Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

Chapter 9

There has been many students who have starting asking for a leave from school, and even some who have already transferred schools.

The principal lit a cigarette and sat in his office with a sullen expression. He couldnt understand how things had escalated to this point.

Ever since Feng Xings accidental death, strange things have been happening at the school one after another.

The morning after Feng Xings death, someone discovered the corpse of a patrolling security guard hanging from the big locust tree on campus. The dead mans expression was also extremely hideous.

At the same time, they found that another first year student, Li Huan, had committed suicide by jumping from a building. She had been dead for an entire night.

The scene was so horrifying that it caused the few students who came to school that day to faint from fright.

The two deaths were also very strange, there was absolutely no trace of the murderers.

Many of the parents were afraid of their children getting into any accidents, so they transferred schools. In less than a week, the school has turned into a desolate place.

If things continue to go on like this, then he wont be able to remain as the principle for much longer.

A murderous gleam flashed in the principals eyes as he planned on what to do. He was going to invite a Taoist to do a purifying ritual on the school, and hopefully the Taoist will be able to destroy the girls spirit.

The sinister looking principal, who was ready to call people to find a Taoist priest, did not realize that his eyes were bleeding bloody tears, and his skin was pale and devoid of any blood.

He had been dead for quite some time.

From <>


The newcomers found a quiet caf to sit down and chat.

The brunettes gentle smile helped eased up the atmosphere.

My name is Zhao Yu Xin, and Im from the little world that reincarnator was talking about. The brunettes gentle smile was extremely charming.

I-Im called Song Hang. Im a third year high school student. I dont know where I come from. I just know that Ive never heard about any interstellar stuff before. the teenager said timidly.

My name is Sun Tao. I came from the small world, I think. Im a vice president of a company. Miss Yu Xin, if you have the chance in the future, you could come find me. I have a lot of money. We can form an alliance, as long as we can go back successfully, really

The middle-aged man salivated as he stared at Zhao Yu Xins beautiful slender legs. He held a serious expression, but the fear in his eyes was gradually replaced by desire.

Zhao Yu Xin continued to smile and nodded. She didnt say anything, but there was a hint of disgust in her eyes.

The blonde spat out her gum with a ruthless expression. Zhou Han Xi.

Her actions caused everyone to feel buzzled, but they didnt say anything and continued to introduce themselves.

The young man wore a bright smile, My name is Liu Zhuang, but you can just call me Da Zhuang. Im from the interstellar world, but I was a prisoner. Dont worry! I wasnt imprisoned for any serious charges! I accidentally hit a young noble and was arrested. Haha, I was too impulsive!

The middle-aged man and the teenager deliberately isolated themselves from the young man and blonde. After all, one of them was a prisoner from the interstellar world, and the other had a strange temper. Both werent easy to get along with.

For a while a heavy atmosphere surrounded the group.

Zhao Yu Xin noticed the silence and decided to break the ice, Da Zhuang-ge is from the interstellar world? Thats great! We newcomers can only rely on each other in this situation. However we didnt have that movie in our little world. Dont know if Da Zhuang-ge knows the plot of the movie? The introduction the reincarnator gave was really confusing.

Liu Zhuang smiled, Of course I can. We got to help each other, right? This movie was really famous. I have seen it too, but Ive only watched the first two movies, and havent seen the third one, so I know the general plot.

The rest of the group couldnt help but look at Liu Zhuang, waiting expectedly for the plot summary.

Liu Zhuang didnt mind the cold treatment he received earlier and continued, The movie begins with a girl named Feng Xing who was bullied by her classmates and eventually turns into a story about vengeful ghosts seeking revenge. The story begins with Feng Xing, who was forced to dress up old-fashionably due to her abusive foster mother. Her looks were also not that pleasing to look at, causing Li Huan, the head of the class, to feel unsatisfied, which led Li Huan to bully Feng Xing for a long time.

