Dawning Skye

Chapter 498

498 Gonna Miss This

Magnus grinned as he watched his three sons enter his private dining room. They used it more often since Skye had come to the palace since she liked smaller gatherings compared to the dinners in the banquet room. Due to his status, Magnus couldn’t spend his nights away from the court, but he loved accommodating Skye’s requests whenever she made them.

Family had always been important to him, but Magnus had found it to be increasingly so to him, in his old age. His children and grandchildren were his true connections to the world that he would leave behind, despite being a King. Titles, riches, and the history of his reign were all pointless without people who actually knew him.

Marco and Lawrence’s children were his pride and joys, but he was eagerly anticipating Tidas and Skye’s future children. He didn’t know if his life would hold out until then, but he would last as long as he could.. ‘I want to meet our children’s children before I see you again, Sorcha..’

As everyone began to mingle, Magnus looked around the room. His three sons and two of his three daughter-in-laws were talking about the Sai trip with Genie. It felt odd to Magnus not to see Karena flitting around annoying everyone, but it wasn’t something he wanted to dwell on.. ‘She made her own choices.. There was nothing more I could do..’

Shaking the thought from his mind, Magnus continued to look around at his guests. The Fae royals along with Maevis and Nicolas were talking with the Highlanders, which was where the majority of the noise in the room was coming from. Several RMC members that Magnus recognized were also standing about and happily conversing.

Klaus, Ronnie, Kari, Zas, and a couple of soldiers Magnus couldn’t name were laughing about when Skye had won her Mage Trials. Thinking back, the King realized that one was Arthur Tanner. It had been quite a while since Magnus had seen him, but recognized his laugh easily.

Across from them; Doctor Gohan, Doctor Lyberth, his two assistants Nora and Helen, and an older man the King didn’t know were standing together. He had heard Dragonhorn mentioned several times, along with Skye’s name. Using his deduction skills, Magnus realized that the man must be Jonathan McKurdy; the caretaker of the Cu Sith of Dragonhorn.

Skye and Tidas had begged him to recognize the small patch of forest that branched off on the other side of the orchard as ‘protected’. The forest Marco had gone hunting in was on the opposite side, and connected to the main forest that cut across the middle of Alcon. The Cu Sith was considered Dragonhorn’s Guardian now, and patrolled the whole of the small city daily.

She still came into town, but always with Jonathan at her side. It was both a deterrent to potential thieves, and a tourist attraction of sorts. Many people were traveling from all over the continent just to glimpse a real Fae..


Magnus grinned as he watch Queen Celestia excitedly explaining something to her husband Aero. Their cooperation and trading exclusively with Alcon was bringing in unprecedented profits from both goods, and travel revenue. Their economy was the most prosperous it had ever been, and the people were generally happy..

‘My family is vast and loving, my people are fed and happy, and my kingdom is continually advancing.. What more could an old King ask for? ...Ah, aye...The one thing that cannot be given: Time..’

As the word rattled around inside his mind, the servants announced that dinner was ready. It was more or less the same foods left over from the reception, but still delicious. As the trays were handed off to servants to walk around with, Magnus went back to contemplating the Cu Sith situation..

It seemed almost unbelievable when he thought about it, but knew that it was better just to leave any issues to Skye and Tidas. They were the ones to convince him, so as far as he was concerned; the Fae were their problem to mediate. As everyone started to migrate to the table for food, Magnus’ attention was caught by the another group of gabbing guests..

Lucas, Lidia, Marie, Rose, Lord Reinbolt, Sven, and Athena Helmschmied were listening to Jakub Yeager. He was explaining a new contraption that he and Skye had designed together before she had left for the Highlands. As he rambled about his disappointment that he would have to wait to finish it, Skye called out to him from across the room..

“Whatcha need me fer?! I already wrote the schematic for it! Ya just need ta design the shell, and build the thing!”

Jakub huffed; “Aye, cause it’s that easy..”

“Essentially, aye!” Skye hollered back comically, inciting laughter throughout the room.

Magnus chuckled along with the others as he watched his youngest smile lovingly at his wife. She smiled back with equal affection, bringing a grin to the old King’s face.. ‘Skye looks so much like her mother when she’s happy..’

Thinking about the past, Magnus glanced at Lucas. He had saved his life, became one of his best friends, then married the woman that he loved. Although he had loved Tidas’ mother, Sorcha was special to him, but her heart had already belonged to Lucas by then.

Sighing heavily, Magnus barely heard the voice next to him; “And what do ya think yer doin’ over here? Lookin’ all depressed?”

Skye stood next to Magnus as everyone talked and began to eat. She’d noticed his expressions shifting all over the place as he looked about, and wondered if he felt alright. After asking as much, Magnus grabbed and patted her hand as he replied; “I’m fine, my dear. Though I do love it when you fuss over me.”

Skye barked a laugh, then said; “I’ll always be worried for ya, Maggie. Yer like me favorite uncle...who also happens ta be the King. I willna be around ta heal ya, so I want ya ta promise me that yer gonna take it easy while we’re away.”

