Debut or Die

Chapter 508

If I can’t debut, I’ll get sick to death Episode 508

[during ‘Preview’]

The status window where the color returned after the ‘Preview’ was implemented was somewhat strange.

There are no fonts and almost no interfaces are implemented.

It looks like a computer operating system that has been run in an emergency so that only a few functions are possible. It was a unique aspect I had never seen before.

But right now I don’t have the energy to pay attention to it.

Rabin Kim! are you okay?

ugh… .

This is because Kim Rae-bin is staggering right now, accidentally hitting the back of his head against the hallway wall.

lay down once

I immediately came out of the door and helped Kim Rae-bin. Without saying a word, Cha Yoo-jin helps Kim Rae-bin and lays her down on the floor, while Seon Ah-hyun runs to get a pillow.

ugh… … .


Ravin, are you sick?

… … .

Rabin Kim did not answer. However, my breathing gradually became calmer and my consciousness became calmer… .


… !

As if waking from a nightmare, he jumped up.

And the moment he opened his mouth wide with his eyes wide.

Who are you?

… … .

Words I’ve already heard came out.

‘X foot… … .’

I pressed my forehead with one hand. In the meantime, Kim Rae-bin seemed to be looking around with his mind still in a daze, and he made a happy expression as if he finally found a familiar face.

Cha Yoo-jin?

But soon I was shocked again.

Yoojin Cha! how did you enlist I can’t imagine giving up one’s nationality and enlisting voluntarily… .

what is this again

Cha Yoo-jin, who seemed to have had similar thoughts, opened her mouth with an absurd face.

… ?? Has Kim Rae-bin lost his mind?!

… ! Could it be that you came to visit me and I fell and lost consciousness and don’t remember?


Sejin Sejin from the side opened his mouth in a trembling voice.

Enlist? I hope Rabin is you… .

And everyone said something that they vaguely recalled but couldn’t bear to say.

did you go to the army?

… ? yes. You have just completed training camp!

A deathly silence fell between us.

I closed my eyes tightly.

‘… world.’

Steer Kim Rae-bin No… Former steer Kim Rae-bin was in the army.

* * *

Oh so… A warrant is out… say

yes! The postponement period for enlistment has ended as all undergraduate courses using the current academic credit bank system have been completed.

(Probably) Steeril Kim Rae-bin… I was braver than I thought.

It is said that he probably completed his music-related bachelor’s degree online, and immediately after that, a warrant came out and he enlisted.

‘… Since Steer was disbanded, there must have been no reason to come up with other reasons for delaying.’

And in the military… It looks like you’ve been doing well.

Kim Rae-bin summarized his private life as follows.

Although there are some things I don’t understand, I don’t bother asking questions, remembering the advice I received from my older sister.

I am also very fortunate… .

‘I was lucky.’

There must be some bullies with that personality, but it seems that there was no one with a twisted mind among the seniors. Then, in fact, Kim Rae-bin had a military constitution that did not require correction.

‘It’s because he’s the kind of guy who’s a high-ranking person.’

But the mouth was dirty.

‘To be in the army at that age.’

Of course, 24 years old is too late if you think of me as just a college student, but too early if you think of me as an idol.

Idol groups that have been successful to some extent are dominated by the meta of not enlisting as much as possible in their 20s.

‘To put it the other way around, this guy is no longer a ‘moderately successful idol group’.’

… Steer Kim Rae-bin said.

therefore… Are you saying that time went back to the past and that I, who debuted as a different group, am still active as an idol…? ?


that… … .

Steer Kim Rae-bin, who immediately heard the explanation of the situation, was speechless as to whether his eyes were spinning in this supernatural environment.

Then, I was surprised to see In-young standing behind me, as if my vision had finally cleared.

Steer Ryu Chung-woo.

Chungwoo hyung… ?

you are here too

And Ryu Cheng-wu kept his mouth shut. His expression didn’t change, but strangely, I got the feeling that he didn’t look that good.


Wouldn’t it be rather nice to see someone who has been with you for years in the same situation as you?

Kim Rae-bin would not have been the one to have an accident.

… … .

