Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

Chapter 1

The author has something to say:

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Because of the need for an early plot, we use she to refer to the gong, but the gong is a MALE! Please dont misunderstand little angels QAQ.

(Orange who hasnt read the story:???)

(Man first sentence and Im bailing out. I know what it means, but Im not sure how to phrase it. Sorry!)

Countless stars twinkled in the endless void, each star representing a small, complete world. The river of fate flowed past each star, observing each worlds destiny.

In some inconspicuous corners of the void, a few formerly lit stars had dimmed down, but their cores continued to grow brighter and brighter.

Like a virus, a star has spread and contaminated its nearby stars, and is only growing stronger.

The other worlds resentfully designate this star as the Lord Gods World.

[The objective has been set:

Number of reincarnations: 15

World Grade: B-Class

Task: To live smoothly till the end of the plot

Entering the world of: Her strangeness

Genre: Campus Horror

Plot: A mute girl named FengXing was being bullied in school until one day she was beaten up so bad that she had to be hospitalized. Afterwards FengXings character had been darkened, and her return back to school caused others to be even more disgusted with her. Later, FengXing accidentally fell to her death. The school quickly blocked the news of her death from spreading. However, strangely, some girls of FenXings class also started to die in the same tragic way of accidentally falling to their death. For sometime, everyone in the school was in danger]


Zhou Yu, with a piece of bread stuffed in his mouth, walked slowly and leisurely down the street, a sharp contrast against his fellow fast-paced hurried pedestrians.

On the next corner was the school, and there was still 20 minutes left till the bell rang, so he was not in a rush. He played with the box of milk in his hands.

It had been half a month since he arrived in this world. From his former excitement of being in the new world to his current indifference, he couldnt help but sigh at the uncertainty of fate.

In his past life, his body was incredibly frail and needed to take medicine everyday, but his illnesses still continued.

In the worst cases, he could only lay on the bed and depend on transfusions to keep him alive. This fragile body managed to grow to the age of 15 under the governments welfare subsidies. Afterwards, he paid off the governments loan subsidies with his self-taught programming skills, moved out of thee orphanage and lived a free but lonely life.

Yet, no matter how amazing he was, he still died suddenly at the age of 34 from a sudden heart attack. When he died, he died without resentment, but still felt helpless at his fate.

He was an orphan with a strong sense of self esteem. He spent his whole life working hard to prove that he was not inferior to anyone.

He admired the normal and healthy bodys of others, but dared not to interact with others due to the fear that he would ridiculed and excluded due to his weak body. Therefore in the eyes of strangers, he was viewed as antisocial. And til death, he never even had a close friend, which was truly a sad thing.

Now with his rebirth, he finally received the healthy body that he wanted most in his life. The body was also a few decades younger, currently enrolled in his third year of middle school.

What was more exciting was that in this time, the whole country was in an era of prosperity and decadence. The formerly weak country was now exuding in vitality. Many of the advanced technologies of his past life has not been invented yet, so there were many things he could do.

As he walked around thinking about his future plans, he couldnt help but turn around when he heard a bicycle falling behind him.

A very old-fashioned bicycle was on the ground. The owner of the bicycle picked up the bicycle, angrily scolding a girl with long black hair who was in front of the bike.

Do you walk with no eyes? What do you even use your ears for? I rang the bell so many times and you still didnt hear me! Do you know how expensive this bike is? Even if you sold yourself you still wont be able to compensate it!

In this era, owning a bicycle was a very prestigious thing. The price of a bicycle was not cheap. At the very least, if an average wage workers household didnt tighten ones belt for a few months they wouldnt be able to afford one.

(Im going to assume that tightening ones belt meant not eat/starve themselves)

The black-haired girl was also knocked down by the impact. She stood up slowly and caused everyone to see her true height.

Zhou Yu, himself, was around 170 cm tall, and the girl was only shorter than him by a head, probably 170 cm. For girls of this age this height was hard to come by.

(The author wrote that Zhou Yu was around 170 cm, and if the girl was shorter by one head (which is like 9 inches, aka 22 cm) how is she 170 cm??????)

170 cm is roughly 55.

She was wearing a blue and white uniform, the baggy clothing gave her a very skinny and pitiful appearance. Her clothes were dirty and stained with dust.

The dark haired girl kept her head bowed down and didnt speak. Her hair covered her face like a curtain, making people unable to see her expression.

The bicycle owner was annoyed by the girls lack of response and grabbed onto her clothes, threatening to report her to the school administrators. After all, from the uniform, people could tell that shes a student of Shi Yi Zong middle school.

Zong Yu was also a student of Shi Yi Zong middle school. Although he wanted to avoid being a busybody, he, after all had lived a lifetime already, held a bit of adult compassion towards young children. He couldnt bear to let her be abused so seriously in public, since it might leave a psychological shadow on her growth.

So Zhou Yu prepared to step forward and speak up for the girl and calm down the bike owner.

But before Zhou Yu could open his mouth, the girl glanced up at him and easily shook off the bike owners hold on her arm and ran away.

The bike owner, who was unsteady from the girl shaking him off, prepared to catch her, but found that the girl had already ran far away, so he could only curse and push the bike away.

Zhou Yu watched this dramatic scene that only happened in dramas and let out a laugh. Alas, he was really too meddling. The child was already so big, of course she knew what to do during an unfavorable situation. If she cant argue against the bike owner, she could still run away. He really is old, haha!

Looking at the watch on his wrist, Zhou Yu quickened his pace. Although he has already received a graduate degree in his last life, making these junior high courses way too easy for him, he is still not used to being late. In his previous life, he has always insisted that words must be acted upon, and be resolved to complete the action, and now in his new life he doesnt want to change that mindset.