Afterwards, Feng Xing fell in love with an older student, which was discovered by Li Huan, who also liked the same older student. The next day, Li Huan tore up Feng Xings diary and posted it onto the school bulletin board. Feng Xing had a mental breakdown and wanted to beat Li Huan up, but was instead beaten up and sent to the hospital by Li Huan and her group. After being discharged from the hospital, Feng Xing started to act abnormally. Which, according to the second movie, was because her adoptive mother died, causing the spell to fail, and resulting in Feng Xing recovering her orignal male body.

Anyways, after leaving the hospital, Feng Xing dressed up extremely ugly to hide his change. After being ridiculed by the class, Feng Xing began to lose his mind and started to hit people. Then after class was over, he was trapped in the classroom by Li Huan, beaten till he couldnt move, and was eventually thrown out the window, instantly dying.

Zhao Yu Xin cried out in shock, and covered her mouth. It was clear that she was taken aback by the plot. She looked like a very emotional person, unable to bear such a tragic ending.

And then what happened afterwards?

Afterwards, that older student, Li Huan, and her group all lied, saying that Feng Xing had fell down by accident, which settled the case. However, Feng Xing was destined to be a ghost king, so immediately after his death, he had turned into a fierce ghost. Not only did he swallow up the soul of his adoptive mother, but he also turned the entire school into purgatory, all the people had unwittingly became walking corpses!

This was the plot of the first movie. The second one only introduced the background information for the first one, and more of Feng Xing killing people. In the second movie, it was revealed that his foster mother was a witch, who killed Feng Xings biological parents in order to gain Feng Xings body, which had a special constitution. Then she raised him as an experiment.

Zhou Han Xi, after listening to the story for a while, felt bored, and took out another piece of gum, and proceeded to chew happily.

The spirit projection technology of Lord God was very skillful indeed. The chewing gum she always carried around was also projected with her spirit.

In order to have better control over the body, the adoptive mother changed Feng Xings gender with witchcraft, which resulted in Feng Xings ruthless character and fluctuating mood swings after he became a fierce ghost. If he was in a good mood, regardless of whoever walked in front of him, he would not kill. If he was in a bad mood, then he would brutally slaughter a whole building of people, even though those inhabitants have never even interacted with him.

However, from what Ive heard, in the third movie, Feng Xing has gone totally mad. As long as they were an inhabitant of the city, they would die in the end.

Liu Zhuang took a sip of the coffee, This is what I know, does anyone have questions?

Sun Tao, who was a little upset that Liu Zhuang stole his limelight, but knew better to not cause any conflict at this time, asked, Then isnt it better for us to stay as far as we can from that school?

Liu Zhuang glanced at Sun Tao and smiled, Of course it is. The plot of the first movie only covers up to the seventh day after Feng Xings death, and the setting is located at the school. According to the reincarnators, as soon as the plot is over, we can go.

Sun Tao immediately lit up, Then what are we waiting here for? Lets get away from here and wait til the plot is over.

But no one replied to Sun Tao. Song Hang wanted to agree with him, but after seeing that no one else was speaking, didnt dare to speak.

Liu Zhuangs eyes met with Zhao Yu Xin, both pairs of eyes reflected the same emotion.

Mr. Sun, do you really think thats the best idea? Then why didnt the reincarnators, who are more experienced than us, also find a safe place to hide? Zhao Yu Xin looked at Sun Tao with a cold expression.

Sun Tao was taken back, and couldnt answer for a while.

The reward points used to exchange for goods are probably related to our interaction with the plot. If you ignorantly avoid the plot, then you wouldnt get too many reward points! Liu Zhuang continued.

If Im not wrong, even if we survive this time, we will still have another task to complete afterwards, and the difficulty of the task will be unknow. We can only use the reward points to strengthen ourselves before that happens!

So, lets think about this carefully guys. Do you want to live for the sake of living, and return to the reincarnation space empty-handed, or do you want to put up a fight and prepare for the future?

