Dawning Skye

Chapter 497

497 Just Concerned

When they reached their room, Tidas helped Skye undress, then they slipped into the shower together. Washing each other’s backs had taken longer than it should’ve, so Peggy was waiting for them when they tried to come out of the bathroom together. Tidas stayed in the humid bathroom as Skye grabbed his clothes, and chided Peggy for her abrupt entrance.

Peggy looked at her sideways; “What the hell are ya talkin’ about?”

Skye huffed as she passed her husband’s clothes off; “Ima just confused why ya said that ye laid the clothes out if ya were comin’ back anyways. I thought that Tidas would help, if I even needed it.”

A hurt expression crossed Peggy’s features before it turned surly; “Well excuse me fer thinkin’ I had a job ta do! Ya know: the one I’ve been doin’ fer almost twenty years!”

“There’s no need ta scream, Peg. Ima just sayin’ that Tidas and I coulda handled it if ya still had other things ta do,” Skye replied as she put her undergarments on.

“Like what? The only thing not sent along ta the new house is that box on yer table, and our things needed fer Sai. What else is there?”

Peggy’s hands had gone to her hips as she added; “Or did ya just want a wee bit of time alone?”

Skye sighed, exasperated before replying; “Oh, come on! We’re not bloody rabbits! We were perfectly fine in the Highlands, Peggy. And honestly: we’d be fine in Sai, too. But-”

“This again?! Ima not stayin’ behind, so get that idea out yer head! Got it?!”


Skye took a deep breath, trying to keep calm as she replied; “I already said twas fine that yer goin’! Why are ya pickin’ a fight wit me?!”

“Cause ya dinna Want me goin’! Ya don’t Need me any-!” Peggy yelled, then stopped herself before she could reveal more.

Skye felt a pang of guilt as she realized what Peggy must’ve been thinking; “Didna we talk about this already? Of course I need ya, Peggy. I’ll always need ya. Yer like my Ma, and I’ll always see ya like that.. Ima just scared that the travelin’ will be too much for ya.”

“And what do ya mean by that? Do ya think Ima just gonna keel over? Or maybe break me hip?” Peggy angerly quipped.

Skye felt a swirling mix of guilt and irritation, which turned her defensive; “No, but ya might die from a sickness! Or ye might over exert yer self tryin’ ya keep pace wit Mei’s maids and butlers. Yer in yer seventies, Peggy! Yet ya try ta act like yer thirty! Ima scared because I Do still need ya..”

“What fer? Ye got yer hubby ta take care of ya now,” Peggy’s reply practically dripped with sarcasm.

“Hubby can do a lot of things, but there’s a lot of things you do that I can’t. Trust me: I heard all about it in the Highlands,” Tidas said as he came out of the bathroom mostly dressed.

Peggy perked up as Skye tried to motion to him to stop talking; “Like what?”

Taking a deep breath as he sat down, Tidas spoke as he put his boots on under his dress pants; “Like how I didn’t brush her hair the right way, or how I always mixed up her shampoo and lotion.. And what was that one thing you snapped at me about?”

As he looked at her to cue a response, Skye glared at him before turning to Peggy, and saying; “He never put me necklace on right. He always clipped it weird, which made him twist the strap of the choker.”

Peggy let her arms fall to her sides as she replied; “Well, that’s understandable. That clasp has alway been wonky. It twists to the side with just a wee bit of pressure.”

“I know! I said the same thing!” Tidas hollered as he finished pulling his pant legs back down.

Skye sighed heavily; “It’s not just those kinds of things, Peg. What am I ta do when we start our family if it’s without you? I canna imagine me bairns not knowin’ ya.. I canna imagine ya gone..”

Peggy walked over and took Skye’s hands in hers; “Oh me sweet lassie.. If the gods deem it’s me time ta go, then that’s it. We dinna get a say in how we come in ta this world, or when we go out..”

“But we do get a say in how we live it. Whether Ima here or not, yer bairns can know me in the stories ya read to ’em, and in the lullabies ya sing to ’em.. I’m a part of ya, Skye: Nothin’ can change that. And I Choose ta stay by yer side until I canna any longer.”

Skye felt like she should argue, but in all honesty: she didn’t really want to. Their time in the Highlands was the first time that Skye had been away from Peggy for so long, and she had missed Peggy terribly. Even if she hadn’t physically taken care of her, Skye still wanted Peggy around.

It was an unusual concept for a master-servant dynamic, but Skye had never treated Peggy like a ‘master’ would. She saw Peggy as a mother figure, and treated her opinions and emotions with the same respect that she did everyone else. Their relationship was the main factor in shaping how Skye and Tidas viewed their world, and why they wanted to change it for the better.