At that time, somehow, an awkward silence was about to flow.

Sejin Keun, perhaps noticing the sign, consciously continues the explanation softly and cheerfully.

The fact that Ryu Cheng-wu now is the Ryu Cheng-wu of the steer you knew. And the fact that Cha Yu-jin has memories.

finally… .

Ummm So, if I continue to explain, we, Testa, a group with Rabin, are currently preparing for the stage on a contest program~ Is that so

… .

oh yeah this one too… It was arranged by Rabin!

Before she could say anything, Seon Ah-hyun hurriedly played music on her smartphone.

The finished version of the arrangement of Mudy’s < I Don't Know You >, which Raebin Kim made for the contest a few days ago.

-Umm umm… .

The music flowed slowly along with my hum as I recorded the demo.

… … .

Steer Kim Rae-bin listened to the low-pitched sound coming from his smartphone with a blank face.

Exquisite and delicate composition and melody.

And Cha Yoo-jin, who was looking at her smartphone, seemed uncharacteristically nervous.

‘Because I know.’

It means that Kim Rae-bin didn’t participate much in songwriting during his days as a steer.

It’s just speculation, but even if they participated, it would never have been in the direction of full power like now.

If the superiors of the agency pushed for a poor direction without sense, they must have tried to accommodate it somehow.

Just like the shit that happened when I first arranged ‘Burning Like the Sun’ during the second team battle of < Azusa >.

‘and… I must have skipped copyright fees by inserting relatives.’

In a word, it is tantamount to exploitation.

So, it might be a bit bitter for the person involved, no matter how necessary, for that guy to hear the results of testa Kim Rae-bin’s full display of his talents.

Just like Steer Cha Yoo-jin did before… .

amazing! Did I really arrange it?

… ??

I will cancel all speculation.

Kim Rae-bin’s eyes were shining brightly. It was a bit bloody, but it was a face that anyone could see. He even seemed excited.

At the same time, Seon Ah-hyun’s face was also reminded.

Yes! Do you like it… ?

yes. indeed… … . yes.

Kim Rae-bin seemed to be unable to do even his specialty, ‘excitedly pouring out words in the field of interest’, because he was overwhelmed.

Seriously, he seemed to feel something like joy or thrill rather than great embarrassment in this situation.


And I realized why that would be possible.

‘He believed that he debuted again as a testa.’

He did not separate himself from ‘Testa Kim Rae-bin’.

He grasped the present situation as his future self on a continuous timeline.

And that was possible because Kim Rae-bin could not simply be explained as naive.

‘It’s because of our attitude.’

This is because we are now treating this Kim Rae-bin the same as before. That’s why Kim Rae-bin also accepted us as ‘unremembered acquaintances’ without hesitation.

Moreover, there are two people who already have memories of Steer, and one of them is a friend he has been with since his trainee days.

The vigilance has no choice but to be relaxed.

‘All the conditions were right.’

It was a good fortune because Kim Rae-bin was very similar to before and because it happened so suddenly that he had no time to prepare his mind.


I slowly grew calmer and realized that I was quite nervous.

It was the moment when the atmosphere became warmer and Seon Ah-hyun was also excited to play another song with Kim Rae-bin, who was impressed.

Cha Yoo-jin asked.

So, do you want to arrange the stage after Kim Rae-bin?


oh yeah If you’re greedy, tell me anytime, Rabin!

Kim Rae-bin opened his eyes wide, but soon his face became quite serious.

I wonder if this is too much, but if you try and come up with results… Can you consider me as a candidate?

In an instant, relief and joy passed across the faces of the members.

It was clear that he was thinking, ‘Kim Rae-bin is still the same’.

of course!

thank you!

While the members smiled warmly, Sejin opened his mouth lively.

Then, shall we start preparing for our stage?

… ?

That was the moment.

I am… You have to do a stage!

Kim Rae-bin said that, but his tone was closer to surprise or embarrassment than enlightenment. It was like being hit by hail all of a sudden.

that is, negative.

don’t you want to do it?

Rather than not wanting to do it, I think it’s better if I don’t do it.

… ?

And Kim Rae-bin replied as if nothing happened.

