Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 84 A Free Meal

After 5 minutes.

The four people's equipment and weapons sold for over 3,000 gold coins, including Irina's blue-quality narrow sword, which sold for 1,500 gold coins.

This sword should sell for a little more if the big organizations are still around.

After the dissolution of organized groups, it's been rare for small organizations or individuals to come up with 1,500 gold coins at once.

According to him, the total number of gold coins after this auction exceeded 10,000.

The gold coins returned to 8000+ after he purchased [Precision Shot] and [Hunter Sense].

Nonetheless, he retained first place on the wealth list.

Next, Robert's wealth approached him.

After reviewing the wealth list, Ming focused on learning two new skills.

[Hunter Sense] had just been learned, and he regretted it. An inconspicuous smell suddenly came to his nose that he hadn't noticed before.

Lotus flowers, moldy ash from the ruins, blood on the ground, etc.

With every breath he took, all these smells filled his nose.

There's no shielding for this passive ability.


The foodie let out a fart while lying on the pond pebbles.

"I wanna puke."

After a few moments.

Doomsday trading house closed.

Tonight, Ming was going to see how [Precision Shot] worked on a random corpse tide lucky man.

By now, the sky was already getting dark.

As the full moon rose, the moon cast a reflection on the pond, the koi swam by as they simply swam over, and the scene was breathtaking.


[Your foodie leaps from the pebble into the water, swallows the motionless koi in one bite... then leaps back onto the pebble, the koi's tail flapping around its mouth.]

[Da Vinci was resting on a lotus leaf when he heard the sound, and when he heard it he opened his eyes for a moment before closing them again to keep resting. It's just eating fish, nothing to worry about...]

Ming squatted and peeled the koi from the foodie's mouth.

Put it back in the pond.

Grabbing a Wendy's fish from the warehouse.

Check the properties with [Eagle Eye].

[Carp grass]

[Typical creature]

[Properties: A typical fish that will be eaten soon]

[From Wendy]


[Your foodie looks at the fish in your hand and jumps up to look at you. How about an exchange?]

"What's the exchange?"

Ming stroked foodie's head.

What do you have to offer me, you jerk?

[Your foodie looks at you. You're giving it the fish, and it'll give you the knife.]


Ming remembered Wendy's knife was still in it travel bag.

Why didn't it automatically transfer to his warehouse when it was collected, as Da Vinci did?

Was it still necessary to entice it with food in exchange?

[Your foodie ate the fish you gave him in one bite, and the knife in its backpack was later turn to your warehouse...]

[Your foodie jumps into the pond with grass carp and chases the koi hiding underneath the lotus leaves...]

[Instead of eating you today, I'll eat your relatives...]

[Koi rolls its eyes, as if it doesn't care...]

After ten minutes.

He found eating grass carp had no negative effects, so he built a campfire and roasted fish.

The foodie's role is +1.

It may be able to test the poison.

The tide of corpses had not yet begun at this point.

He eats grilled fish while browsing a world chat channel.

"Wait, isn't today the fourth night of the corpse tide? I have no sense of time anymore; three more days of tenacity and it's over."

"Although I don't know what the third chapter is, the end of the second chapter has three no-kill days, which can be good for mental adjustment."

"Anyone from the wilderness returned to the city?"

"I'm afraid my chances are slim..."

"On the way, I'd have preferred the daytime to catch up, but I encountered mutant creatures. Today I was chased by ants the size of a dog..."

"I almost got killed by a praying mantis, but I didn't become a zombie. It's been 6 hours, and I'm dizzy, but no other symptoms."


As Dimon finished sending the message, he wrapped gauze around his arm to open, sterilize, and bandage it.

During the day, he was attacked by a 1-meter-long mantis, and he hurt his arm while fighting it.

He thought he would get infected and turn into a zombie, but now it's 6 hours later and he's still normal, although his body is a bit hot.

Now he was worried the wound would get infected and he'd die.

Someone was privately chatting with himself in the world chat channel at this time.

Click on the message to check it out.

[11: Hey bro, did that mutant creature scratch you? How are you feeling now?]

Dimon responded.

[D**2: Were you hurt too?]

[11:Have been scratched by a mutant bat for 24 hours, my body is hot, and my eyesight is rapidly deteriorating. I'm terrified. ]

[D**2: Huh?! Maybe you're just hallucinating from a fever caused by your wound infection; find a safe place, rest, and you'll be fine].

[11: Hopefully everything is okay; pay attention to your wounds.]

[D**2: Don't worry!]

Dimon closed the chat window, averting his gaze from the gauze-wrapped arm.

There was something on his mind.

Is everything going to be alright?



The night sky over the city.

A plume of smoke and fire rose into the sky.

"Is the corpse tide this early? I haven't eaten any!"

"I'm fucking still shitting!"

"I just bought materials and haven't finished repairing the door!"

"Oh, do you still have time to bullshite around here?"



Fire and smoke erupted!

It was followed by a few big words.

[Exciting news! Excellent news!]


[All channels broadcast, tonight is the fourth night of the corpse tide. Survivors reading this message should have finished their transitions, but even if they didn't, they should still feel more comfortable than they did when they faced zombies and mutants in the first chapter.]

[Now everyone can adjust their corpse tide difficulty starting tonight.]

[It's going to cost money if you want to reduce the difficulty of your own corpse tide.]

[You can increase the difficulty of your own corpse tide as much as you want. Right now, it's free.]

[Isn't that wonderful news?]

[Survivors who haven't reached level 5 yet, don't miss your last chance.]

[Warning: strong individuals and organizations, do you want a free dinner?]


New fires erupted in the air.

[Crape tide has begun!]


The world channel was buzzing with activity once more.

"What do you think? Good news or bad news?"

"This is definitely good news for those of you who haven't yet reached level 5, and even though the difficulty just increases the zombies, it still gives you a chance."

"Don't miss out on it."

"You guys get it first, and once the corpse wave passes, I'll learn from you."


On the roof, Ming clutched the foodie, who had already eaten the sixth fish.

Is this little guy's stomach never ending?

That's fine, his granary is all ready for you guys.

Ming pulled a knife out of the Brainfield warehouse.

That's Wendy's razor-sharp knife.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.