Magnus cleared his throat; “I may be old, but I’m as healthy as a horse. You may even ask Doctor Gohan over there if you wish. There’s no need to worry, my dear. I plan on being around long enough to meet my grandbairns.”

A wide smile stretched across Skye face; “Aye.. Ya better. Now quit sulkin’ in yer memories, and have a good time.”

Seeing surprise spread across Magnus’ features, Skye added; “Me Da gets the same look about him whenever he’s dwellin’ in a different time. All of ya oldies got the same habits.”

Magnus snorted; “You do know that he’s about ten years younger than me, right?”

Skye snickered as Lucas perked up; “I know, but it drives him bonkers ta here the comparison.”

Stifling a laugh, Magnus commented; “You’re as evil as your mother.. She loved to play little pranks like that, too. I won’t spoil your fun, dear.”

“Did I hear ya say Ima the same age as King Magnus?!” Lucas bellowed from across the dinner table.

Skye shrugged innocently; “Na, I just said that yer both old. I didna say that yer the same age, but ya kinda look a wee bit-”

“You could be a bit Kinder to yer Father, Daughter of mine,” Lucas quipped in a fake-angry tone.

Skye walked over to her father, and hugged him as she replied; “I could, but yer So much fun ta tease, and I’ll be gone fer we dunno how long. We could be in Sai anywhere from a few months, to a year dependin’. So I need ta stockpile yer reactions, Da.”

Lucas wanted to be angry, but his daughter’s reason washed it away.. ‘So she’s gonna miss me, hmm? I guess I canna be mad then..’

“Just remember ta come see yer mother and me whenever ya return home. I dinna wanna hear that you’re home second-hand, okay?”

“I ken, Da.. Love ya!” Skye practically yelled over the overlapping voices.

She squeezed her father once, hugged her mother, then went around to sit next to her husband. Magnus exhaled with a small smile, happy to see that all of his children, and their guests seemed to be having a great time. The only one not talking and enjoying themselves seemed to be Marco, which irritated his father.

Magnus had gone through a lot of headaches choosing the guest list. Everyone wanted to be invited to the private dinner, but he only wanted those that Skye and Tidas were close with. As he looked around the room, Magnus realized that there were more commoners present than nobles, which made him grin a bit.

‘Skye and Tidas are connected to the people in a way that nobles have never achieved.. I hope Marco realizes the value of his brother and sister-in-law beyond their jobs and titles.. I have to have a long discussion with him anyway: might as well add in another lesson.. I don’t know what it is lately, but he’s actually starting to slack in his duties a bit..’

Glancing at his oldest son, Magnus was wondering what he was thinking when he saw Marco staring at Skye every chance that he got. It was subtle, but Magnus could tell considering it wasn’t something Marco did.. ‘Marco doesn’t ogle women, but he’s Clearly staring at Skye.. Is he really attracted to his brother’s wife?! No, no.. Marco isn’t like that..’

As his emotions turned turbulent, Magnus sighed.. ‘Now isn’t the time.. I can talk to Marco after Skye and Tidas leave. For now, I need to enjoy this time with my family while I can..’

Soon after, Magnus joined in on the conversations like nothing was amiss. Skye felt relieved to see everyone enjoying themselves, and ate four plates full of food before she and Shasta started to play and dance. They wound up needing to move the table against the wall for room, but Magnus didn’t care.

Lawrence danced with his new wife, then everyone joined in a simple group dance from the Highlands. Even Marco seemed to be enjoying himself as he and Aero quietly talked in a corner. Celestia seemed a bit concerned at first, but she trusted her husband, and rejoined the party after he had signaled her that everything was fine.

The party went on until Magnus had fallen asleep in his chair around one in the morning. Shasta and Lawrence had retired an hour or so earlier, exhausted from the day. Everyone would need to be awake, dressed, and at the docks outside of the city by eight-thirty if they wanted to send off Skye, Tidas, Peggy, Genie, and Zazzy properly.

Mr. Fuu would stay behind in Genie’s place as the ambassador to Alcon for Sai. He hadn’t been happy about it at first, but Genie paid for his acupuncturist to accompany him. It was a seemingly generous thing to do, but Mr. Fuu didn’t mind being out of Sai that much; not with what was about to happen..

As the night came to a close and everyone went their separate ways to go to sleep, Mr. Fuu asked Genie; “Have you told them yet?”

Genie shook his head; “Not entirely.. I can’t risk them not coming. You know what the other Senators are trying to do right now.. If Skye isn’t the one to complete the maze, then we may never know why it was built.”

“I thought that Prince Tidas was the key to that?” Mr. Fuu commented as they reached their hallway.

Genie’s eyes fixed on Mr. Fuu as he replied with utter seriousness; “They are two halves of a whole. If Skye, Tidas, or Zazzy back out: we are lost. I will tell them the rest after we cross the boarder.”

“And what if things have become even more complicated since our departure? What will you do?” Mr. Fuu asked as he opened the door to his room.

Genie sighed; “Then we shall deal with it as it comes, my old friend. That’s all we can do.. Skye may hate me after, but if this works: our people will finally know peace.”

Mr. Fuu shook his head as he closed his door, and said; “Or death..”

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