After divorcing my celebrity wife, I became the world's richest person

Chapter 85: Chapter 85: Birthday Banquet Booking

Ch Yu suddly felt a bit dazed, his earlier actions had be purely instinctive, without much thought.

"Wh I was in college, I minored in biomedical scice, so I can handle some simple trauma."

The onlooking neighbors immediately gave a thumbs-up.

"Who would've thought, not only does Little Boss Ch cook delicious food, but his medical skills are so impressive too!"

"Had I known earlier, I would've tried harder to marry my daughter off to Little Boss Ch."

"Stop talking nonsse, he's tak now!"

While everyone was discussing, Tong Ya hurriedly squeezed through the crowd and reached Ch Yu's side, casually wrapping her arm a his, as if to declare her ownership.

"Mr. Wu, I just provided temporary relief for your pain, but it's best if you still go to the hospital for a check-up."

Ch Yu gave some instructions and th left with Tong Ya.

They hadn't gone far wh Tong Ya stretched out her arms.

"Husband, I want a hug!"

Ch Yu pinched Tong Ya's nose and lifted her into his embrace.

Tong Ya was now increasingly fond of Ch Yu's arms; they seemed ev more comfortable than before, and there was an inexplicable magic about them.

Wh the couple returned, Ch Guang and Li Lan were already asleep in a room with Tuan Tuan.

After taking a bath, Ch Yu and Tong Ya also fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day at four in the morning, Wang Qingshan and a group of girls walked into the shop feeling a bit dazed.

They hadn't had a good look at the shop the night before wh it was just completed.

Now that they saw it, they were suddly struck by the grandeur and majesty of the place.

Wang Qingshan ev sighed softly; he had worked hard for t years, and his shop had never expanded to this size.

At six in the morning, a large number of delivery boys quickly arrived at the shop.

However, this time the shop wasn't as crowded as it had be the last two days.

The shop was now three times the size it was before, so there was room to sit ev if more people came.

Moreover, these delivery boys were basically regulars; after picking up orders here for a few days, they had all become familiar with the local residts.

And because the food here was served quickly and efficitly, the delivery boys didn't have to be as anxious as they would at other places.

They all competed to deliver orders from Ch Yu's place.

At eight in the morning, Ch Yu used his spare funds to buy a large quantity of raw materials at the agricultural market.

Now that the shop could run smoothly without him, and with Ch Guang and Li Lan coordinating things there, Ch Yu didn't have to worry too much.

He now had ough time to experimt with new recipes.

After the rovation, all the kitchs in the shop were connected.

Although this design was long and narrow, it clearly divided the kitch into several areas.

In the future, Ch Yu could pick one area to specialize in Sichuan cuisine.

At that momt, Ch Yu was in one of the new areas, tinkering with kitch utsils in his hands.

A few not-so-large pressure cookers were already emitting tantalizing aromas.

Among the braised snacks, besides the braising techniques for some meats, the rest was about cooking offal.

Pig's offal, cow's offal, sheep's offal, and ev donkey's offal—if done right, these could be exceptional dishes.

Moreover, in Suzhou City, there was a rich culture of appreciation for offal.

For some, a day without a bowl of assorted offal soup would feel flavorless.

"What are you making, Old Ch? It smells amazing!"

Xie Jiang, accompanied by a few workers carrying various kitch utsils, rushed over in a hurry.

These were special kitch utsils Ch Yu had requested, which needed to be custom-made, hce they were only delivered at this time.

Ch Yu just happed to op a pressure cooker, "Some offal braised in soy sauce, want to try some?"

Xie Jiang's eyes lit up, "Damn, Ch, you've got this trick up your sleeve too! Offal is not easy to cook! Give me a slice of pork liver to try."

Ch Yu took a small bowl from the side, scooped half a liver into it, and handed it over.

Xie Jiang didn't ev bother with chopsticks, he just grabbed it with his hands and took a bite.

"Mmm! Delicious, unbelievably delicious. This pork liver is so tder and palatable wh you make it."

As he spoke, Xie Jiang stuffed the remaining piece into his mouth.

Actually, pork liver can easily become tough during the braising process, and if not done well, the ure can be especially poor.

But the pork liver made by Ch Yu was incredibly tder, almost offering no resistance wh bitt into.

It was like biting into a slice of cake.

Just th, the other pressure cookers were also oped by Ch Yu.

The workers who had come along to deliver the kitchware were stunned, staring fixedly at the pressure cookers.

Inside the twelve small pressure cookers were beef, lamb, and donkey meat, each type of meat offered in four differt flavors.

Next to them, two other pots contained an assortmt of beef and lamb offal respectively.

The rich aroma from these combined and quickly filled the tire restaurant.

Customers who came here to dine, as well as delivery guys waiting for orders, all gravitated towards the sct without any arrangemt.

Xie Jiang's breathing became rapid too; he could hardly wait to rush up and take a bite from each pressure cooker.

"Ch, how did you braise this lamb? There's not a hint of gaminess!"

Ch Yu smiled, "Secret recipe!"

Xie Jiang wiped his mouth, looking somewhat embarrassed as he handed over his bowl.

"Ch, give me a piece of lamb, any flavor will do."

Ch Yu took the bowl and without hesitation scooped a bit of lamb of each flavor into it and handed it back.

Xie Jiang still used his hands, scooping all four pieces of meat into his mouth.

Ev though the four flavors mixed in his mouth, each unique aroma burst through to Xie Jiang's brain.

"My God! Ch, ever since you came here, our family can't joy a meal without your food. From now on, it looks like we can't live without you ."

Ch Yu simply returned a polite smile, th called over to a few of the workers to have a taste as well.

At that momt, the only customers and delivery guy prest continuously swallowed their saliva, some ev standing on tiptoes to peek into the display case.

Ch Yu had to lean toward the window to address the people at the back.

"This food is just a trial, not quite perfect yet. I'm just testing things out today, it will be available tomorrow."

Th the crowd reluctantly dispersed.

Xie Jiang and the worker craftsm had only a few bites before returning their bowls to Ch Yu.

"By the way, Ch, can we reserve a table here?"

Ch Yu frowned slightly, "This place is mainly for breakfast and braised dishes; we don't take reservations at the momt."

"But you can cook Sichuan cuisine!" Xie Jiang quickly took out his phone and scanned the QR code next to him.

"My father-in-law, he's from Sichuan! Tomorrow is his 60th birthday, and all he wants is a taste of authtic Sichuan food."

As he spoke, Xie Jiang directly transferred a thousand yuan.

"There are nine of us in total, just prepare a table for us with this money."

Ch Yu hesitated for a momt, th nodded.

"Alright th! It will be in Room Number One on the second floor."

Wh Xie Jiang was rovating, he created a series of private rooms on the second floor as per Ch Yu's request, totaling twty.

Xie Jiang responded and th left in a hurry with the worker craftsm, appartly in need of catching up on the construction work.

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