A Wolf's Howl, A Fairy's Wing

Chapter 113: Chapter 113 - Nora submits (18+)

However, in the d, it was not a difficult decision.

By her very nature, Nora's libido was already high, but now, combined with the various fluids, smells, and pheromones that made their way inside her body over the last hour, lust was burning inside her like a hot coal.

And the fact that she and Erik were currtly naked did not help matters at all.

She turned towards Erik and Elora with desire burning in her eyes. 'I've never be submissive to a man before, but… whatever,' she thought, 'Taming him was a long shot anyway. Right now, I just want to get stuffed. I'll think about this bond of service or whatever later.'

The reason she came there in the first place was because she lusted after the son of her teacher. It might not be happing in the way she visioned, but at this point, she was too horny to care.

"Fine…" she growled. "But you better make me see stars to make this up to me."

Erik smiled confidtly, not surprised by her decision because the lust burning in her eyes was evidt.

Elora, however, grinned evilly. She was not particularly happy with Nora's word choice.

She quickly moved to stand behind Nora in her life-size form before putting her hands on Nora's shoulders and leaning closer to whisper in the blond woman's ear. "You don't get to make demands here, little pet. You'll serve us, and perhaps we'll reward you for being a good girl. Now get. On. Your knees."

A shudder wt through Nora's spine wh she heard Elora's whispered command as the instinctive desire to obey filled her body and mind.

She tried to put up a tok resistance, but her mind was filled with the desire to scratch the itch burning inside her. Besides, this turn of evts was not particularly surprising for her.

Both unable and unwilling to resist, she sank to her knees in preparation for what came next.

Elora crouched behind Nora and grabbed the woman's chin before whispering in her ear again. "Op your mouth, girl. Prepare to service your master."

Never before having be submissive to a man, Nora couldn't but scowl a little, despite the fact she herself chose to stay, knowing what was going to happ.

Regardless, the Bond of Service was reltless. Without a word, she oped her mouth, and Erik approached her with an indulgt smile and a rock-hard cock.

Despite herself, the bond she received from Elora filled Nora with feelings of submission wh she looked at the approaching and imposing form of Erik, her new master.

Not to mtion that wh his nine-inch cock was prested in front of her face, she began to tremble with lust and desire due to the ticing smell and powerful pheromones.

The massive member now lightly rested on her forehead, causing Nora to look up at it and, with her mouth still op wide, began to pant and drool a little. Ev without having be giv the order yet, her overwhelming lust, and the delicious smell, were screaming at her to take that cock in her mouth.

Erik looked down at the mature and voluptuous body of Nora kneeling before him and couldn't help but get ev harder. Just before, she had be acting as a confidt dominatrix, and now, after less than an hour with his beloved Elora, here she was, on her knees, ready to service him.

He could only imagine he was a saint in his previous life to get someone like Elora as a partner in this one.

Thinking of Elora, he swapped his gaze to the transcded beauty that was his partner, who was crouching behind Nora, and saw her looking at him with a playful yet demanding gaze. Clearly, she intded to take control of this momt, and Erik had no reason not to let her.

Now with his cock in front of Nora, who slightly drooled and panted with lust, Erik waited to see what Elora had in store for him next.

The fairy didn't let him wait long as she grabbed his dick and guided it toward Nora's op mouth, and whispered in her ear again. "I hope you're ready, little pet. It's going down your throat."

Some panic appeared in the blond woman's eyes, as she had never done anything like that. Yet, she had no time to regret anything, as the momt that dick touched her tongue, she lost all resistance.

Because at the momt the heavly taste, personally gineered by Elora, registered in her brain, she couldn't help but start to swirl her tongue a the object in her mouth with a greedy look in her eyes. 'Gah! How can he possibly taste his good,' her lust-addled brain barely remembered Elora had fed her his taste before.

Erik felt a shiver of pleasure pass through him, yet his eyes stayed trained on Elora, who also gazed back at him.

They appeared to completely ignore Nora, but despite that, Elora grabbed the back of Nora's head and continued to guide Erik's cock deeper and deeper past the woman's luscious lips until she hit the back of Nora's throat.

While continuing to look at Erik, she whispered to Nora. "Swallow, pet. Swallow your Master. Worship him like a god because, for all intds and purposes, from today onward, he is your god, and I am your goddess."

Elora's words should have induced revulsion in Nora's mind, but instead, she only felt mind-numbing pleasure as Erik's taste and pheromones wreaked havoc on her mind. At the same time, she desperately tried to swallow Erik further, causing the Bond of Service to reward her for her obedice, causing ev more pleasure to flood her system.

Elora helped the woman along by slowly massaging her throat with one hand while pushing forward with the other, all without breaking eye contact with Erik.

A dark gre glow ev appeared on Elora's fingertips, proving her use of magic to help Nora along.

Soon, her efforts paid off wh, with one sudd movemt, Erik felt his cock being swallowed in its tirety, causing his eyelids to twitch, his spine to shiver, and his mouth to release a low groan, ev as he refused to break eye contact with Elora.

Still crouching behind Nora, with one hand on the woman's throat and the other on the back of her head, Elora smiled mischievously at Erik. "Do you like my gift?"

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