Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1084: Perfect Offense, Vengeful Target

Chapter 1084: Perfect Offense, Vengeful Target

It hadn't been Vohnvolt's plan to adopt the supernatural equivalent of the famous phrase, 'On Sight'.

In truth, being told that they were to rest easy and stay out of the fight, had left the Unlimited and Baddan feeling inadequate and inconsequential.

That was why, while still holding fast to the faith that their leader could handle the battle that was taking place, they all prepared a plan, just in case.

In case the masked man wasn't vanquished when the amalgam returned, the Unlimited would launch a vicious offensive of their own, using the element of surprise as their main weapon.

Their preparations did not disappoint.

Baddan immediately cast his Territory, and the masked man found himself in a place full of distorted, dark blue clouds forming trees and shrubs. Only he and the patch of dark blue 'grasses' illuminated by some form of faint light coming from above remained far removed from the twisted, cloudy figures all around.

However, an instant later, the masked man became unable to scrutinise the creepy designs around him.

A horrendous mental attack smashed into him like a boulder following the shrill scream that came from a hidden Allora!


The masked man buckled and dropped on one knee. His brain felt like it was being squeezed by an unfathomable pressure that threatened to turn it into a pancake.

His thoughts became jumbled and even his ability to mobilise any strength failed him.

This was what the others had been hoping for.

The masked man was no doubt formidable, but even he needed his mind intact to be considered a threat.

The necromancer suddenly trembled, his body being weighed on by a tremendous weight.

A large beast with shaggy, maroon fur had pounced on him and sunk its determined teeth into his shoulder!

At the same time, the fleeting figure of a woman with black and green hair tied into a ponytail flashed to the masked man's right from in front of him, and hacked at his neck with a large, red sword!


Pherdanta was stunned.

Her sword only dug an inch into the man's neck despite the fact that she poured her all into her swing!

The same was true for Grim. His teeth failed to penetrate too deeply into the masked man's flesh.

Pherdanta grit her teeth, pulled back her sword and swung again with her all her might, aiming precisely for where she had last cut, but she barely made any progress.

That didn't stop her from swinging five more times, though, until she finally managed to cut halfway through the masked man's neck!

As she slashed, the necromancer's blood spraying on her face, she noticed that it started changing colour.

'It's working!' she thought.

The extreme poison in Grim's teeth was affecting the necromancer, albeit much slower than when it had acted upon the body of one of Em-Sul's subordinates earlier.

"Retreat!" a voice suddenly called from the mounds of misshapen cloud vegetation in the Territory, and the two Unlimited backed away in an instant.

The masked man was too dazed by the potent mental attack to feel anything at the moment, but Allora could tell that he was fighting back. The moment she felt his resistance to her Mind Casting, she had alerted Baddan immediately, and that signalled his cue.

The skies above churned and something truly enormous fell while coiling like a spring!

It was an ash-coloured centipede with hundreds of sharp legs protruding from the sides of its body!

It was one of the six summons Baddan could call upon with his technique.

While in Reign of the Unending Exigencies, Baddan had the option of summoning more than one of his beasts - which was usually a limit of the standard usage of his ability - and he could apply two effects on them at the same time.

This was why he had two metallic balls above his Forechance Deemers while in his Territory instead of one.

(A/N: Refer to Ch.1019, Master Index, if you have forgotten).

The effects applied to the large centipede dropping from the sky were Magnification, which tripled the size of a summoned beast and doubled their power, and Duplication.


The ash-coloured centipede, which was fittingly named Crushing World Cerullan, caused the Territory to tremor and crack when it dropped onto the masked man!

Its weight was immense, but the sheer might released from its drop accounted for far more than just its weight in addition to the pull of gravity.

The creature's power was purely physical. Any of its attacks carried nearly four times as much power as that which it could muster with its weight.

A simple swipe of one of its legs could effectively level even the largest cities in Aigas, leaving nothing but a wasteland.

What its whole body dropping on someone could do...

Baddan did his best to hold the Territory together. After all, his attack wasn't done. Crushing World Cerullan had been duplicated!


A second centipede dropped onto the first and the Territory shuddered vehemently from the atrocious force!

The potency of the centipede's power justified why Baddan incorporated it in his Primary assault.

What was better than its attack power, was the fact that as long as he used it or any other of his summoned creatures in the Territory, was that they would never be killed. They were effectively immortal.

"Don't let him get a chance to breathe!" Baddan cried.

He didn't believe for a second that the masked man was done for, even though he hoped that would prove to be the case.

His fellow teammates didn't allow themselves to relax either.

They streaked towards the squirming centipedes, which began to scatter, each preparing their

strongest attacks.

Allora maintained her devastating mental attack while Pherdanta pointed three fingers at the spot the centipedes had just left.

She charged the Threefold Aggrante, something her master had told her never to use until

absolutely necessary.

This was it!


"I see why your leader cares for you all so much," the masked man's voice came as time seemed to slow down. "You're all determined, far beyond reason and logic. Loyalty is such a

powerful thing..."


Everyone in the Territory turned tense as they saw the figure of the masked man rise from the ground, intensely bloody: a ghastly, bleeding wound at his shoulder, one at his chest, one at

the neck.

His arms were only half healed, his robe of Undeath energy struggling to cover his bare, battered torso.

His mask was gone, revealing his medium-length, cherry-coloured hair, curved nose and thin lips. His hazel eyes shone as bright as the Divine energy that coated him, growing in vibrance

with each passing second.

"...but death is much more powerful and noble."

Right when the masked man finished his sentence, the Territory was split apart into many,

even portions, as though tens of large hands had torn it apart piece by piece from the outside!

None of the four who had confidently launched an offense could have understood how the masked man did what he did.

They couldn't have known, unlike their master, who learned while striking against Jerthrax with his Nitros, that Nitros couldn't negate genuine Divine energy and that the opposite was

somewhat true.

And thus, the masked man had used Brunt Divide fuelled by Divine energy, on Baddan's


When everyone emerged outside, the amalgam immediately snapped in the splitting Territory's direction from his clash against countless undead attempting to get in his way.

The next thing he saw, wrung out his soul.

The masked man, no, Actuass glared at him right after he flashed behind Pherdanta and

clutched her neck.

"Since it seems that all Direction has in store for the two of us, is to use what we now know about each other to ruin each other's agendas, I'll play along, as you have done first," he said...and he used Brunt Divide to peel Pherdanta's skin, flesh and bone from her body as she

screamed bitterly.

As her bits fell into the ebony waters below, Pherdanta's soul was revealed... only to be pulled apart like paper by Actuass' hands.

The amalgam's sockets burst with such intense flame that his face cracked. Before a fraction of an infinitesimally miniscule moment could pass, hundreds of thousands of undead were blasted apart as the amalgam carelessly fuelled Spatial Lightning to warp towards Allora, whom Actuass had gone for next.

However, the necromancer's whip, spawning into existence at his will, streaked through Allora's heart and soul faster than Vohnvolt could emerge behind her and blanket her with

[Neutral Maximum].

The amalgam felt Allora's body turn limb and lean against his.

She faded rapidly as her soul disintegrated. Allora looked up at Vohnvolt's face and smiled a final time.

"I... I did earn my place, didn't... I?" she asked in a faint voice. Vohnvolt opened his mouth to reply, but Allora could no longer perceive his sincerity.

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