A Wolf's Howl, A Fairy's Wing

Chapter 112: Chapter 112 - Bond of Service

Wh it was done, the chains released Nora, and she sagged down to the g, now looking much the same as Elora had wh Nora tered the room.

Elora smirked victoriously at Erik and declared her victory, "Just like that, we gain a pretty little thing to have fun with and a spy in the Silver Enclave, all at once. Without breaking your precious rules about const, too. Not bad for a night's work, don't you think?"

Naturally, the questions about morality and const were very subjective and borderline in this case, mainly because Nora barely had any idea what she agreed to. But ultimately, the world was built on compromises and the blurred lines betwe right and wrong.

They needed a spy in the Silver Enclave, and Nora prested herself as a very viable option. The added pleasurable befits were just icing on the cake.

Erik chuckled softly and began walking towards Elora and the softly moaning Nora, "Not bad at all. You were amazing as always, Elora. Don't knock the effects of proper const so quickly, though. Blaming herself for the consequces of her own actions is better than blaming us. Besides, I never doubted the choice she would make."

Wh he reached them, he wrapped his arms a her while Elora chuckled mischievously. "Look at you becoming a proper manipulator. I have taught you well."

Erik chuckled warmly and kissed Elora softly on the lips. "Thank you, my lovely little ember." Th he turned towards Nora on the g. "Now, what to do with you?"

Elora giggled cheerfully. "Let me just perk her up a little," she said before crouching down and flooding the woman with dark gre ergy that quickly began to restore her stamina and critical thinking.

Feeling the effects of the last hour fade, Nora groaned softly before struggling to her feet as she held her head. "Ugh, what just happed?"

Elora stood up with her and shrunk down before taking her place on Erik's shoulder. "You tasted the consequces of your own actions," she giggled with sadistic delight.

Erik grinned and added, "You snuck into my house, thinking you could put me under your heel, th you made a bet and lost. Now, you're paying the price."

Slowly, the earlier evts began returning to Nora, and she groaned at her rashness. 'Fuck. I let lust blind me once again,' she thought.

She turned her gaze towards the duo in front of her and scowled a little at their victorious smirks, yet, for some reason, she was filled with an overwhelming desire to obey them.

This feeling surprised her, and suddly, she remembered Elora doing something to her throat and neck, causing her to grab her throat while frowning at Elora. "What- What did you do to me?"

She felt nothing, nor was there anything to see, as the dark gre symbols had already be absorbed into her skin.

Elora shrugged. "Simple. I granted you the specialty of my people: a Bond of Service." As a wicked power, the Obsidian Enclave was particularly adept at slaving others, and it had many methods for that purpose. However, Elora currtly only knew two of them: possession and the Bond of Service.

Both of these spells were relatively self-explanatory. Possession allowed a fairy to lock their victim's mind away and puppeteer their body a, which is what Elora had done to Emily in the past.

The Bond of Service, on the other hand, was more straightforward. The victim would simply be forced to obey the caster, although, unlike Emily's magic, the victim would retain their own mind.

However, both of these methods had one major flaw. Namely, the victim needed to be willing, much weaker than the caster, or mtally vulnerable.

Unfortunately, Elora's third rank was not powerful ough to force these methods on a second rank, but luckily, Nora had previously be both willing and vulnerable.

After hearing Elora explain what was done to her, Nora sighed and grabbed her forehead while mumbling to herself, "Great job, Nora. You couldn't control yourself, and now you have no control at all anymore. Wonderfully done."

Erik couldn't help but chuckle a little at Nora's defeatism, causing Nora to glare at him, "Something funny, 'Master,'" she said, a little spitefully.

He grinned in response and stepped closer before grabbing her chin and forcing her to look into his eyes. "You're making this out to be worse than it is. We'll probably just ask you for information occasionally. Besides, if you like, we can still have some fun."

That made Nora frown. "What do you mean, if I like? You're not going to force me now?"

Erik shrugged nonchalantly. "I never force wom to have sex with me. I have no need to. Besides, for me, half of the fun comes from seeing the pleasure and joy on my partner's face. If you want, you can walk out that door right now and only ever remain our spy in the Enclave."

Still holding her chin, he leaned close to her ear and whispered. "Or, I can sure you'll barely be able to walk tomorrow."

Feeling Erik's warm and powerful body this close to her while smelling his sweet, lust-inducing smell and remembering the pleasure she wt through earlier caused her to gulp with desire and temptation.

Noticing he had the effect he wanted, Erik pulled back a little before planting a deep kiss on Nora's mouth, causing her eyes to go wide with surprise before narrowing with pleasure as Erik explored the inside with his tongue and coated it with his delicious saliva.

Th, he pulled back completely and took a step back from her. "So what will it be? I'm warning you now, however. If you choose option two, you will submit to us, and you can forget about dominating me. The only person who has ever done that to me is sitting on my shoulder, and other will ever be allowed."

Back on Söl, during their sexual experimtation phase, there had naturally be an attempt at Elora being the dom. Still, neither of them joyed it much, so it never happed again.

That said, if she ever wanted to try again, Erik would accept. Perhaps not out of desire, but certainly out of love.

Hearing his words caused Elora to giggle and think back to that day with fondness because of Erik's willingness to do it but little desire to try again.

As for Nora, her eyes glanced betwe the pair in front of her and the basemt door while she tried to come to a decision.

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