Peggy wasn’t a piece of property meant to cater to their every whim to them, and neither was anyone else in their eyes. It was a radical idea in Alcon, but was starting to spread thanks to Skye and Tidas’ influence. If the commoners rallied together, then the nobility would crumble, but money divided the world the same as it always had.

If Peggy wanted to, she could easily retire off of the wages paid by Lucas Moonstone. Hardly any other commoners made enough to pay for anything beyond their necessities. Most lords took rent and other ‘living expenses’ out of their wages, leaving them just enough to afford food, clothing, and the occasional Yuletide or birthday gift for their family members.

She could live comfortably without the need to work for the rest of her life, but Peggy chose to serve Skye because she loved her. Staying by her only family was all that Peggy wanted, and Skye knew that.. ‘How can I tell her no after she’s been so good ta me my whole life?’

“Are we done wit this now? Can we go eat, please? I could only pick durin’ the reception, I was so nervous. Now Ima starvin’,” Peggy asked as the thought crossed Skye’s mind.

Shaking her head lightly, Skye nodded as she replied; “Aye, as soon as one of ya two helps me out here. I canna reach the top of the zipper.”

Tidas and Peggy looked at each other, and spoke at the same time; “Not it..”

“Not funny, now help please?! We’re gonna be late!” Skye whined.

“Yer already late,” Peggy quipped as she walked over, and zipped Skye’s dress up.

Tidas stifled a laugh as he threw his overcoat on. It was a dark green color that complimented Skye’s forest green dress, which nearly matched his eyes. After Peggy had ran a brush through Skye’s hair a few times, they left their quarters in a rush.

As they fast-walked down the hall, they saw Genie ahead; going along at a comfortable pace. When Skye called out to him, he stopped, smiled and waited for them to catch up. After greeting them and Peggy, the four continued along until they saw Nicolas and Maevis about to fly down the hall leading to the King’s Quarters.

They stopped when Tidas had called out to them, and did the same thing as Genie. Once the four had caught up and greeted Nic and Mae, Skye sighed with relief. When Maevis asked why, Skye chuckled nervously..

“Ima just relieved ta see we’re not the only ones showin’ up late..”

“Actually, we’re all right on time,” Shasta said as she and Lawrence walked up to the growing group; “We just said half an hour ago because otherwise you two Would’ve been late.”

Skye glanced at Tidas, who wouldn’t look her in the eyes as he said; “Peggy knew, too..”

“Traitor,” Peggy muttered before continuing; “So? I used ta pull that trick on Skye all the time ta make sure she wasna late fer things. Like her own weddin’.”

“Weddings.. You did it fer both me weddings, Peg,” Skye replied flatly.

“Two? What?” Lawrence asked in a surprised voice.

“Skye almost married Jakob Fowler, remember darling? I’ll tell you the story again later,” Shasta replied with almost a purr in her tone.

Noticing their level of happiness, Skye stood close to Shasta so no one else could hear her, then asked; “That quick, huh?”

Shasta grinned cheekily; “It’s all it took for both of us..”

Skye barked a sharp laugh, then patted Lawrence’s shoulder as she said; “Good job!”

With an oblivious expression, Lawrence replied; “Umm, thank you? What are you two talking about-”

“Let’s all head in! Ima stavin’ here!” Peggy bellowed over the overlapping voices.

After Tidas had looped his arm through Skye’s, he kissed her cheek. As she was smiling at him with affection, a familiar voice spoke in a dry tone; “How sweet..”

Tidas grinned as his oldest brother came up to their migrating group, and replied; “Thank you, brother. We love each other very much.”

“Yes we do,” Skye stated as clearly as possible while maintaining a her view of her husband.

If she could help it, Skye didn’t even want to see Marco. Their dance had lead her to believe that he was going to try and get the Ethereal Spear soon after they left. Zas was guarding it along with rotating RMC members that had been present in the Highlands, so she didn’t think he’d really get his hands on it. But his level of cockiness had bothered her..

‘He was actin’ so confident that he could get it, but Zas willna let him touch the spear.. I trust him as much as Tidas.. He knows what could happen if Marco gets his hands on it, and I dinna think he’ll risk it. No matter what Maggie says, I think Zas’ll get rid of it before he lets Marco near it.. At least I hope so.’

As the thoughts raced through her mind, they all entered the King’s Quarters. Magnus was sitting at his long table within his office with Marie, Rose, Lucas, and Lidia. When the group entered, Murdoc popped his head out from around the corner, and nearly yelled; “Perfect timin’! Now let’s drink to the newlyweds!”

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