Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1083: Different Agendas

Chapter 1083: Different Agendas

On the other side of the world...

A man with light auburn hair that spotted two bold strands of black mixed in, suddenly jerked violently, his body nearly collapsing and doing away with the lotus position he had been assuming as he sat in the luxurious mud hut.

His blank white eyes narrowed as he reached into his flowing dark robes and touched his chest.

He scoffed.

Four pairs of malicious eyes immediately glared at him, suspicion livid within them because of his sudden movement.

If it were anyone else who was to be guarded by the four, tall and muscular women dressed in sparse, yet clean hides, they might have enjoyed the view, but Skullius was indifferent.

He gave a reassuring smile to the women.

If they deemed him too... unstable, for his scheduled meeting with the Ode, that wouldn't bode well for him and his plans.

Thankfully, what happened next wasn't something anyone but him could sense.

A torrent of intense blue energy stormed out of him and phased through the wonderfully thatched roof without disturbing its neat and sturdy integrity. It soared into the sky and then shot north, accelerating rapidly as it went.

Skullius readjusted his sitting position on the thick mat he had been granted and supported his chin with his hand.

'As I expected. You must have achieved something profound for Serenity to dash your way so desperately. Good for you.' he thought.

The nigh microscopic droplet of blood directly above him churned at his thoughts, its owner, far up into skies, pondering the meaning behind the Hybrid Luman's thoughts.


Deathward Maw shattered like a particularly large vase, its shards flying in all directions.

The sheer lack of grace in the manner in which the Majestic Territory was destroyed seemed to mirror the profound failure the masked man had faced in retrieving what he had come for. Well, at least it did for most except the masked man himself.

He hadn't truly failed, but for the last hurdle he had to face before he achieved his goal to be so treacherous...

It left a terrible taste in the masked man's mouth.

Yet, he could do nothing but accept the new reality.

That said, there was no way he wouldn't bare his fangs against the Giant, the human he came with, and of course, the amalgam.

Vohnvolt also kept a keen eye on the masked man as they all fell.

At some point, when everyone - the Null Devil King, Vohnvolt, Jerthrax, Eobald-Minobu, and the masked man - was trapped within Deathward Maw, the world that the late Herald had cast in absolute cold had expired, replaced by a new one as a result of the ongoing [Consecutive Realm Transmission].

This one, unlike the last, was a barren land filled with thousands of furious hurricanes. Some raced along the ground below, and some spun while being suspended in mid-air, where chunks of dry islands floated lazily.

It was through this dimension that the Mad Bishop and Eaniss had been released. The amalgam – after making a deal with the two that involved him allowing them to take the battered body of the masked man if they helped him defeat the bastard - had set a timer for when they would automatically be released from their independent spatial pockets. From there, they would launch a surprise attack on the masked man.

The masked man had automated this process because he feared he might become unable to do it manually because of how the pace of the battle kept ramping up.

This option of striking at the masked man was still viable though.

The necromancer was yet to recover his mana from the use of his Territory and he was heavily outnumbered by combatants who wanted to see him dead.

Vohnvolt made the first move.

With full reign over the surroundings again...

'Alright then. Let's-' he began when...


Unexpectedly, a flash of deep purple emanated from the ground and poured onto everything in sight!

It caught everyone by surprise, and in the worst way possible for the amalgam in particular! A charred figure with a mask that seemed to ooze of gold stood at the centre of the radiance, which kept growing and spreading, thickening and compounding.

It was Aurolio.

He had been knocked out of the battle rather early on after Jerthrax had slammed him down with his sword, and when he had fallen victim to the dragon's black breath, and then the Rule he had exercised to turn everything to stone.

Strange as it was, Vohnvolt's use of Reversion to reverse the effect of that Rule had been what stopped Aurolio from forever being cast into a statue... but that was not necessarily a feat against him. After all, even that came to be because of the effects of his Mastered Void Gate and his technique, which was based off of that.

Voided Death Essence swelled from the Deathform and as Vohnvolt clicked his tongue, already anticipating what Aurolio intended to do... everything around the living beings and anomalies in this unusual world of hurricanes and tornadoes, burst into sand-like particles after an intense detonation of purple!

Before anyone knew it, they were back in Aigas, the expansive ebony sea littered with undead below them, and the cracked, cloudy skies above.

All were stunned.

Even Yuyui and Stylla were released from the dimensional pocket they had been forced to

tussle in.

'Damn it. I hadn't thought he actually had enough Essence to break through my skill,'

Vohnvolt thought.

Aurolio had shown that he was capable of disturbing the integrity of the dimensions Vohnvolt dragged everyone through early on. He had left a large purple crack on space itself after releasing a concentrated blast of Voided Death Essence in his attempt to kill Vohnvolt early

into the battle!

(A/N: Refer to Ch.1064).

And now that everyone wasn't bound to the boundaries the amalgam dictated...

Vohnvolt scowled.

As he did, several things happened in rapid succession.

The millions of undead which had turned docile before Vohnvolt dragged everyone into the

Null Remnants instantly pounced at every enemy of the masked man!

At the same time, an individual who had been passive all along, grinned.

"Finally," the Null Devil King said and his figure shuttled through the sky towards Yuyui and


Yuyui had barely managed to glimpse a dark shadow heading towards her before her head was smashed open. The Null Devil King spared one fatal attack on her before grabbing Stylla and

storming further north!


The air shrieked as he zoomed through it, heading towards Edagon!

Roughly a split moment after his figure disappeared, Aurolio removed his mask, which quickly vanished into thin air and bolted after the Null Lifeform as fast he could!

A moment after he charged on, Sause wore a deep frown at the sight and then turned to Benzard who also looked furious.

"Help him, and make sure that necromancer doesn't escape," he instructed.

Benzard gave the Giant a nod. He then watched as Sause glanced at the amalgam for a second before streaking after the trio heading towards the land of the Giants.

Vohnvolt gave a curious eye to the departing group.

He couldn't understand what was going on.

A part of him wanted to rush after the Null Devil King and Stylla too, but he stopped. Now

wasn't the time to entertain impulse without fair reason.

His eyes turned back to the masked man.

The necromancer didn't express the slightest interest in following after the others.

He quickly sank into the crowds of undead as he dropped to the ocean, his arms beginning to


However... just when he thought he could get a chance to adjust his mind, body and his pulsing, inflated and unstable soul, several presences registered from within his wall of his



"Majestic Territory, Reign of the Unending Exigencies!"


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