Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

Chapter 8

Zhou Yu was coming to pick his new girlfriend up so they could leave school together when he saw Feng Xing fall out of the window.

He looked at the scene inside classroom stiffly.

Li Huans face was pale, she didnt know why she had impulsively pushed Feng Xing out of the window. What should she do now? Is she going to jail?

When Zhou Yu approached her, it made Li Huan even more afraid. She was afraid that Senior would break up with her over this matter. She loved him more than she loved her own life!

However, Zhou Yu didnt say anything. Instead, he hugged Li Huan, who was trembling in fear, and calmly said, She she fell down by herself and you it had nothing to do with you guys!

Li Huan and the other girls were scared witless, and stared at Zhou Yu in a daze, not knowning what he meant.

Zhou Yu coldly looked at where the psycho had fallen from with disgust, If you guys dont want to go to prison, then you better do as I say!

Outside, it poured and the wind howled through the unclosed window, seeming as if it was blowing away the evil deed that has been committed.

- From << Her Strangeness I>>


With the interstellar worlds new inventions and developments in science and technology, the interstellar government has been plagued with the gradual lack of energy, so we had started a project to harvest the energy of nearby worlds and planets. This project has been a great success, and the energy in the interstellar world has grown abundant, causing it to receive even more support.

We have appointed countless death-row inmates from the Star Prison to complete missions in the different worlds. Upon completion of the missions, not only can they be exempted from their crimes, but they can also earn a lot of money.

These different worlds take up different forms in the real world. A movie you have seen before could be the reality of a different world.

Beware! Due to the repulsive forces of the worlds, the missions are carried out through human spirit projection. If the projection dies, the physical body will also go through significant damage. The projection can die up to 3 times, any more will result in real physical death.

At the same time, we have also picked a few lucky people from other smaller worlds, who by their own will, choose to participate in this project; and the final explanation of the project is up to the interstellar government to give.

After watching the group of newbies soak in what they have just learned, Hua She Li continued, I wont repeat these basic information anymore. All you guys need to know is that this project is dubbed the Reincarnation Task, and those who participate in the project are called Reincarnation Squads. What I really want to say is that we are going to enter the world of <>

Im sure all of you have seen this movie. That year, it was the most popular horror movie in the entire interstellar. But dont be afraid guys, this is just the first movie, the final boss hasnt gotten so strong that they could kill god.

Hua She Li recalled the time he had watched the film as a child. Although his heart has been frozen off by the countless reincarnation tasks, he couldnt help but smile fondly.

At that time, his family had not fallen yet and had the money to go to the star holographic theater and experience the scariest movie in the past hundred years. Even in the company of his family, Hua She Li was still given a fright, and for a while of time had developed a phobia of women, afraid that some girl would suddenly pop out from behind and twist her head off.

Remembering how his family was broken up afterwards, Hua She Li snapped out of his thoughts and sneered, Feng Xings power peaked in the third installation and became the ghost king that haunted the entire city. In the first installation, she was just a newly turned fierce ghost who wanted to take revenge, so the task this time is not so difficult. As long as you dont die, hide well, and make it past Feng Xings first 7 kills, then everything will be find. Lord God will take us away as soon as the plot is finished.

(Orange: Assuming that the author meant first 7 kills. literally translates to Feng Xings top 7)

What Hua She Li didnt tell them was that although they could avoid death, but when they return to the reincarnation space and is detected by Lord God for not carrying the spatial energy obtained by interacting with the characters, they would not be able to receive the reward points, and will not be able to exchange for weapons or strength points to make themselves stronger. Then later, they will only be faced with harder missions and are more likely to die.

But Hua She Li is all for letting the newbies live longer, how could he be willing to let them take the risk.

A rule of the reincarnation space is that every time a task is completed, the team leader has the right to choose which newcomer to join their squad, or which to kick out.

And most of the time, most of the new people will be left behind by groups with veteran members. After all, the resources were limited, and no one is kind enough to support a good-for-nothing.

Therefore, Hua She Li doesnt care about how these newcomer will do after surviving this mission. As long as they dont die when he leads the team, everything will be fine. He only needs reward points.

The middle-aged man who had been beaten to submission glanced around timidly, and found that only Hua She Li looked like he was the easiest to talk to. Frightened, he said, I-I dont know what an interstellar world is. I-I-Im innocent. Can you let me go back? I dont know how I got here. I was working in an office!

Another young man also looked at Hua She Li with expectant eyes.

Hua She Lis eyes held a glint of mockery, Oh, then you must be someone from a small world. Well, I dont care of deal with those things. When the mission is over, you can talk to the Lord God about it!

