Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 83 New Toys?

"So it isn't a wife."

Alan held his binoculars but the woman disappeared. If she's his wife, how could she disappear so quickly?

So, that's supposed to be the puppet, right?

Shouldn't the puppet always stay with the master?

Is this his hidden profession?

According to the rules of the game, no hidden professions exist.

Moreover, a puppet has a living body, so it can't be stored in the warehouse.

So what is his profession?

Even so, Alan worshipped the person across from him again.

He put the binoculars down, raised both arms, and stretched his thumbs.

Hopefully that guy notices.


Ming took the fish to his warehouse

Surprisingly, they were all fresh.

Just a small quantity; perhaps Wendy's skills have deteriorated since she no longer carries a knife.

After picking up the fish, he moved all of the light pillars that had fallen to the ground into the warehouse.

After stripping them of their clothes, he killed the longbow man, who turned into a zombie, and the remaining three bodies he threw into the large rift.

He discovered that these four guys had dropped a lot of materials after clearing the ground.

Fiber of high quality 3 catties, fine gold 1.2 catties, steel wood 2 catties, sixteen glowing flower plants, ten sunshine shining flower plants, and one sober peony plant.

There are also building materials, repair scrolls, stamina recovery potions, spirit recovery potions, and so on.

In terms of equipment, half of them were basic, the rest were green quality, and that woman's narrow sword was actually blue quality.

Only the weapon fusion scroll was orange.

Ming double-checked the data.

[A* Scroll of Weapon Fusion]

[Source: BOSS Stray Dog, one-star wilderness Lord level]

[Fox is the first holder. ]

After reading the info, he confirmed his suspicions.

Due to their level and equipment, they were able to team up and kill the one-star Lord.

But they'd have to kill more than one to drop the orange card.

After all, the team experience is distributed evenly, and the drop rate is reduced.

They only had about 300 gold coins.

As the wandering bandits can't afford to rob and kill if they don't upgrade, they should have spent it robbing and upgrading.

Ming realized today that he needed to spend money on himself.

Without that pervert across the street to serve as a reminder, he probably would have died.

At the time, he was so focused on the wall written on the other side that he failed to notice someone sneaking up the mountain.

So he decided to learn all the skills he would need once the trading house opened.

With those skills, especially with [Hunter Sense], things like today wouldn't have happened.

He found the elementalist profession intriguing after a brief encounter with those four people today.

Hail the size of an egg, but it will not kill you.

However, the damage is serious.

Over 50 durability points were knocked off his shield.

A one-on-one fight with an elementalist of the same level wouldn't be hard for him.

Without protecting the pond and the froglets, he could have easily avoided being hit with hail.

Furthermore, elementalists are prone to mental exhaustion, which leads to mental depression and, in severe cases, fainting.

It's okay for a solo elementalist, but it's different with a team.


Alan was ecstatic to wipe the words off the wall.

He no longer needs to consider which profession to pursue.

Due to recent battle scenes.

He made the decision to become a puppeteer.

Controls the light screen, switches to puppet master.

Activating the Puppeteer talent.

He waits for the trading store to open before buying the skill.


The Doomsday Trading House is now open.

Ming sat on the building's roof, inspecting the materials needed for the orange crossbow.

Spiritual Energy Stone and Fine Fiber had all fulfilled the requirements.

The fine gold he needs is 2 pounds, and the steel wood is 7 pounds.

After the discount, the total price is 432 gold coins.

Select Synthesis.

[A*High Endurance*Automatic*One-Handed Crossbow (Endurance 600/600)]





[Extreme Ability: Auto Reload ]

[Excellent property: great durability]

Synthesis has been completed.

One-handed crossbows are 25CM wide and 30CM long.

Material is steel and wood with fine gold embedded on the surface, which appears golden in the light. In addition, there is faint blue glitter on the surface from the spiritual energy stone.

It is light in the hand and easy to hold. He drew his crossbow and fired into the distance.

The sound was clear and crisp, and the shooting distance was considerable.


The crossbow was loaded automatically.

"This is amazing..."

The auto-loading speed excites Ming, as long as he is quick enough, and he can shoot 5 times in a second.

However, there are flaws, such as the lack of the powerful crossbow's knockback effect.

He recalls having a weapon fusion scroll

Ming quickly placed the two crossbows on the warehouse workbench for fusion.

[Fused items vary in grade, success probability is 65%, fusion fails, and equipment vanishes]

[A continue to fusion]

[B spends 500 doomsday gold coins for perfect fusion]

[Please select]


"Well, I spent some money."

He gets perfect fusion after spending 400 doomsday gold coins

[A*Automatic*Strong Strike*One-Handed Crossbow (Endurance 600/600)]

Opened up Doomsday Trading House's Free Auction section, holding the brand new crossbow, and uploaded all of those four people's gear, including the blue quality narrow sword.

Set the timer for 5 minutes.

While waiting, he glanced at the trading area's chat window.

"Ming's equipment is all taken from other people's bodies! Here's the information for the first holder."

"Like you were watching him rob things! Oh no, is Ming also a wandering bandit? I'm sad."

"What a funny thing! They said they'd let Ming lead the solo man, but now we know he's a robber. How is he so strong if all he does is kill zombies? "

"What if it was someone else who robbed him and then killed by him?"

"The last time I bought pants from him, the first holder was someone else's. Doesn't that tell you something?"

" Bullshit, the first holder of those equipment was Fox and Irina, these siblings were already notorious in U City, then they ran away somewhere and became robbers, now they die at Ming's hands, what a retribution!"

"I'm from U City, and I can prove that the siblings before the end of the day were experts at cheating, and they were finally killed hahahahaha!"

" U City? Based on the time of the end, they shouldn't be far from there, even if they travel quickly; could it be that ming is from U City?"


Ming looked at the analysis of his location.

"Okay, I need ....."


Alan looked at the Doomsday Shop Puppeteer job skill.

Smiles became increasingly perverted.

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