Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Spirit Crystals

The universe was infinite and boundless, hosting countless civilizations.

The Cosmic Trading System was the first super trading system to cover the tire universe, a system crafted by the Eight Great Super Civilizations and sevty-two Super Warriors using spatial turbulce.

The aim was to allow resources from countless civilizations in the universe to flow to one another, hancing the developmt of all civilizations.

However, to avoid cutthroat competition, the number of Cosmic Trading System terminals was limited.

Excluding those advanced civilizations with strong regulation, in a low-civilization area like Earth, one system terminal was distributed for every t to a hundred thousand light-years radius.

That night, the shooting star Lin Yun spotted was the incoming Cosmic Trading System terminal from space.

Giv that one system terminal was allotted for every t to a hundred thousand light-years radius, Lin Yun was incredibly lucky to have received one.

The primary circulating currcy in the Cosmic Trading System was surprisingly something called Spirit Crystals.

According to the system's explanation, spiritual ergy was the most direct form of ergy that could empower all lives.

Many beings instinctively absorb various ergies from the world and convert them into spiritual ergy to strgth themselves. Among these, intelligt beings have better advantage, the more intelligt the being, the quicker they can absorb various ergies and convert them into spiritual ergy.

For humans, eating and drinking were methods of absorbing various ergies from the world. As they ate and drank, a person's ergy would increase rapidly. Other animals followed a similar pattern, the only differce being that they wer't as intelligt as humans, making their efficicy of absorbing and converting spiritual ergy lesser.

Plants are also part of life, but they have little to no consciousness resulting in their slow absorption and conversion of spiritual ergy.

However, the majority of lives lacked the methods to actively absorb spiritual ergy. The spiritual ergy they absorbed and converted from natural ergies oft dissipated naturally. Only a minuscule amount integrated into the individual lives, and ev th, it contained many impurities. The infusion of spiritual ergy aided a life in growing, but the infusion of impurities caused a life to age.

Absorbing the various ergies in the world, converting them into spiritual ergy, th constantly releasing spiritual ergy… this was a natural cycle for countless lives in the universe.

At first, the vast majority of life in the universe did not understand how to indepdtly absorb and refine spiritual ergy, which resulted in short life spans.

Later, methods of absorbing and refining spiritual ergy were discovered and gradually improved. The life span of intelligt lives was extded, and the developmt of many civilizations began to truly explode.

Spirit Crystals—pure spiritual ergy crystals formed by various methods!

They could be easily absorbed by all life forms and were the most direct ergy that could strgth them!

Consequtly, it naturally became the most steadfast currcy for countless civilizations!

"The power of one person... could reach such a level. Eight Great Super Civilizations, sevty-two Super Warriors..."

As Lin Yun watched the sces unveiling in his mind, his heart swelled with emotion.

With a slight move, they could annihilate the heavs and the earth, alter the vironmt of a star system. The power shown by the sevty-two Super Warriors of the Eight Great Super Civilizations, wasn't it magnifict?

Wasn't this implying that as long as he obtained the method of absorbing and refining spiritual ergy, he too could possess such formidable power?

No, he did not need to be that powerful, having ev one-t-thousandth of their power would satisfy him!

Moreover, their long life spans… since ancit times, how many emperors lost themselves in pursuit of longevity?

The thing that most excited Lin Yun was the method of refining Spirit Crystals!

After all, Spirit Crystals were the primary currcy of the Cosmic Trading System!

Without this kind of currcy, it would not be easy for him to use the Cosmic Trading System to purchase things from other civilizations!

Every life form absorbs various ergies, naturally converting them into spiritual ergy whilst simultaneously naturally releasing many spiritual ergies. This was a natural law!

So, many civilizations developed devices that could absorb spiritual ergy from the air and refine it into pure Spirit Crystals!

The Cosmic Trading System terminals had the ability to automatically absorb spiritual ergy from the suring air and refine it into pure spiritual ergy to recharge the system's currcy!

"Every life form emits spiritual ergy naturally? The more intelligt the life form, the more spiritual ergy it emits?"

A joyous feeling sprung up in Lin Yun's heart.

With nearly t billion people on Earth, all intelligt beings, would he lack sources of spiritual ergy?

With an infinite source of currcy flowing into the Cosmic Trading System, was he still afraid that he wouldn't be able to buy good things from the system?

In an instant, Lin Yun was filled with ambitious zeal.


"Galactic Civilization communication equipmt production line, sold for one Spirit Crystal. Integrates the technology of thousands of low-level civilizations, capable of producing hundreds of communication devices suitable for low-level civilizations and various accessories, most suitable for beginners of low-level civilizations..."

"Proud Emperor Civilization's Martial Arts Pills, differt levels, differt prices. Proud Emperor's products are guaranteed to be high quality, suitable for customers of various high and low civilizations to purchase..."

"Azure Civilization's Low-Level Cosmos Spaceship, at top speed can reach one-tth the speed of light, most suitable for short-distance navigation. A basic model only costs a thousand Spirit Crystals, come one, come all, take a look..."

"The most powerful Mech Armor of the Alpha Galaxy, sold for t million Spirit Crystals. Once you own it, you'll understand what it means to be invincible..."


Lin Yun reviewed the numerous trading information with his mind, resultantly making his "eyes" blurry.

The Cosmic Trading System had so many good things.

Many items, ev if he obtained any one of them, could create an uproar on the tire Earth, ev dominate the whole planet.

"It's a pity about the Spirit Crystals..."

Lin Yun bitterly laughed.

At this momt, he realized that the Cosmic Trading System, after all, wasn't a professional device to absorb and refine spiritual ergy. It could only refine the spiritual ergy of a thirty-meter radius, and Spirit Crystals wer't easy to come by. Under Spirit Crystals, there were also units of Spirit Energy Points.

A hundred Spirit Energy Points equaled one Spirit Crystal.

In one day, he only obtained 0. Spirit Energy Points.

At this rate, he would need three years to amass one Spirit Crystal and to buy one Galactic Civilization communication equipmt production line.

The Galactic Civilization's communication equipmt production line was the item Lin Yun was interested in.

Since he was in the electronic products business, once he read the introduction of the Galactic Civilization's communication equipmt production line, he saw that it could produce items similar to Earth's communication products and various accessories.

"However, on this day, I mostly remained in places with fewer people. Only the hospital had more, but that's also limited. Up next, I need to go to crowded places. The speed at which the Cosmic Trading System absorbs and refines spiritual ergy will multiply..."

Lin Yun muttered to himself.

Thinking about the bustling sces in the Qinglong District's electronic wholesale markets, flashes of light sparked in the depths of Lin Yun's eyes.

Moreover, in the beginning, he did not need to buy the communication equipmt production line. He could first buy some products they produced. That way, the price would be much lower.

A tall building rises from the g!

Martial Arts Pills, Cosmos Spaceship, Mech Armor...

These were all things he yearned for, but without a certain foundation, these things would be of little use ev if he did get them!

He would just take it one step at a time!

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