deep breath.

I’ve been thinking too long

‘It shouldn’t be crowded.’

And I managed to regain my composure and came to a rational conclusion with a cold head.

Finished ahead of the deadline?

‘There was no such thing.’

There was no deadline in the first place.

This time, unlike before, there was no explanation like ‘D-30 until completion’.

In the first place, I didn’t absorb the debris and update it to a higher version, but since I don’t use it, isn’t it a situation where this bastard is readjusting itself on its own.

‘It’s ver.2.1, not ver.3.’

So this is just done when it’s time to do it.

The system finished by itself.

belt ring.

And as if responding to my conclusion, another pop-up appeared.

[Would you like to ‘Preview’ ‘For Business’?]

‘… Preview.’

Again, questions filled my mind.

Isn’t it a system restart if you preview it?

Come to think of it, there was a phrase called ‘1st adjustment’ in the previous pop-up. If so, does this mean that you will measure my satisfaction through this ‘preview’ and update the system if necessary?

What will happen to Ryu Cheng-wu’s memories? Is it being returned as a test, or is it not being returned because it is only a preview, not that the system will come to life.

What is the penalty if you don’t press this at all and hold on? And the risk of the system going its own way?

Which one is more likely? What criteria should I use to judge… .

oh shit

I put my head on the head of the bed.


‘X-X-X-X… !’

I couldn’t be like a dog because I couldn’t come to a conclusion.

How many times do you do this shit?

Why do you need something like this in the process of updating?

Are you okay bro?

… … .

If you feel dizzy or have a headache, even an ice pack… .

… Okay.

I slowly raised my head.

My roommate, Kim Rae-bin, is looking at me with a worried face, as if she is about to break out in a cold sweat. He seemed to think I had accidentally banged my head into the head of the bed.

He couldn’t have rested properly while preparing for the last stage.

Are you resting well?

yes! I am keeping the word to be Jeong Yang until the next filming.


Is your hair really okay? ?

uh. It seems to break.

It’s not like I’m stuck in bed.

that’s fine

I looked at the pop-up again and finally opened my mouth.

I have something to say. Let’s ask all the other members, including you, to gather in the living room.

It was meaningless even if I delayed and hid it.

* * *

Testa accommodation an hour after Park Moon-dae’s call.

In the room of Seon Ah-hyun and Se-jin Lee, two people of the same age, the owners of the ark were talking quietly.

The topic of conversation between the two was the same.

This is the story Mundae Park, who saw the pop-up, called them into the living room and told them.

-… update is complete

He did not hide it and shared almost verbatim what he had received.

It was unexpectedly friendly and friendly to convey the parts that people who have not experienced the system directly, including examples and analogies, that would not understand well.

But at the same time… He looked extremely tired.

-What will happen if you press this… I honestly don’t know either. But don’t worry too much, I’ll think about it and find out more.

That’s why Seon Ah-hyun is sharing her concerns with a friend who is the same age and has built trust over the years.

Seon Ah-hyun sat on the bed with her long legs together and muttered a little nervously.

I’m worried about Moondae.

… … .

I think I’m overdoing it… .

And Lee Se-jin had no intention of refuting that statement.

It was because he had similar thoughts as soon as he heard Moondae Park’s briefing earlier.

‘That’s going to be a real big deal.’

Of course, the first thing I cared about was how Ryu Cheng-wu, who seemed to have lost his memory and became a different person, would react. Everyone, even Park Moon-dae, must have been like that.

However, it is absurd to say that Park Moon-dae is not noticed.

Eye light almost died.

‘It’s not even a day or two that he’s overdoing it.’

Sejin Lee frowned for a moment. taste was bitter.

Still, as usual, Lee Se-jin would have brought up a flirtatious story here to reassure the other person.

To be honest, I thought that talking about anxiety would only make the situation worse.

But this time it was different.

… um right It seems like overkill to anyone.

Because I needed a solution. And Sun Ah-hyun was a serious and meticulous type, even though she might be a bit clumsy in interpersonal relationships.

‘It’s worth discussing.’

Of course, Seon Ah-hyun was not the kind of person who could be relieved by self-reasoning, saying that she didn’t mean it.

So he spoke the truth quite outspokenly.

It didn’t seem like Chungwoo hyung wanted to remember it. So how much will it cost now? Of all of us, Moon University is the only one who can see the status window or what.

… literary master.

Seon Ah-hyun pressed her lips with her teeth.

Well then, if Chungwoo-hyung refuses to the end… . Wouldn’t Moondae press it?

Lee Se-jin already knew the answer.

no. will do

If the judgment is reasonable, then Park Mun-dae was heartbreaking, nabal, and a guy who would do it for now.

Maybe that’s why Testa has been able to come out without a hitch despite so many controversies and incidents from the debut until now.

However, Sejin knew the aftermath that followed.

But after doing it, it will be very difficult.

… … .

A bit of a doormat… You’re trying to take responsibility for everything.

He was the one who thought it was his fault that this situation happened right now.