Sun Taos face distorted with fear as he shouted at Liu Zhuang, Fight? What do you going to use to fight with? What else can we do besides hide? Didnt those reincarnators suggest that we hide? What if we run into a ghost and die? How can a man fight a ghost?!

Liu Zhuang just smiled at Sun Tao, not saying a word.

Zhao Yu Xin also smiled and said, Okay guys, dont get so agitated. Lets vote by raising our hands on who wants to go and interact with the plot, and who wants to hide.

If you want to hide, raise your hand now.

After a while, only the middle-aged man (Sun Tao) and teenager (Song Hang) had raised their hands.

Sun Tao hatefully glared at the people who didnt raise their hands.

Fine! Then Ill just hide away safely while the rest of you die! Song Hang, lets go and find a place to hide!

Song Hang timidly got up and obediently followed Sun Tao out.

Zhao Yu Xin watched the two men leave, eyes filled with ridicule.

Ha! Cannon fodders. Sure enough, theyre from those small worlds. Didnt even have an inkling of courage in them.


During the meantime, the reincarnation team arrived at the second central hospital.

Hua She Li, the teams spokesperson, walked up to the front desk and asked the nurse on duty.

Pretty lady, which ward is Feng Xing staying in? She came in yesterday from Shi Yi Zong Middle School.

Although Hua She Lis outfit was considered to be strange in this era, his face was very good looking, making the originally impatient nurse willing to look up the record for him. And, plus the fact that his tattoos showed that he was part of the criminal underworld.

The nurse shook her head, No, we didnt receive anyone from Shi Yi Zong yesterday. We havent had any students hospitalized here recently.

The captain, Zheng Qians expression changed, Then, is there any 14 year old girl being hospitalized?

Looking at the group of people, the nurse felt a little afraid and wanted to call security, but at the same time, she was afraid that she might had misunderstood them. Her voice trembled as she showed them the record book, No there is none. If you dont believe me, look. Yesterday we only admitted a 30 year old woman and an old man.

Zheng Qian grabbed the book and flip through the pages. He didnt find anything.

This was bad, did the plot change somehow?

A beautiful looking woman from the team laughed and said, Aiya, captain, who cares if there is or there isnt. Lets just go up and look. Such a small place, we can just search for her by ourselves.

The woman was called Sha Lei, and was the teams beauty. Her smiling expression was so dazzling, that it caused the surrounding doctors and patients to stare at her in a daze.

Zheng Qian nodded, tossed back the record book to the nurse, and led the group upstairs.

The little nurse who was on duty felt her legs go weak. She picked up the phone and was ready to call for security, fearing that the gang members would start a fight upstairs.

There have been many movies about gangs and mobsters recently. Just yesterday she watched one with her boyfriend, so currently she was scared out of her mind.

We need some help! An ambulance stopped at the door of the hospital.

We cant lift both people right now! How about this, lets take this student to the ward that opened up this afternoon

And so, the handsome young man was lifted out of the ambulance, leaving the bloodied body being unattended for the time being.

At the same time, an old man holding a cat walked out of the hospital, ready to head home.

As he passed by the ambulance, the cat suddenly became angry and fiercely scratched the old mans arm, causing the old man to wince in pain and releasing his hold on the cat.

The cat jumped out of the old mans arms.

The old man regarded the cat as his life. Even though he was injured, he kept looking for his cat, calling the cats name out over and over.

The old man was a little dim-sighted and saw his usually obedient cat yowling shrilly at the ambulance.

No one noticed the black figure, that was getting out of the ambulance, give the cat a vicious glare.

The cat immediately calmed down, with its hair all standing up.

In an instance, it fled from the hospital entrance like a fugitive committing jail break.

The old man had a hard time walking, but he sped up to chase his cat.

And in the blink of an eye, the invisible shadow entered the hospital.

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