Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Brother Zhao

The Gold Dragon Building was the largest electronic wholesale market in Qinglong District.

It attracted electronic merchants from all over the country.

The electronic products here ranged from small items like data cables, earphones, and power banks to huge server racks lined up in rows. They were countless in number.

As Lin Yun tered the building, he was greeted by crowds of people.

Seeing the currcy numbers on the Cosmic Trading System rising rapidly, Lin Yun was feeling on cloud nine.

By the time he had reached the third floor, which took him t minutes, the Cosmic Trading System had increased by 0. Spirit Energy Points, equivalt to the total Spirit Energy Point he had absorbed the day before.

"At this rate, I can accumulate a piece of Spirit Crystal in less than t days. However, the Gold Dragon Building doesn't operate 4hrs a day, and it's impossible for me to spd twty-four hours in such a crowded place. Accumulating a Spirit Crystal every half month would be considered good ough..."

Lin Yun calculated in his mind.

With one Spirit Crystal, he could buy many things.

Walking through the crowd and gazing at the small shop front, a hint of vy flashed in Lin Yun's eyes.

The storefronts in the Gold Dragon Building were worth their weight in gold. A small shop of about t square meters could cost hundreds of thousands in rt per year. In prime locations, a space of five or six square meters could command the same price.

Previously, Lin Yun could earn a fifty thousand in a month if one deducted daily expses. Yearly savings could only amount to about five hundred thousand, so he was always hesitant to rt a storefront here.

Rting a storefront here and running his own factory, watching the production equipmt in the factory improve and the number of workers increase day by day, and seeing the business in the storefront getting better and better... This was Lin Yun's dream!

He had saved some money. Betwe the choices of upgrading his factory equipmt and rting a storefront, he chose to upgrade his factory equipmt first.

Because, over the years, he had accumulated some customers. He had no worries about selling the products he manufactured... But once he rted a storefront, the cost of the products would increase, which meant he would have to sell them at a higher price, something he didn't want to do!

Originally, he thought that after making more money and expanding the factory a bit more, he would rt a storefront here...

To his surprise, disaster struck, turning all his years of hard work into nothingness!

Thinking about this, a sse of loss welled up in Lin Yun's heart.

That factory, all the equipmt there, he had worked so hard to get it all...

Losing everything all at once, how could he not feel heartbrok?

The more he thought about it, the more he harbored restmt towards Wang Wchang...

The previous day, he had done some research. His product, which was not a complete knock-off, could not be considered a total counterfeit. Ev if it got caught, the most severe palty would be a small fine, and it would not be as much as he was fined... Clearly, Wang Wchang played a big part in this.

But, Wang Wchang must not have expected that Lin Yun would indeed have a stroke of great luck amid the huge disaster and get hold of the Cosmic Trading System!

Wang Wchang...

There was a long way to go, but this score would be settled in the future!

Lin Yun thought to himself.

In front of a storefront, Lin Yun stopped.

"Brother Zhao." Looking at a young man in his thirties who was busy with his head down in the shop, Lin Yun called out cheerfully.

"Lin Yun, you are here?" The man in his thirties looked up to see Lin Yun, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Come in, quickly!" Zhao stood up, handing the work he had just be doing over to someone beside him.

The storefront was small and there was no place to sit. Lin Yun nodded his response and stepped inside.

"I heard you had some trouble a few days ago. How are things going? Do you need any help?" As soon as Lin Yun tered the shop, Brother Zhao asked with concern.

Brother Zhao's real name was Zhao Zhun. He was a good man. Lin Yun had known him since the days wh he was new in Qinglong District's electronic market and hadn't yet oped his small factory. He had helped Lin Yun a lot. Later, wh Lin Yun oped the small factory, Zhao became one of his old customers.

"All the money I made over the past few years is gone, and so is the equipmt in the factory..." Lin Yun said with a bitter smile.

"What? Is it that serious?" Zhao Zhun was tak aback.

He was always busy in the wholesale market and had no time for anything else. He didn't know the extt of Lin Yun's situation.

"Your high-fidelity products... I've se them... It shouldn't have come to this..." Zhao Zhun frowned.

"It is Wang Wchang who made trouble. The law forcemt officers were called in by him. He came to see me today..." Lin Yun shook his head.

"So it was Wang Wchang. I've always heard that he's quite ruthless, but I couldn't have imagined that he'd use such a method against you. We're all in the electronic wholesale market, and what he did to you is so extreme..." Brother Zhao's frown deeped.

The electronic wholesale market wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. Wang Wchang dealt in similar electronic products, so Zhao knew of him.

One saying goes, depriving a man of his source of income is like killing his parts. Making Lin Yun lose all the money he worked so hard to earn over the years and all the equipmt in his factory, Wang Wchang was really ruthless!

"Let's not talk about this..." Lin Yun shook his head.

Th, Lin Yun continued, "But brother Wang, for the batch of headphones you ordered, I'm afraid I won't be able to deliver on time. If you don't mind, I could contact other manufacturers to make them for you at the same price, and the quality will not be worse than mine..."

"That's not a problem. Just don't lose money on this," Zhao Zhun quickly waved his hand.

Having known Lin Yun for so long, they had developed a certain bond. However, he knew that the products from Lin Yun's side had a high cost performance, and finding such a factory wasn't easy.

"I won't lose money. The price I set just leaves a small profit, not without profit. I have be in the manufacturing industry for a while, so I can get some prices that you guys may not be able to get..." Lin Yun smiled and replied.

"That's good," Zhao Zhun nodded.

"Brother Zhao, I came to see you today for another matter," Lin Yun started again.

"What is it? Just tell me," Zhao Zhun responded instantly.

"I have a kind of power bank that I wanted to ask if you're interested in selling?" said Lin Yun.

Unlike normal items, a power bank, the amount of power it holds and its charging speed are factual and cannot be faked.

"A power bank, huh..." Zhao Zhun pondered.

He mainly dealt in mobile phone accessories, selling both earphones and power banks. In rect years, the rise of smartphones led to a rise in the power bank market due to their heavy power consumption.

However, the technology contained in a power bank was low, and many small workshops could produce them. Coupled with the continuous improvemt of smartphones over the past few years, both in terms of battery capacity and charging speed, the power bank market had started to wane gradually.

In such a declining market, most of the market share had already be fixed.

He already had a regular channel to procure power banks. He had be working with suppliers for many years, so if the power bank Lin Yun had to offer was average, he really didn't know how to choose.

"Okay, bring some for me to try selling." These thoughts flashed through Zhao Zhun's mind, but he quickly nodded in agreemt.

He and Lin Yun had known each other for years, and during Lin Yun's currt downturn, he wanted to help him out.

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