Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 146: New Year Date [2]

...Until in one of the stalls, I found a beautiful hand-crafted bracelet made of delicate silver links. It had an intricate design that reminded me of Aria's elegance. I bought it as a gift, hoping she would like it.

"Here," I said, handing her the small, wrapped package. "I saw this and thought of you."

Aria looked surprised but pleased. She unwrapped the package and her eyes wided slightly as she saw the bracelet. "It's beautiful... Thank you."

"You're welcome," I replied, feeling a warm sse of satisfaction. "I'm glad you like it."

We continued to explore the market, joying the festive atmosphere and each other's company. As the sun began to set, casting a gold glow over the snow-covered park, we decided to head back to the academy.

Of course, the date hasn't ded yet. There was still the New Year Dinner I was going to prepare. Cooking was one of the few hobbies I retained from my past life, and I wanted to share a special meal with Aria. We made our way back to the academy, the cold air invigorating but not unpleasant after the warmth and joy of the day.

Upon arriving at the academy, we parted ways at the dorm. She said she would help me this time too so she wt into her own room to change.

I returned to my room and changed into more comfortable clothes, ready to start preparing the special New Year dinner. Cooking was a skill I had honed over the years, a hobby that brought me a sse of calm and satisfaction. Tonight, I wanted to create a meal that Aria would joy, something to make the day ev more memorable.

I headed to the kitch, already planning the dishes in my mind. I had gathered ingredits from the market earlier, suring I had everything I needed. As I began to prepare the ingredits, I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I called, knowing it was Aria.

She tered, now dressed in casual clothes and looking eager to help. "I thought I'd come and ld a hand," she said, smiling as she approached the kitch counter.

"You really don't have to," I replied, though I appreciated her offer. "I can handle it."

"I know," she said, rolling up her sleeves. "But I want to. Besides, it's more fun to cook together."

I couldn't argue with that. We started working side by side, chopping vegetables, mixing ingredits, and talking as we cooked. Aria was surprisingly skilled in the kitch, and together we created a variety of dishes: a hearty stew, a fresh salad, and a selection of pastries for dessert.

As the food simmered and baked, the kitch filled with delicious aromas. It felt cozy and warm, a stark contrast to the cold winter night outside. We chatted easily, sharing stories and getting to know each other ev better.

"You know," Aria said, as she stirred a pot on the stove, "I never expected to find someone like you here at the academy."

I looked up from the salad I was preparing, curious. "What do you mean?"

"Someone who understands me," she said softly, her eyes meeting mine. "Who makes me feel... happy."

Her words touched me deeply. Damn, I was melting. "I'm glad I can be that person for you," I replied sincerely. "You mean a lot to me as well."


We continued cooking in comfortable yet awkward silce, the unspok understanding betwe us growing stronger. Wh everything was ready, we set the table with care, creating a beautiful and inviting spread.

"Wow, it looks amazing," Aria said, admiring our work. "I can't wait to try everything."

We sat down and began our meal, savoring each dish. The food was delicious, and the company made it ev better. We talked and laughed, the conversation flowing easily. It felt like we were in our own little world, away from the pressures and responsibilities of the academy and the world.

As we finished the last of the pastries, I leaned back in my chair, feeling contt. "This was perfect," I said, smiling at Aria. "Thank you for helping me make it special."

"Thank you for inviting me," she replied, her eyes shining with warmth. "I had a wonderful time."

I cleared the table alone despite her offer. Wh everything was clean and put away, we moved to the living area and sat down on the couch, the cozy atmosphere making it easy to relax. I glanced at the clock; it was almost midnight. "It's almost the New Year," I said, feeling a sse of anticipation.

Aria nodded, looking thoughtful. "It's hard to believe how much has happed this past year."

"Yeah," I agreed. "But I'm glad we met. You've made this year unforgettable."

"Me too," she said softly, her gaze meeting mine. "Here's to many more unforgettable momts."

As the clock struck midnight, signaling the start of the new year, we sat in comfortable silce, joying the peaceful momt. It was a perfect d to a perfect day, filled with warmth, joy, and a deeping bond betwe us.

"Happy New Year, Aria," I said, my voice filled with sincerity.

"Happy New Year, Adrian," she replied, her smile radiant.

We stayed there for a while longer, talking and joying the quiet companionship. Evtually, we both knew it was time to part for the night. Aria stood up, and I walked her to the door.

"Thank you for today," she said. "It was truly special."

"Don't mtion it. It was special for me too." I replied.

She left with a smile, and I watched her ter her own room. As she closed the door, I knew that this new year would bring many challges and advtures.

But man... I would have hugged her right th and there many times if I had a bit of courage...

But it's not that bad to improve step by step...

With a smile on my face, I headed to bed, ready to embrace whatever the future held.

The knowledge from the novel, the fridships I had made, and the bonds I had formed all filled me with a sse of purpose and determination. The new year was a blank slate, full of possibilities, and I was ready to make the most of it.

Ev if I d up being expelled. Ev if I leave without confessing...

I won't regret a single momt of my time here or the choices I made and will make.

___ ____ _______

[Volume : End]

[Announcemt: I returned updating my other novel - The Strongest Monarch In The Apocalypse. I will update a chapter for now. Those who are interested in a similar gre and theme, may check it out. You can search for it manually or find it on my profile.]

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