Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

Chapter 12

The campus was completely engulfed by the black fog. The dazed students, who were heading home, suddenly stopped in front of the school gates. They turned around and started to walk back into the buildings and into the classrooms.


The eerie laughter filled the halls, yet the students showed no reaction and returned to their classes.

A few moments later, the school began to shake as if there was an earthquake happening, snapping the students out of their trance. Panicked, the students shouted and screamed while desperately trying to run outside. However, during their panic, every classroom had turned into their own individual islands from the intense shaking. The distance between the class was so big that the students couldnt see other students from other classes. Naturally, the students also couldnt see that the bridge connecting them to the human world has been shut down.

The panicked students could only helplessly wander in circles around the campus, unknowing of whether the thing they had brushed past was a human or a ghost, until finally theyve become living corpses.

In this moment, the campus was inhabited by hundreds of wandering ghosts. The ghost realm had been created.

- Excerpt from <>


Zheng Qian and his team paled as they recalled the movies plotline.

In the first movie, when Feng Xing was about to kill someone, hell let out that same strange laughter and while hes killing someone, hell make an er ah sound. In the movie, once you hear Feng Xings laughter, it meant that you were a dead man. There was no one that escaped his pursuit.

Crap! Feng Xings powers gradually increased over time. This sound most likely meant that Feng Xing had already died early on! Zheng Qian cried out in alarm.

Hua She Lis face grew even paler as he glanced at his watch. With wide eyes, he exclaimed, Captain! The mission time on Lord Gods watch still says 10 days!

The rest of the team held their breathes at the news. Feng Xing had died ahead of schedule, yet the mission time hasnt changed. What did it all mean?

It meant that they would have to stay in the world longer as Feng Xing grows even more powerful than she was in the original movie. It meant their chance of survival had been dramatically reduced.


Not far away, the nurse stopped.

Weve arrived. She mumbled softly to herself, as if she hadnt noticed the small group trailing behind her.

However, the frightened reincarnation squad didnt head over towards her. Instead, they carefully observed her movements.

Due to the sudden change in the plot, the team was being overly cautious, fearful that Feng Xing would randomly appear out of no where and deal them a fatal blow.

The nurses hand slowly touched the doors handle but the strange thing was, she didnt make any movements to open the door, just resting her hand on the door knob.

In the next moment, her head made a sudden 180 degree turn, causing her to face the reincarnation team. She smiled sinisterly, Why arent you guys following?

The reincarnation team, after all, had experienced all sorts of battles, so they were not frightened by this little trick. They had already prepared all sorts of weapons used to deal with this sort of monster.

Thus, the nurse was greeted with a dozen of glowing green spirit bullets.

Bang bang bang! The nurses head exploded like a smashed watermelon.

But before the reincarnators could even let out a sigh of relief, they discovered that the nurses body did not fall down. Instead, after shaking for a few moments, the body stood upright.

After steadying herself, the nurse felt around her headless neck. Seemingly unsatisfied with what she felt, the nurse pulled out a long knife from her clothes and started to slowly stalk towards the reincarnation team.

Her speed was slow, but just the sight of her was able to shake up the teams mentality.

Spirit bullets rained onto her body like no tomorrow. Every bullet hit would make the nurse stagger slightly, but never fully destroying her.

Finally, when the headless nurse was one meter away, the spirit bullets finally killed this almost indestructible monster.

F**k! Its finally dead!

Almost scared me to death! Theres some difficulty to this worlds mission.

Zheng Qian listened to his teammates discussion, the frown on his brow not relaxing one bit.

Everyone! Dont relax so soon. According to the prop I bought earlier, we have already entered the ghost land! He took out a strange compass. The compass hands were swinging wildly, causing others to have an ominous feeling.

The chaotic magnetic field meant that they were no longer in the land of the living. The so-called ghost realm could only be possessed and used by a ghost-king leveled fierce ghost. In this domain, the ghost kind is omnipotent, and for the humans that enter the ghost realm, there was no difference between it and hell.

This was the first time the team had a mission dealing with supernatural beings, so they had bought a lot of supplies to prepare for the mission. There were all types of spirit bullets and other consumable items. Everyone had a variety of extra self-defense tools to protect them from the supernatural world.

As the captain, Zheng Qian also bought a bunch of things, and the compass was one of them. It was said that the compass had the ability to point out the only path to survival in a ghost realm.

Zheng Qian discussed with his teammates for a moment, and agreed to follow the compass and find a way out.

After all, even in the movie, Feng Xings ghost realm was not perfect. Often, there would be a few humans who wander in by mistake and die a gruesome death. Then, there would be the occasional few living corpses who didnt know that they were dead and accidentally stumble out of the ghost realm. That was also the beginning of the second movie.

Therefore, it was best for them to quickly find a way out. The longer they stay, the worse itll be for them.

The compass needle finally stabilized and pointed towards the left.

At this moment, the wards on both sides of the corridor emitted an opening sound. That kind of sound in such a wide and empty corridor was terribly frightening.

Zheng Qian glanced at the open ward, seeing a figure stepping out of the room. Fortunately, it didnt move really fast. Coldly, he commanded his team to move quickly.

The team members still remembered how difficult it was to defeat the previous monster, so they hurried after Zheng Qian, fearing that the monster behind would follow.

Go left! Quick! As everyone rushed towards the left corridor, more and more doors were opened, and eventually the members saw the real form of the things inside the wards.

They were all monsters with deformed limbs that were stitched together. It seemed like they were products of a deformed corpse that was dismembered and then reattached together.

However, they were not as peaceful as regular corpses. Instead, these deformities kept chasing after the living, and their speed kept getting faster and faster.

There were sweat on Zheng Qians forehead, and he couldnt help but swear out loud.

The horde of monsters was endless, and the hospital had become so large that even at the speed the reincarnators were going at, escape seemed very unlikely at this point.

The monsters speed accelerated again. Eventually one of the team member in the back had exhausted all his spirit bullets and self defense equipment and was unfortunately grabbed by one of the monsters and got dragged into the horde.

The teammate next to him wanted to save him, but found out that the monsters had become even more frenzied. He had slowed down a tiny bit and almost ended up with the same fate as his unfortunate teammate.

Having no other choice, he had to use some acceleration props to quickly get away, leaving the unlucky teammate to be swallowed up by the endless mob. Miserable cries were what was left of that teammate.

The retreating reincarnators did not notice that at the end of the endless stream of monsters, a dark figure was watching them with a grim smile.

All those who want to hurt Senior must die!

Theater time!

Headless nurse: This is bullying handicapped people! Shooting once wasnt enough, they had to shoot so many rounds! Garbage reincarnators! Give me back my life!

Deformed monsters: We were all hired by the Ghost King. Trust me, eating humans is just a hobby! Were usually very friendly!

Living corpse: Ahhh! Help! Monsters!

World consciousness: Emm. What a bunch of ***** ghosts. Not even as reliable as my familys ZaiZai. You guys chased after them for a whole day and only managed to kill one? Losers!

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