A random pokemon journey



'Before that though I should check out this crime upgrade that I got.' I thought and went to look into it. As it turned out it was a new feature added to both my PDA and pokenav that when used pulled up a map of the region I was in and showed me the spots with the highest criminal activity as well as the severity of the crimes in question with a color coding system. Blue was without crime, light red was petty crime and dark red was the big crimes.-

I supposed it would make my job a whole lot easier when I went to my next region though I hadn't actually decided where that would be quite yet. If I went to Sinnoh this would help me track down team Galactic while they were in the act so that was useful. As for Kanto and Johto I really wanted to avoid those regions because Giovanni wasn't just a crime boss but also an elite four level trainer and gym leader. He was also ruthless enough to cut all connection between himself and team Rocket if he didn't like his chances.-

Of course he was also much more likely to just try and assassinate me or even slowly buddy up to me so that I leave his criminal empire alone. That was one of the most dangerous parts about the man, he was like a sweet tasting but slow acting poison that spreads through your system until it's too late to stop him. For me that wasn't such a large issue since I knew about this already and thus would be on the defensive about it but for anyone else not in the know it was extremely effective.-

Looking at the colored map I was rather surprised to see that most of the major crime in this region wasn't in Pyrite town but rather Phenac instead. Pyrite had the highest petty crime but Phenac was straight up dark red. This confused me as I had no information of any real crime in that place, not anything above petty crime like theft anyways. Annoyingly I also couldn't ask Justy about it as this was a system reward and not something I was able to explain. In the end I just shrugged and assumed that it had something to do with Cypher and left it up to Wes and Rui to deal with.-

With that done I started composing the first draft of my report on what I discovered about the Orre regions situation. I basically just put all the blame on Giratina which wasn't technically false as it was the source of the entire issue. I included my trip through time and the slab that had "unfortunately" been destroyed after recovery as my sources. All in all it was a fairly short report but was likely to excite the historians and scientists a little. Needless to say I left out all mentions of shadow pokemon or the Sinnoh legendries failing not once but twice to fully snuff out a big issue.-

Once my report was finished my quest ended and I got the rewards so I decided to get some of this stuff out the way already starting with the four item tickets. I got a Full heal, a Meowth statue, a Macho brace and a Quick powder. The only things out of the ordinary was the Quick powder and the Meowth statue. Quick powder was a Ditto exclusive item that consisted of a fine blue dust that when held by a Ditto somehow made it faster, don't ask me how I don't know.-

The Meowth statue however was the first REALLY special item I have ever gotten from the item roulette. It was as the name implied a statue depicting a Meowth but it was made of solid gold and had a mystical ability that worked once every twenty four hours, it spawned a random item from thin air. How exactly it did this was anyone's guess as I could see no runes or perceive any energy from the statue at all yet it clearly had a power of it's own.-

The first use of the statue gave me a potion but revealed nothing as one moment there was nothing and the next a bottle rested on the statues outstretched paw. Eventually after trying and failing epically to figure out anything about the statue I gave up and moved on to my next set of tickets, skill. Ripping the ticket I waited for the wheel to stop though i didn't pray to RNGESUS since I honestly didn't care too much about what I got. So when the wheel stopped and I got the hand to hand skill I had a strange expression.-

There wasn't anything wrong with the skill at all as the knowledge that came with it was extremely useful and even included aura centric martial arts but I was a spearman and had been for so long that going back to straight up punching my way out of a situation seemed like a step backwards. Like if I'm being totally honest this new skill was WAY better than my spearmanship skill in terms of utility but it felt off to me after spending so long using a spear. It was hard explain clearly exactly what I meant which was annoying really.-

I could only choose to turn my attention to the most troublesome of the tickets while ignoring that discordant feeling, ability. I had three of the things and as I had discovered quite long ago not all abilities were useful beyond the boost to my aura they gave. 'Please give me something useful this time' I prayed the RNGESUS before tearing the three tickets. Minor storage, Kill copy and water resistance were what I got. I grit my teeth as they all sank into my body and integrated themselves causing changes as they went. Minor storage was a strange ability and ridiculously rare due to it's ties to space manipulation. What it did was create a personally bound sub space exactly one meter in all directions from the center.-

Any form of the storage ability was considered the ultimate smugglers tool as it was undetectable without an ability that manipulated space directly or allowed one to perceive it. It was also one of the few abilities not fueled by the person who had it which meant I got nothing besides a storage space with it. Kill copy on the other hand gave my aura reserves a solid fifty percent extra volume but was one of the only abilities that I was almost willing to bet my entire team I would never use.-

The reason for this was because it allowed the user to temporarily copy and use the abilities of whoever they killed and it did indeed have to be a person. The simple fact was I had no reason and doubted I ever would have a reason to use this ability, I had so many abilities that I was unlikely to ever need it for anything. Finally of course was water resistance that was exactly like the name implied, the ability to resist the use and effects of water on you.


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