Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 63: Chapter 63: This meal, it's on me!

Fg Lianggong was furious.

He had initially thought that Lin Yun had some powerful backg, and so he didn't dare to speak harshly to him.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun came from a humble backg.

Lin Yun had told them to ask their chairman or the chairman's son about him, and it turned out Lin Yun bore a grudge against their chairman's son. The person who had beat their chairman's son was other than Lin Yun.

He had heard about Zhang Tianyu being attacked rectly.

The injuries Zhang Tianyu sustained were too severe and difficult to recover from. Unless he stayed indoors, it would be difficult to hide. The news spread quickly, and many people in Tianyu Group knew about the incidt.

However, he had never imagined that the person who attacked Zhang Tianyu would be the same person he had to negotiate with this time.

Luckily, after hearing that their negotiation partner was Lin Yun, their chairman paid a lot of atttion to this matter.

He ev stated that they could take harsh measures.

If he could handle this matter well, the chairman would definitely value him more.

With that in mind, they returned to the hotel where they had just left and headed for the restaurant in the Universe Voyage Hotel.


In a luxury neighborhood in Sh City, inside a high-d villa.

Zhang Zhongguo put down his phone, his face twisted into a cold smirk.

Finally, he knew why Lin Yun was so wealthy. The information Zhang Tianyu had found was correct – Lin Yun did come from a poor backg. But for some reason, Lin Yun had obtained a patt and a very powerful power bank, which made him wealthy.

Concerning why Lin Yun was so extravagant in dealing with the officials...

Wasn't this exactly what nouveau riche liked to do?

Easy money was easily spt.

A small matter had compelled Lin Yun to splash money on the officials, which further proved that there was no powerful backg behind Lin Yun. Otherwise, why would he need to spd so much money on the officials?

True powerful tities merely needed to sd a word, and many officials would eagerly, ev fearfully, serve them.

Now that he knew Lin Yun's backg, he was ready to play with Lin Yun properly.

He had to admit, the power bank Lin Yun had was very good.

He didn't know how many forces coveted the power bank since its appearance.

Tianyu Group needed to act fast.


The restaurant.

Lin Yun and a group of wholesalers had just sat down at the tables.

"What a coincidce! We were hungry and came here for some food. We didn't expect to see you here. We hope we ar't interrupting you?" A middle-aged man with four others walked in. He looked at Lin Yun, smiled faintly, and spoke.

The group of five was the same people from Tianyu Group who had just left.

"Don't mind us, do as you wish. However, you will have to pay for your meal," Lin Yun spoke indiffertly.

Since these people were willing to visit his restaurant and bring business, why would he refuse?

"Haha, of course. It's just a meal, after all. If Mr. Lin doesn't mind, we, the Tianyu Group, can ev cover your meal," Fg Lianggong's smile faltered for a momt before returning. He responded.

He didn't yet know that Lin Yun was the owner of the hotel.

Lin Yun's constant mtion of not inviting them for a meal made him feel awkward.

In his eyes, Lin Yun probably targeted Tianyu Group due to Zhang Tianyu's involvemt.

After all, what was a few people's meal costs?

At this momt, he suggested covering Lin Yun's group's meal costs, aiming to indirectly mock Lin Yun's stinginess.

Whether Lin Yun agreed or not, it was still a somewhat embarrassing situation for Lin Yun. Ev if he agreed, the cost of a meal wasn't that much. Ev if the company didn't reimburse him, he could easily afford it. The Cloud One power bank was special, and he was the one in charge of negotiating for it because of his high status in the company.

The cost of a meal for over a hundred people was something he could manage.

If he could peacefully obtain the patt and the ownership of the power bank from Lin Yun, he would prefer not to have a falling out.

"This meal, you're treating?" Lin Yun looked oddly at him.

"Yes," Fg Lianggong smiled and replied.

Meanwhile, he was a bit surprised.

Did Lin Yun really intd to accept this proposal?

"You're treating us all?" Lin Yun looked deeply at him and asked again.

"As long as you don't order too much wine, it's fine." Seeing Lin Yun's expression, Fg Lianggong hurriedly added.

For some reason, Lin Yun's expression gave him the impression that Lin Yun wanted to take advantage of him. He hastily set the condition as he knew that wine prices could be extremely high. Not to mtion that everyone's intake varied, so if Lin Yun really intded to profit off him, Tianyu Group might d up losing a lot of money on this meal alone.


Seeing this, many wholesalers laughed.

If Lin Yun wasn't the owner of the hotel, they might think that Lin Yun was being petty and losing face by accepting Fg Lianggong's offer.

However, since Lin Yun was the owner of the hotel, it was a differt story. In their view, Fg Lianggong was a fool.

Also, Fg Lianggong's words made them chuckle, making them feel like he had lost face.

Was he afraid they were going to swindle him?

They simply scoffed at the people from Tianyu Group.

For a momt, they found Lin Yun agreeing to Fg Lianggong's proposal amusing.

Most importantly, Lin Yun was the owner of the hotel.

They were looking forward to seeing Fg Lianggong's reaction once he found out about this.

Many of them secretly determined that they must eat a lot later. For some reason, they really wanted to see Fg Lianggong's awful expression at the d.

Factories bullied customers, big customers bullied factories.

It seemed that the major manufacturers inhertly antagonized the small wholesalers.

"That won't be necessary. We're just having a simple meal, and this restaurant is just a small one. To my knowledge, the most expsive wine here doesn't cost more than a few thousand yuan. You don't need to worry. If you're afraid of us costing too much, let's forget about paying for this meal.

I, Lin Yun, might not have much money, but I can still afford to pay for this meal," Lin Yun lightly smiled and replied.

"It's fine, it's just the cost of a meal. We, Tianyu Group, can afford it," Fg Lianggong clched his teeth and replied.

The most expsive wine was only a few thousand yuan. Ev if each person drank a bottle, it would only cost ts of thousands. This was only possible if everyone had no shame. Wine wasn't very good to drink — he didn't believe that everyone could be so shameless.

Ev if everyone was shameless, ts of thousands wasn't much to him.

Whoever was shameless should drink more. If it was only a few thousand yuan a bottle, th those shameless people should drink until they felt uncomfortable, until they felt like vomiting. Th, he would use money to hit those shameless people.

He just felt a bit regretful that he shouldn't have brought up the issue of wine, which allowed Lin Yun to make them, the Tianyu Group, lose some face.

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