The interstellar world calls the worlds they have successfully colonized as small worlds. The energy of these small worlds have been unconsciously mined out by the interstellar world and destroyed. Occasionally, Lord God would pull some people from these small worlds to be cannon fodders for the reincarnation tasks due to the high death rate, and they could also help earn some spatial energy.

And as for those so-called human rights? Oh, well isnt giving those small world inhabitants a chance to see the reality of the universe the greatest gift theyll ever receive.

Just take this mission as an example, as long as they manage to succeed in killing the final boss, Feng Xing and destroy the worlds order, this world will be weak like those small worlds, with no power left to retaliate back. Theyll be at the mercy of the interstellar world.

Once they have succeeded the colonization, their squad will be greatly rewarded. Some people will choose to return to the real world, but some, reluctant to leave the benefits of the reincarnation space, choose to stay and exchange for more power ups.

After all, for the stability of the real world, the Lord God will not allow any supernatural powers be brought back to the real world by the reincarnators.

Hua She Li felt that he had said all that he needed, so he looked at the time and then looked at the captain, Zheng Qian.

Zheng Qian also felt that it was almost time, Introduction time is over. Look at your watches. Lord God will regularly issue tasks. Of course, you could choose to accept it or not, and are not forced to do anything.

Zheng Qian turned around to look at his teammates. A smile of excitement tugged at the corner of his mouth, There are five minutes left! Are you bastards ready? Were about to have a littlemeetingwith that Feng Xing!

(Orange: The raws had not sure if its just censored or if its there for a reason)

The ten reincarnators, wearing various types of clothing, all showed a ferocious grin.

Got it, old bastard!

Bullshit! Lao Zi is still young!

(Orange: Lao Zi> an arrogant way of saying I)

The remaining five people couldnt help but wait for the plot to start with a sense of unease.

Soon, the invisible film that had originally enveloped the people had been removed, and they had entered the world.

Ignoring the strange stares from the nearby pedestrians, Zheng Qian said, According to the plot, Feng Xing should had now entered the hospital due to the diary incident. Lets go to the hospital first!

Right now should be when Feng Xing was in her most vulnerable state. Lets see if they could take advantage of the opportunity and finish her off.

No one paid any attention to the new members. The veteran reincarnators quickly left their arrival place and headed straight of the Second Central Hospital in the center of the city.

At the last moment, Hua She Li glanced back at the newcomers, I advise you all to think about whether to follow or to hide. Ha ha~

Then, Hua She Li let out a strange laugh and disappeared.

The five newcomers, not being able to keep up with the veterans pace, stood in place and looked at each other.

The black haired woman pondered for a moment and said, Well, looking at the situation on hand, these reincarnators arent very welcome on us participating in this task, so we can only rely on ourselves. so first, everyone, why dont we introduce ourselves.


The police and the ambulance came.

Zhou Yu watched as the girl had had just smiled at him that morning be carried into the ambulance. The blood on the ground had not yet been dried up.

He felt cold and dizzy all over.

In the next moment, the sky started to move and Zhou Yu fainted, causing the people around him to panic again.

Zhou Yu wanted to tell them to stop shouting, it was making his head hurt, but he was too weak to say it.

Before his consciousness faded into darkness, Zhou Yu seemed to spot a familiar figure with thick black hair standing on the blood splatter. There was ominous black fog oozing from the figure.

Was that Feng Xing?

The pale-faced boy collapsed onto the ground, stopping the ambulance that was about to leave. Helpless, the medics had to carry him into the ambulance. Fortunately, Zhou Yus face was pretty, causing the medics to find it pitiful and funny that this young man would faint from fear, so they didnt place him too close to the corpse.

Ah, theres all sort of things happening these days. Ah, this girl was just so young too. So pitiful! Sitting beside Zhou Yu was thirty-something year old nurse wearing a mask. She also has a child, and couldnt help but sigh as she looked at the obviously young corpse.

No one said it wasnt. Very pitiful indeed, but I heard that this girl is not very restrained at school. When I stood by the students earlier, I overheard some things. This girl was very shameless! Recently she had publicly confessed to a boy, and now, not even a few days later, she committed suicide! Another nurse shed a few crocodile tears and then proceeded to gossip about the dead.

The nurse in the mask looked at the gruesome body and shook her head, Ah, the police had not come out with a result yet, so its not necessarily suicide. Stop talking, and respect the dead.

The other nurse shut her mouth and sneered at the nurses behavior. This head nurse had always been so straight forward, always snubbing her fun. How boring.

(Orange: Straight-forward, as in righteous(?) Not sure if thats the word)

The two nurses did not notice that the handsome young man, who has been laying on the side, hair had been moving, as if it is being stroked by someone, both gently and sorrowfully.

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