The closer he got to the school gate, the nosier it got. It was the sound of many students.

Zhou Yu looked carefully and found that many students had gathered around the bulletin board at the school gate. The group were jeering and laughing at something, not caring about the fact that the bell was going to ring.

The black-haired girl who had just ran away was desperately trying to squeeze past the crowd. But the crowd didnt let her through, and from time to time someone would push her away, causing her to almost fall to the ground.

Ah-!! Uh-ah! The girl got angry and knocked down the students that pushed her down and gave a vicious cry towards the girls who were blocking her way.

The sound startled the group, but after seeing the girls face, everyone started laughing again.

Haha! Look! The lunatic is here! A toad wanting to eat swan meat!

(: a toad wanting to eat swan meat- to crave for what one is not worthy of)

Youre so disgusting and you still want to date senior?! Haha! Arent you afraid that youll disgust senior so much that he vomits?

The girl didnt reply to the crowds abusive words and finally reached the bulletin board.

From Zhou Yus perspective, he could only see the girl desperately tearing down the posts on the bulletin board and fiercely glaring at the people trying to stop her.

The several fashionably dressed girls that surrounded the black-haired girl were also unwilling to show any weakness. They pulled the girls arm and pulled her aside to prevent her from tearing down the posters.

One of the girls with dyed blonde hair cursed in a shrill voice, Lunatic! You still dare to tear? Do you not want to live? Believe it or not, Ill tell my father to get the teacher to expel you. You freaking lunatic belong to a psychiatric hospital.

Right! Huan-jie posted your diary for your own good! Later when senior comes hell know that you like him. Maybe youll get to date him. Hahaha!

(jie- sister)

The crowd roared in laughter. Everyone looked at the tall, thin girl with malice as if she had committed a terrible crime and should commit suicide immediately.

From the students ridicule, Zhou Yu could tell that the girl wrote about her love for someone in her diary, but it was posted on the board by these rude brats.

In this conservative age, it was shameful for a girl to publicly confess. No one was sympathizing with girl whose private diary was exposed by others. Instead they began to make fun of the girl they thought was so shameless.

Zhou Yu looked at the girl and frowned. The more he looked the more familiar she looked. But he couldnt remember what her name was. Has he ever met her before?

Zhou Yu faintly heard her name as someone in the crowd said it. FengXing.

FengXing? There was a small impression. It was a year one junior high girl. Originally she was really ordinary, bur recently shes been getting really famous, that even, he, the counterfeit Zhou Yu, who had just come over for half a month had heard of her. It was said that she was isolated by the whole class because she dressed old-fashioned, had a gloomy personality, and was mute. Finally FengXing couldnt bear it anymore and lashed out at one of the girls. The girls parents came directly to the school and pulled FengXing out, berating and cursing at her. Finally, even the police had to be called to help meditate the situation.

The incident became really famous and talked about, and soon the whole school was talking about FengXing.

Ai, in the end, she was still a silly little girl. It was a little pitiful for her to encounter this kind of bullying at school.

Since Zhou Yu had already lived a lifetime, he viewed these junior high students as if they were small children. Seeing such a pitiful little girl, Zhou Yus heart moved and he strode into the crowd.

For some reason the crowd trembled in excitement.

Hey! Hey! Zhou Yu has arrived!

Zhou Yu is here! Haha! Theres going to be a good show to watch!

Zhou Yu! The lunatic confessed to you! Hahaha!

All eyes were eagerly staring at him, which made the usually low-key Zhou Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

His original personality was very homey, and was even a little afraid to go to crowded places, but Zhou Yus body now was a popular figure at the school due to his handsome appearance and outstanding academic performance. He had become the campuss male god and the ideal target of countless girls, so it was unavoidable for him to become the focus of attention of others.

Fortunately, the original body was like an iceberg in front of others, and a few people would take initiative to talk to him, so it allowed Zhou Yu to avoid interacting with others.

He had this kind of attitude because he was proud of his achievements and family background. He disdained from fooling around with those children of the same background as him, while his fellow promising peers were not used to his aloofness.

Therefore, the original at school was very superficial. In fact, there are only some scum friends who flatter him because of his status, and no sincere friends, which made Zhou Yu very relieved that he would not be exposed by the originals friends.

The originals family is also very good. They were a well-known rich family in M city. Unfortunately, his parents only married due to business reasons, and since they had an heir, his parents played around with their lovers, not paying any attention to their biological son.

As a result from being neglected from a young age, Zhou Yus personality had been successfully skewed. He viewed the students in the school as ants, disdaining to have a deep friendship with them. At the same time, because of the loneliness of childhood and the feeling of being highly liked and admired, he disguised himself as a perfect image of a noble son.

This image was very popular with the girls in the school, but naturally, it attracted the jealously of his male classmates. So now seeing that Zhou Yu might be embarrassed, the boys got excited, shouting to attract Zhou Yus attention and even shoving him towards the bulletin board, laughing at his would-be demise.

Zhou Yu, after all, was an adult. Although his physical body is smaller, his IQ was still there. He didnt get angry. He just pushes off the pushing hands and looked around coldly. The crowd shivered under his cold expression, and the noise quieted down.

The originally lively atmosphere immediately cooled down.

Even FengXing, who had been trying to tear down her diary stopped, letting the other girls to pull her away. Her worried eyes were conspicuous even through the dark hair.

Zhou Yu was old enough to be their father, so naturally he didnt like these brats, but he wont be really angry at them.

He didnt say anything but looked at the bulletin board. With the help of his 170cm height, he could easily see whats on the board. It was a piece of diary paper with beautiful and neat handwriting.

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