I learned through experience. I’m not good enough for broadcasting or stage activities.

what what

The members were solid.

And I also hardened my expression.

‘What do you mean?’

Even during Steer, there was no problem with his stage ability.

‘Inside information.’

I looked back at Cha Yoo-jin, who may have been a member of the same group. The boy had a slightly bitter expression.

… … .

I’m not feeling well.

Fortunately, there was someone who would rush ahead here, but… no, this guy can’t

However, Bae Se-jin had already opened his mouth.

What are you talking about! you are good on stage!


Kim Rae-bin, embarrassed by Bae Se-jin’s cry, was startled, but soon after seeing Bae Se-jin’s face, he became more confused.

‘… Did you notice it now?’

That this is the face of ‘Lee Se-jin (A)’, who was blown away by a drug incident in the early days of Steer.

As expected, Kim Rae-bin had a determined face… asked politely.

‘… ?’

I’m sorry, but what’s your name?

ship… It’s Bae Se-jin.

… ! Are you familiar with Lee Se-jin, who was a child actor?

… … .

it’s me. Bae Se-jin’s face filled with absurdity as he wanted to answer that.

And he responded according to his expression.

it’s me!

… ?!

Kim Rae-bin was astonished. I touched my forehead.

But at the same time, I also had this thought.

‘It’s better to explode in a less serious atmosphere like this.’

drugs or whatever.

‘I might be able to stamp the misunderstanding and end it by cursing Bae Se-jin’s biological father.’

Under the circumstances, the drug transport problem must be because of that bastard.

However, Kim Rae-bin stopped opening his mouth and glanced around to check on someone.

‘… ?’

Steer Ryu Chung-woo.

ha but

Rabin. You must be very confused and tired right now, but get some rest.

Liu Qingyu answered at once.

Then he turned to us and smiled bitterly.

Will it be okay though?

ah… That’s right!

Kim Rae-bin’s room is here!

thank you… .

Hearing Ryu Cheong-woo’s words, everyone hurriedly helped Rae-bin Kim and led him to the bed.

… … .

And I was conscious of steer Ryu Cheng-wu.

The discomfort I felt earlier.

‘I think I just blocked Kim Rae-bin.’

I decided to remember.

Of course, now we have to dig a little deeper, starting with Kim Rae-bin’s remarks about avoiding the stage.

* * *

Amazing… .

This is the reaction of steer Kim Rae-bin after seeing millions of views and enthusiastic comments from fans on his fancam.

And the members who came and showed me the bari-bari video had a little hope.

yes too is it?

It also seems impossible to get on stage.

uh… ?

It seems impossible for me to speak at this level of stage.

Members were perplexed.

Even in the midst of that, Seon Ah-hyun said this with a determined face.

ha but In our group, you… You did a really good job on the stage!

… ? It seems that there was some kind of opportunity or effort.

Rabin Kim replied calmly.

Sorry but not me.

It was a bit of a creepy conclusion.

And all of the testers were momentarily at a loss for words.

‘X feet.’

I resisted the urge to close my eyes.

‘This guy also had a problem.’

this is unconditional… It is the rejection of idol activities.

It wasn’t normal.

However, this was not the end of the absurd incident of the day.

It was because Kim Rae-bin inadvertently turned his head while watching the stage video, and finally something caught his eye.

It was the contents that appeared in the pop-up of the status window where the ‘preview’ was executed.

[New Feature Preview (extra)]

-View Fragment Log

‘Fragment Log?’

As soon as the word that was the cause of this damn thing came out, my concentration was activated.

I reflexively speed-readed and read the next line.

[Help: ‘View Fragment Log’ allows you to recreate the mission failure scenario at the time the System owner absorbed the Fragments.]


Wait, if it’s a mission failure scenario I’ve been through… .

‘no way.’

I reflexively checked the function.

[Read fragment record]

-Mission failure: Building collapse

-Mission failure: Return to original state

The first is a disaster where the building literally collapsed.

But that’s it.

‘… second is.’

-Mission failed:

returning to the original state Ryu Gun-woo’s body.

At this moment, the ability to switch bodies with the big moon was opened.

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