After divorcing my celebrity wife, I became the world's richest person

Chapter 86: Chapter 86 Childhood Flavor

At noon, the number of people in the shop peaked.

Despite the crowd, the place still seemed very spacious, and ev the delivery guys could comfortably find a spot to sit and wait for their meals.

Right th, several business vehicles parked steadily outside, and a few elderly m in smart attire alighted.

Among them were Tong Ming and Tang Long.

"We're settling our business here today, while eating. The braised dishes here are truly extraordinary,"

Ev before tering, Tong Ming excitedly recommded the braised dishes to the others.

As soon as he tered, Tong Ming paused to survey the tire shop, seeming quite satisfied with the decor.

Before he could express his praise, the ticing aroma had already drawn him to Ch Yu's display window.

Within Sichuan cuisine, two of the most important series are sweet and sour and "yu xiang" (fish-flavored).

The soul of these are the sweet and sour sauce and the "yu xiang" sauce, which have similar tastes but are not exactly the same.

At that very momt, Ch Yu was experimting with the sweet and sour sauce and "yu xiang" sauce provided by the system.

He had already stir-fried a dish of sweet and sour spare ribs and one of "yu xiang" eggs.

"Is this a new item?" Tong Ming shouted excitedly.

Seeing Tong Ming approach, Ch Yu quickly put down his work and came out of the kitch.

"What brings you here?"

Tong Ming patted Ch Yu's shoulder: "Some business partners from the capital have come, and we're having our lunch here."

With that, he turned his gaze to the sweet and sour spare ribs and "yu xiang" eggs laid out before him.

"Bring these two dishes to our table, and from the new braised dishes you have prepared, I'll take a bit of each, along with some noodles and pancakes," he ordered.

Ch Yu nodded and called over Lan Jing, who was cleaning nearby.

The young girl didn't dare to delay and hurried to find Wang Qingshan.

Among the bosses Tong Ming had brought along was a native Sichuanese.

Wh the "yu xiang" eggs were served, he excitedly picked up his chopsticks and took a bite.

"This is the taste! After more than forty years, I've finally tasted it again."

The boss shouted out of excitemt, disregarding his image, and began devouring the "yu xiang" eggs.

Moreover, as he ate, tears streamed down his face, startling the others nearby.

Tong Ming was also stunned: "Old Liu, what's going on? It might be delicious, but you shouldn't be crying."

Liu Chong didn't immediately answer Tong Ming but licked the plate clean after finishing the "yu xiang" eggs.

It wasn't until th that he turned to Tong Ming with tearful eyes, "Tong, you don't understand, my late father was a chef who specialized in Sichuan cuisine!"

"Since his passing, I hav't had such an authtic "yu xiang" egg dish again."

More than forty years ago, during the time of famine, many places couldn't afford meat, so lots of Sichuan chefs substituted meat in certain dishes with eggs.

It was during that time that the dish "yu xiang" eggs emerged.

But this dish was rather complex to prepare, and as living conditions have improved, few people bother with it.

Thus, the authtic flavor gradually faded away.

The others prest were somewhat astonished, as the dish seemed to have evoked Liu Chong's memories of his father.

Tong Ming sighed softly, "Old Liu, since that's the case, I'll let you eat your fill of this dish today!"

With that, Tong Ming called out directly to the display window, "Son-in-law, that "yu xiang" egg dish from before, fry some more."

Hearing Tong Ming's call, Ch Yu didn't think twice.

After all, there were still plty of eggs left from the morning's purchase.

However, upon hearing the word "son-in-law," all the bosses prest uniformly turned their gaze toward Tong Ming.

Especially Liu Chong, whose somewhat weathered eyes were filled with disbelief.

"This is your son-in-law's restaurant? Did he cook this dish?"

A hint of smug pride actually appeared on Tong Ming's face, "What, my son-in-law's culinary skills don't suit your taste?"

These words were obviously rhetorical, yet they also carried a hint of bragging.

Liu Chong repeatedly waved his hands, "To be able to cook such an authtic 'fish-fragrant' egg dish, one would need at least three or four decades of experice. Don't tell me your son-in-law started learning to cook from a young age?"

Tong Ming fumbled with the walking stick in his hand, his face beaming with pride.

"Some things, you know, are a matter of talt! My son-in-law is very well-ed, and he ev has a double master's degree."

Apart from Tang Long, everyone prest oped their mouths wide, looking at Tong Ming with vy.

For them, at this stage, the most important thing is to find a qualified successor.

A young man who can cook to this level is surely capable in other regards as well.

And he ev has a high level of education!

In their eyes, Tong Ming had truly found a gem.

At this momt, Ch Yu brought out two more plates of 'fish-fragrant' eggs.

"Could you all eat dishes with Sichuan spicy flavors? I can cook a few right now."

The few sitting there were all influtial figures in the capital, and at this momt, they sized up Ch Yu with an indescribable look.

"Young and handsome, efficit and capable, he really is a fine young man!" Liu Chong couldn't help but praise.

Just th, Tong Ya, who had just put Tuan Tuan down for a nap, happed to come down from upstairs.

Wh she saw Tong Ming sitting in the hall with several bosses, she felt somewhat displeased.

But still, she slightly composed herself and wt up to greet the other elders.

After all, they were Tong Ming's business partners, and by siority, she ought to address them as uncles.

Ev if she and Tong Ming did not get along, it was the very least that her upbringing demanded.

However, after she finished greeting them, she pouted slightly and gave Tong Ming a sideways glance.

Th, she took Ch Yu by the arm and headed back to the kitch.

At this, the vy in the other bosses' eyes grew ev stronger.

In wealthy families like theirs, the relationships with their childr were oft somewhat strained.

The kids who were suitable to inherit the family wealth and were relatively talted usually had their own ideas; they would either leave home or start their own businesses.

The childr who stayed at home, though obedit, were usually not good at anything.

The harmony displayed by Tong Ming's family made them a bit jealous.

Tong Ming knew the real situation in his own home better than anyone, but at times like these, what mattered was face, and he was more than happy to joy the atttion from everyone.

However, inside the kitch, Tong Ya clung to Ch Yu's arm, her face filled with restmt.

"Did they pay any money?"

Ch Yu shrugged nonchalantly, "It's just a test of new dishes, why charge them?"

"That won't do, it'll only courage their brazness to come here for free meals!"

Ch Yu couldn't help but chuckle, about to say, "But that's your father, after all," but th he stopped himself.

Instead, he looked at Tong Ya with a doting expression, "So you tell me, how much should we charge?"

Tong Ya thought for a momt with her lips pursed, "We should really make him pay through the nose, see if he dares to come for free meals again."

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