‘If I do it wrong, something could happen because of the real stress.’

Lee Se-jin still remembers the uproar that happened during the summer package shoot at the beginning of her debut.

Park Moon-dae almost had a traumatic attack, but he continued filming far and wide.

He clasped and opened his hand.

‘… Ah, how did this happen?’

Being successful as an idol seems like a dream, but it was embarrassing for a realist like Lee Se-jin because things that literally only happen in dreams keep happening.

I didn’t even know that I would meet a friend who would care so much, but this nonsense was focused on that friend.

So it was time for Lee Se-jin to be silent to think of a solution.

more over there… Let’s talk.


Seon Ah-hyun opened her mouth first with a determined face.

I’ll tell the other members too… … Let’s talk to Chungwoo hyung again. Until now, there is no time to practice for the stage, and everyone is busy with Eugene… I think we barely talked because we were cautious… .

Sejin Lee seemed to have been beaten.

‘I know.’

I was trying not to offend Liu Cheng-wu, but I didn’t think of having a deep conversation or persuading him.

I was unconsciously excluded because I saw a bad scene during Cha Yu-jin’s time.

Seon Ah-hyun was silent as if thinking deeply, then continued.

The present Chungwoo hyung is also good to us, but he must be anxious. Maybe that’s why you don’t want to search for memories… … . I think it’s right to have a deeper conversation.

… … .

Lee Se-jin listened, and Seon Ah-hyun spoke a little faster.

I don’t think it’s going to be more difficult now. Because no one can help you if you don’t come to a conclusion… .

You’re right.

Lee Se-jin immediately agreed.

and got up from his seat. Because I knew that the person I was talking to was a friend who would not be offended if the conversation suddenly ended.

let’s talk now

… … .

Seon Ah-hyun also nodded and stood up.

Lee Se-jin and Seon Ah-hyun left the room together.

And again an hour later.

Moondae Park.

The two called for Park Moon-dae, who was sitting on his bed as if he was dead and had his eyes closed.

As soon as Moondae Park opened his eyes, he realized that his roommate was not in the room.

And this time I found the roommate outside the room.

To be precise, all members except himself.

what… … .

We’ve been chatting, but I have something to tell you.

Lee Se-jin spoke like a notice. And I thought.

‘It’s okay to do whatever you want comfortably’ is not okay.

Aren’t you supposed to be responsible for the outcome? It’s no different than just leaving the decision and responsibility to your heart’s content.


Click to preview now.

The decision also had to be made by this side.

* * *


I doubted my ears.

do you know what i’m talking about

of course.

Despite suddenly dragging all the members into someone else’s room, Lee Se-jin was calm.

It was the same for the members who came along.

It was a result of discussion among the members and a majority vote.

… … .

No, you said that the company’s system would be shared by all of us. It was like that when we made the last album.

Sejin Lee shrugged.

Then surrender to the majority vote and press it.

It was absurd.

What’s even funnier is that several people around him are nodding their heads in sympathy.

Besides, the story did not end there.

I also talked to Chungwoo hyung here.

… … .

I reflexively turned my head.

Steer Ryu Cheong-wu, who was standing in the back, had a pretty calm face. There seemed to be no repulsion suppressed by public opinion.

I heard that if you keep procrastinating, something dangerous might happen. And there’s a high probability that this memory won’t come back.

… … .

I will believe I know you didn’t have to lie to me. It’s just that I can return my memories without explanation. But it didn’t.

And the boy smiled faintly.

… I felt it while preparing for the stage, but I think you guys are reliable team members.

brother… … .

Even the members around me responded.

Quite enough… It was a remark that was even touching. It was because I heard firsthand that I trusted him in a few weeks from someone who had lost his memory and became someone else. I was even shaken for a moment.

But at the same time, I felt a strange feeling.

slight discomfort.


But that unpleasant thing passed through my mind before it materialized.

And now the situation was even clearer than that.

Everyone agreed and notified me.

Press ‘Preview’.

… … .

The funny thing is that my mind suddenly becomes calm. As if it was something reassuring.

‘Are you crazy?’

It is good to have a choice unconditionally, but when you are notified that it was decided by majority vote, do you mean to fuck with peace of mind?

But the fact that my head has become lighter… I absolutely cannot deny it.

‘… okay. It’s less burdensome.’

I ended up calling a popup.

So let’s press it.


[Are you sure you want to ‘Preview’ ‘For Business’?]

I pressed ‘Yes’.

And immediately the pop-up started to become busy.

A hologram that flashes with its color returning.

[Executing ‘Preview’]

I thought of a few possibilities.

Ryu Cheong-wu’s memory has not returned, only the system is restarted, the survey function is activated, and even though it is rare, Ryu Cheng-wu’s memory returns.

But none of them were right.

… … Ugh


I saw those guys staring at the falling Kim Rae-bin with a stunned face.

And realized at the same time.

By preview, I meant the next hitter.

Ryu Chung-woo, the hitter this time, is on hold.

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