Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

Chapter 13

Mission deaths: 1

Lord Gods cold voice announced to those who were wearing his watch.

This meant that, in only 3 hours of entering the mission, the team had already lost a member.

The announcement was heard by every member of the team, causing the overall morale to drop.

When they had entered the world, no one took the mission seriously. They were all thinking about ways to quickly farm points from the world.

Since then, the plot kept changing. They have completed so many missions before, but this time, they were caught off guard.

Although the team members were panicking, they still confidently followed their experienced team leader.

Zheng Qian quickly walked towards the direction the compass was pointing with a frustrated expression.

He couldnt die in this place! It was only a B-level world!

Suddenly, a door appeared in front of them with light shining through.

There wasnt enough time for Zheng Qian to think about how out-of-place the door looked or why it appeared. He placed his trust in the compass and shouted, The door! Hurry up! Thats our way out!

The team members showed a relief expression. They had been wandering around the corridors for too long, and had been extremely tense thanks to the monsters that would suddenly appear. Now seeing an exit, their spirites were revitalized.

With new hope, the groups speed increased again, leaving the monsters behind.

However, things were never so simple. Just as they were nearing the door, the space around them started to shake.

This was a sign of space division! The faces of the reincarnators turned ugly and they quickly tried their best to squeeze through the door.

Zheng Qian was the first to pass through the door. Then most of the team passed over. Unfortunately, there were still 2 memebers that fell behind and didnt make it, disappearing into the space division.

As Zheng Qian led the team through the door, his facial expression was extremely grim.

The doors automatically closed behind him.

After passing through, Zheng Qian started to reassess the situation.

As the team leader, he knows that the difficulty of this mission had significantly increased. Due to the changes in the plot, the current Feng Xing was more powerful than she was shown in the movie. To make matters worse, this was also their first time dealing with a supernatural BOSS. They were too inexperienced. This was only the beginning and they had already lost too much resources. If they continued down this path, hes afraid that they will all perish.

Zheng Qian didnt want to die. He hasnt lived enough yet. In the interstellar world, he was poor and crazy. For money, he ended up smuggling drugs, and was caught and sentenced to the death penalty. Fortunately, God was merciful towards him and gave him a chance to a new life.

He risked his life in all the missions and wasnt afraid to die.

But since he got his current position, money and beauties came to him like flowing water, how was he willing to die? And to die in this kind of shitty world. No! He cant die! He wasnt willing. He must get out alive, even if it means using his teammates lives.

With that thought, Zheng Qian let out a breath and glanced at the teammates that has gone through fire and water with him.

The team members were also very tired. After passing through the gate and checking their surroundings, they decided to take a sshort rest. Several bottles of restoractive potions were drank, and they quickly recovered their strength.

Captain, what should we do next?

Zheng Qian looked around. They were in a straight corridor. It was dark and quiet. The eerily atmosphere was enough to rouse up peoples deepest fears.

Zheng Qian took out the spiritual bullets from his back-pack provided by Lord God and placed them in his gun one by one, Everyone first equip your weapons, and well head straight. Do you guys remember the story? There was also a similar corridor to this in the plot. The protagonist ran straight through it and fell into a ghost circle and wandered around aimlessly, finally dying miserably afterwards. But matter of fact, the exit was less than 2 meters next to him. In order to prevent this from happening to us, I bought a talisman specifically for this. If we encounter a ghost circle itll crack immediately. Follow me!

Thats our captain! When the rest of the team saw that Zheng Qian was calm, they also calmed down. They treated Zheng Qian as the backbone of the team and listened to whatever he said.

They all trusted him, not only because he was strong and was their team leader, but also because he had a lot of reward points and was able to buy things that ordinary members couldnt. So usually, nothing would go wrong if they listened to Zheng Qian.

On the other side, the 2 members who didnt make it through the door were still wandering about. When they brushed past each other, they realized that they could not fully touch each other. But they could only move on forwards.

This was because, they were in two different spaces.

They found that the monsters following behind them had all disappeared without a trace along with the exit door.

Because spiritual tools were very expensive, and as ordinary-leveled reincarnators, after buying their spiritual bullets, they could only afford a few low-leveled amulets and weapons, like peach wooden swords. In addition, they head already exhausted most of their supplies during the monster chase, so now there were only a few things left that were useable.

Looking at the empty and creepy corridor around them, they equipped themselves with the rest of their supplies.

Uh-uh-ahah. A creepy voice sounded behind one of the memebrs. The noise sounded like it was close-by causing the member to break out in cold sweat as he raised his guns and looked behind him.

But there was nothing behind him.

The reincarnator became more and more nervous as he glanced around holding his gun up. His back was glued closed to the wall.

Whos there? If you have any ability, then come out and face Lao Zi! He felt the cold sweat pour down. Although he sounded tough, he was really scared.

As long as someone has seen the movie, they would know what that sound meant:

Feng Xing was nearby!

After a long while, the team members sweat was still pouring down as he glanced around him wide-eyed. He was afraid that once he blinked, the famous fierce ghost of the film would appear.


The noise sounded again, causing the member to mentally breakdown. He shot the gun randomly down the hall screaming, You ***! Come out! Im not afraid of you! If your not a coward then come out and greet this Lao Zi!

He started to sweat again, but this time, he felt that his forehead was a little itchy, as if something fell on it.

He tilted his head upwards, and was faced with a pair of eyes that were gleaming with hatred.

The owner of the eyes grinned at him, seemingly laughing at him.

The members eyes widened in fear as he saw the true appearance fo the ghost.

It was a skull hanging upside down from the ceiling. Its long black hair was hanging down, covering his entire head.

So Feng Xing had been above him this whole time?

In an instant, the long hair grew and encased the human who didnt even have time to scream for help.

Heeheehee! Go to hell all of you!

After swalling this human down, Feng Xing dropped down from the ceiling and looked at the other reincarnator who was still wandering aimelessly down the corridor on the otherside.

Although your flesh wasnt that good, but your soul was very tasteful.

A frightening, murderous smile appeared on Feng Xings pale face

Senior wasnt someone that could be easily touched by others!

Theater Time!

Author: How does it feel to scold the BOSS?

Team member: (laughing ) I feel very cool!

Feng Xing: (swallowing the member whole) Not bad.

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