Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

Chapter 2

Today Im very happy to see Senior Zhou Yu again. Senior shined as bright as the sun, but I didnt dare to look at his face, afraid that he might look at me with the same expression as everyone else. However, Senior saw me, and gave me a smile! Sure enough, Senior is different from the others. The worlds gentlest and most affectionate Senior, my beloved Senior]

Zhou Yu glanced at the big words purposely posted on the bulletin board, FengXings Diary. He couldnt help but worry. It never occurred to him that this silly girl had a crush on the original! As expected, she was still too young and childish. Second generation rich kids, like the original, are the most unreliable!

Zhou Yu easily pushed aside the people standing in his way and walked towards the bulletin board.

The quiet crowd started to get noisy again, impatiently waiting to watch the drama unfold.

But Zhou Yu did not get angry and furious as the crowd hoped. Instead, he tore off the remaining paper on the bulletin board and carefully folded each one. Then he looked up at the crowd and asked, Is the invasion of personal privacy a funny matter? Who did it? If you had the courage to do so, then step out. Come and take a walk with me to the Academic Affairs Office.

Thats right! Zhou Yu isnt just one of the best students in the school, but he isalsothe son of a wealthy businessman, so there werent a small amount of teachers at the school that wanted to curry favor with him. Thus, it was okay if he wanted to take a random person to Academic Affairs and write down an offense.

The crowd froze, and the few students loosened their hold on FengXing. The girl who had been laughing happily now had a panicked expression on her face.

Zhou Yu naturally saw through their nervousness and continued to stare at them. He kept his mouth shut and his gaze sharp.

The several girls glanced at each other and pretended to act very miserable, Its none of our business, Senior Zhou Yu. We were just joking around with her.

Thats right! We dont know who posted these things.

So Senior, its time to class, so well leave first

As soon as the voices died down, the girls had disappeared.

Zhou Yu snorted coldly and looked at the people around him, Its time for class, everyone go to class! Its more important to study hard than to stand here laughing foolishly.

The surrounding people, afraid that Zhou Yu would actually drag them to the Academic Affairs Office for a visit, quickly scattered and went to class.

Although there were many local tyrants and curve wreckers at the school, the schools management regulations were really strict. If a student gets one recorded offense, hell have to personally clear things up with his parents, and the offense will be directly recorded onto his permanent records, affecting his chances of getting into college.

(Orange: I think local tyrants are referring to the second generation rich kids attending the school)

As people gradually dispersed, Zhou Yu, holding onto these diary pages, got a headache. This How does one deal with this? This was his first time experiencing a confession, and it felt a little overwhelming.

Zhou Yu sucked in a breath and turned towards to the FengXing that had not left, Junior sister, take back these dairy pages. I will report this incident to the director and they will get the punishment they deserve.

FengXing hesitated for a moment and stretched out her thin palms to receive the diary. She couldnt speak, but she felt as if there was a small sun in her heart, making her feel warm. Her blood was boiling, causing her cheeks to turn read and lightheaded.

She never would had dreamed that the senior she had always yearned for would speak so gently to a good-for-nothing trash like her. She was left clueless on what to do.

She wanted to express her gratitude like a normal person, but she was only able to make some harsh and hoarse noise.

FengXing quickly covered her mouth, gave Zhou Yu a deep bow, and ran away.

After watching FengXing run through the school gates, Zhou Yu couldnt help but let out a sigh of relief. As the person receiving the confession, he really did not know what to say to say to the child that had just been subjected to school bullying. He had never interacted with such a fragile situation in his previous life. Moreover, at that time, the number of students who committed suicide over petty things were not small. He was afraid any brash action or word from him might stimulate FengXing into committing suicide. That would have been a big offense on his part.

Although he didnt know why she suddenly ran way, but it really saved his QAQ.

(Because he didnt know how to act in that situation, and her running away made his job easier. The QAQ is authors censorship I think.)

Zhou Yu, who was still secretly congratulating himself, did not see FengXing turn around and gaze at him, with a gaze so full of love and longing that it could make a person not feel the cold.

My beloved senior is becoming more and more lovely. No doubt that in this world, only senior is innocent, everyone else should just die.

(Orange: Alrighty)

FengXing bent her lips and laughed sweetly. At this moment, she was no different from the other girls her age, loving and admiring her hearts number one.

The only difference was that this little girl held onto a voodoo doll under her long sleeve. A voodoo doll with a long silver needle stabbed through it.


The sun was setting when the dismissal bell finally rang.

Zhou Yu let out a yawn as he woke up from a long afternoon nap and couldnt help but feel a bit annoyed. Crap, he wouldnt be able to fall asleep tonight again.

But it wasnt like he had a choice. Teachers in this era liked to teach according to the textbook, and each book was written in such a similar pattern, making everything extremely monotonous and boring, successfully hypnotizing him to sleep.

He doesnt know if it was a gift from the reincarnation or not, but in this life, his memory was exceptionally good. By just looking through the textbook a few times, he had effortlessly memorized most of the content, and with this, he felt that class had become more and more boring.

He managed to persist for half a month, but he couldnt stand it any longer. He was so used to his free and efficient working style, that once he was transported to this backwards era, even if he gained a new life, he inevitably was upset.

Zhou Yu laughed at himself. He thought that the more comfortable he got the more he complained. In the past he had never made a single complaint on the hardships he went through while living in the orphanage. And now faced with such a small inconvenience, made him want to cut class. But there was really no use for him to stay in class. He was prepared to head back and look at the stock market and invest in stocks that were big in his former life.

