Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 62: Chapter 62: Joke

"If I sell the patt for the charging technology of the 'Cloud One' power bank to Tianyu Group, would I still have to pay you the patt fee wh I continue to produce the 'Cloud One' power bank?" Lin Yun asked with a hint of a smile.

Upon hearing Lin Yun's words, a glimmer of intrigue flashed in the eyes of the leading man.

In reality, he intded to secure the charging technology patt first, before dealing with anything else.

He thought that Lin Yun, a 'nobody', likely inexpericed and merely fortunate to possess a patt, would be dazzled by the significant sum Tianyu Group was ready to offer. By the time they secured the patt, they could turn a and assert dominance over him. At that point, Tianyu Group would hold the upper hand.

The ideal outcome would be acquiring full rights to 'Cloud One', effectively severing any ties to Lin Yun.

Similar occurrces were not uncommon within the Tianyu Group.

It caught him off guard that Lin Yun, so composed, immediately considered the implications of production after selling the patt.

"We plan to purchase the 'Cloud One' product as well," the leading man paused before saying with a smile.

"Oh? So how much money is Tianyu Group willing to commit?" asked Lin Yun, nonchalantly.

"As it stands, the developmt of mobile phones is rapid and the market for power banks increasingly difficult to petrate, with limited profits. 'Cloud One' is a new brand that has never be marketed before. Therefore, giv these factors, I believe that five million is a fair offer.

If you sell us the charging technology patt, I can approve an additional t million, making a grand total of twty million," the leading man said, grinning lightly.

He had initially planned to offer five million, but Lin Yun's composure prompted him to increase his bid by another five million.

In his eyes, a sum of twty million would prove tempting to Lin Yun.

His words might have be a bit exaggerated, but it was true that the power bank market was not particularly lucrative. Ev at the modest prices set by Lin Yun, it would take him a considerable amount of time and trouble to make twty million through normal sales.

If Lin Yun agreed to sell 'Cloud One' along with the charging technology patt, he'd make twty million instantly.

The contrast was stark - one scario involved an uncertain future after a lgthy period, and the other offered an immediate return.

Especially giv that Lin Yun was young and from the countryside.

The leading man looked at Lin Yun with utmost confidce.

He believed that the purchase of all rights to 'Cloud One' and the charging technology patt was a giv; the only variable was the price.

If he could secure them at a minimal cost, all the better.

"Twty million total? That's extraordinarily gerous of you. I suppose your group doesn't understand 'Cloud One' quite as well as you thought?" Lin Yun said with a light laugh, before turning to the other traders and wholesalers in the room.

"Do you know that not long ago, they bought the rights to distribute 'Cloud One' across the mainland of Huaxia, and the total cost of their agcy fee was thirty-five million. Just the Southern Region agt fee was eight million."

"A total of thirty-five million?" The leading man's complexion changed noticeably.

He had not expected Lin Yun to make so much from the 'Cloud One' agcy fees.

Right th, he had mixed feelings.

Gaining such a high agcy fee for 'Cloud One', Lin Yun would definitely demand a commsurately higher fee for purchasing 'Cloud One' and the charging technology.

At the same time, he regretted that had his group be in control, they could be making significantly more in agcy fees or ev more by direct sales through various channels.

'Cloud One' agcy fees were worth this sizable sum.

He had studied 'Cloud One' and understood its massive pottial.

But he never would have imagined that Lin Yun, an inexpericed youngster fresh from the countryside, would have sold the agcy rights at such a high price mere days after 'Cloud One' was released.

The reality was, the appetite of Lin Yun and the smaller wholesalers far exceeded his expectations.

"So the price for all of 'Cloud One' and the charging technology is just twty million? That's truly an extraordinary offer!"

"Thinking five million would suffice, how laughable!"

"Tianyu Group, you're certainly not as impressive as your reputation suggests!"

Many wholesalers chuckled and joined in the teasing.

Is Tianyu Group that incredible?

They're hardly any better than us small-time businessm!

The echoes of the wholesalers' scoffing made the faces of the five m from Tianyu Group flush with humiliation.

At that momt, they felt utterly embarrassed.

While the leading man's mood was somewhat thrown off, he quickly regained composure. "My apologies for underestimating the pottial of 'Cloud One'. So, Mr. Lin, how much are you asking for? Give us a price, and I'll relay it back to my group. How about that?"

"Do you know Zhang Tianyu?" Lin Yun asked, shaking his head.

"Zhang Tianyu? Are you referring to our Chairman's son?" the leading man asked confusedly, before hesitating in his response.

"Chairman?" Lin Yun responded, raising an eyebrow.

"Our group has many directors. Director Zhang is the major shareholder of Tianyu Group, and his son happs to be named Zhang Tianyu," the leading man confirmed, nodding.

"Is that so?" pondered Lin Yun.

"I suggest you check with your Chairman, or his son, about who I am before deciding to purchase 'Cloud One' and the charging technology patt. If a deal is reached, I wonder what kind of condition will emerge." Lin Yun paused before continuing: "Right now, could you please leave? We're about to have dinner and it wouldn't be too convit for you to join us."

Tak aback by Lin Yun's attitude, the faces of the five m from Tianyu Group grew increasingly unhappy.

They hadn't expected Lin Yun to dismiss them so curtly.

He didn't ev want to treat them to dinner?

Just now, they had heard from incoming guests that Lin Yun had arranged to treat everyone in the room to a meal.

Everyone in the room, being petty merchants, were considered insignificant compared to them - represtatives of Tianyu Group. Are they less esteemed than these minor businessm?

Despite the change in his complexion, the leading man concluded: "Fair ough. I'll relay this matter to our Chairman."

With that, he led the other four m out of the room.

Lin Yun's words had resonated with him.

Was Lin Yun suggesting that they check in with their Chairman about his idtity?

Could it be that Lin Yun was someone of significant standing, but his true idtity was only known to high-ranking people such as their Chairman?

As it occurred to him, they had indeed reported developmts suring 'Cloud One' to their Chairman. However, they never provided in-depth information about Lin Yun.

With the magnitude of projects and products that Tianyu Group was involved in, it wasn't viable that they report every minor detail to their Chairman. If they could secure full rights over 'Cloud One' and its charging technology with minimal effort, there would be no need to disclose Lin Yun's information to the Chairman.

In light of the currt situation, they indeed needed to inform the Chairman about the matter.

PS: A big thank you for today's 00 coin reward from 'Companionship is the Longest Declaration of Love', the 500 coin reward from 'Tianfg5' and the rewards from 'Wind Shadow Man 3' and 'Xiuzhe'. You guys are the best! O(∩_∩)O

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