Then after he profits, hell use the money to start from scratch.

He never thought about asking the orignal bodys parents for money. After all, they were not his parents.

He did not know where the original had gone. He only knew that he had woke up after he died, without a warning, in the originals room with a 15 year old body and all of the originals memories intact.

He had searched for the bodys original owner. He called his name in his consciousness and tried all the tricks in the books, but it was no use. it can only be said the original owner suffered a tragedy. He was asleep peacefully at home, then all of a sudden, a pot from another dimension came, and caused him to die.

Humans are selfish creatures. He cherished this rebirth, and deep in his heart, he did not want the original to return. After all, if he returned, that meant that he may really disappear from existence. The only thing he could do now was to repay the parents of the original in the future as a compensation for occupying their sons body.

However, he was not planning on being close with the parents. Fortunately, the parents did not visit this cheap son often. They just charge his monthly living expenses onto his card and hired a nanny to take care of his daily life. It was considered quite good if they managed to meet twice a year.

He was already ready for the couple to grow old and send them a monthly amount of money. Looking at their uncaring and free ranging way of raising their son, there was no need to think about how reliable they are and how much they love their son.

Zhou Yu had a lot of things to think about, but his actions were not ambiguous,. He quickly packed up his backpack and left the classroom.

Today he was going to explore the M citys stock market. After all, the original owner still had a considerable amount of allowance, and it would be a pity that if he doesnt make a good use of it.

Lets just pretend that he had borrowed this money from the originals parents first. Once he profited, hell pay them back.

Because Shi Yi Zhong was at the southern side of M city, there was some distance between the school and the city center, so Zhou Yu had to take a bus to the stock exchange center.

The M citys Stock Exchange has only opened for just a few years, but already caused a huge uproar across the whole country. The high risk and high return of the stock trade drove people crazy. Til this year, it was still growing fast, but Zhou Yu remembers clearly that in this year the stock market had collapsed dramatically due to foreign influences. The collapse caused many shareholders to suffer heavy losses and countless suicides happened.

After that the government quickly intervened with the stock market, turning it into a safe place. During this process, there were many people who became wealthy and rose to the top of the pyramid in the next decade, causing this incident to be forever remembered by the world.

Calculating the time, by now the forgien forces had already started to intervene with the stocks, and the stock market was showing some signs of that intervention.

What Zhou Yu was going to do was that he was going to buy the stocks that are now cheap, but will explode in the future, then sell them when the time is right, save enough and exit the stock market to do what he really wants to do: the Internet industry.

Currently, in Z Country, the internet industry was still at its infancy and most of its stock shares were occupied by foreign enterprises. Itll take for a few more years for the countrys real rise of power. He could only contribute his skills to help speed up the process.


Zhou Yu strolled around the stock exchange for a while and was almost kicked out until he opened an account. His ID showed that he was only fifteen years old, so obviously it was impossible for him to open an account, but he had prepared his nannys husbands ID card beforehand and successfully opened an account.

The nanny and her husband were honest and loyal, so he negotiated with them to rent out their IDs for 50 yuan a month, promising that he would not do bad things with them.

Dont underestimate 50 yuan. In this era, a skilled worker in M City only earn 300 yuan a month.

Fortunately, the people during this period were also very simple. There were no secret plotting or people treating each other with suspicion and contempt.

(Bleh, this sentence was confusing to translate, but the overall meaning was: No one was scheming behind someones back. The term backstabbing did not exist.)

Though the nanny couple had some doubts about what Zhou Yu wanted to do with their IDs, but in the end it was just lending an ID. They didnt need to do anything and still will be able to receive a large sum of money every month, so naturally they were willing to lend their ID. Moreover, the one borrowing was their young master, so they didnt need to worry about the ID cards being lost. They lent out the cards happily and willingly.

Zhou Yu strolled around for a while and did not leave until the center closed. At this time the center closes up pretty late, but in a few years time, they would close earlier.

It was already getting dark when Zhou Yu stepped out of the stock exchange center, but just in time for a bus to pull up at the stop. Zhou Yu then boarded this last bus.

In this era, bus speeds were not fast and the road conditions were not good, always bumpy. This type of ride caused Zhou Yu to feel car sick, so he sat up and looked out the window to ease his mood.

The sky darkened and the buss lights lit up the road ahead.

Along the way, many people got on and off. Because Zhou Yu lived near Shi Yi Zhong middle school, hell just get off at the station near Shi Yi Zhong and walk for a minute or two to get home, so he wasnt worried about missing his stop and continued to look out the window.

The number of people on the bus dwindled down, leaving only Zhou Yu, an old man, and a pair of lovers.

The driver and the conductor chatted with each other in a lively way, and the other patrons joined in the conversation. Only Zhou Yu kept quiet and wished to go home quickly.

He didnt know why but he felt unsettled.

Shortly afterwards, someone waved at the bus, signaling it to stop. It wasnt a station, but this eras bus drivers didnt just stop at stations. Whoever waved to them, they would stop in order to earn some more money. It was an unspoken rule.

The three people who entered was somewhat strange. The middle one was being carried by the other two people. They were all wearing officials clothing from the Qing Dynasty. Although their complexions looked normal, their expressions were cold and frightening. One of them handed the money to the conductor while the other two had their heads bowed down and did not speak. When the conductor received the money, he motioned them inside, but also felt that there was something wrong.

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