A random pokemon journey

The final pieces

The final pieces

'Ancient Sinnoh? That doesn't make any sense, why would someone or a group of people move here from there?' I thought confused as I immediately recognized the language since I had the skill for it. I hadn't practiced the skill though so I had to take it slow as I translated the slab. There wasn't much guesswork since I had the skill and thus all the knowledge on the language already. But I wasn't skilled in using that knowledge and thus had to be a bit careful so that I didn't fuck up the translation.-

The contents of the slab were disturbing to say the least as the first good quarter of it was practically a step by step guide to creating shadow pokemon if a bit light on details. The rest was thankfully more of a story than instructions. It roughly said that the fall of Giratina was witnessed by a small group of aura masters who saw that power it exerted and wanted it for themselves. They left this now barren land as it wasn't suitable for living any more and while most died three of their number landed in the ancient region of Hisui or what Sinnoh used to be called.-

Over the span of four generations a group without a name was formed from the children and children's children of those three all seeking to harness the corrupted power of Giratina using the notes and research of the three that started it all. It was on the fourth generation that a breakthrough was found and the first imperfect shadow pokemon was created. This achievement however was not well received at all by the local legendries that knew more about the terrible power they were in the process of unleashing.-

Most of the group were killed but the survivors sought refuge in the land that it all began in, Orre. The land had been untouched by humans for four generations and had made a grand recovery though no legendries could be found there as the scars left from Giratina's fall lingered still. These same scars were what allowed the group to advance their research on creating and perfecting shadow pokemon but with the goal of getting revenge on the legendries that they felt had wronged them with their slaughter. The just recovered pokemon population was captured, corrupted and killed until eventually the land had been rendered truly barren and dead.-

The death and corruption of life energy had melded permanently with the very essence of the land and thus the desert had been born where no sands rose into dunes and very little could survive. All pokemon instinctively felt this corruption and avoided it until that impulse to avoid the region became second nature over generations even after it faded. The group however had tipped off the legendries back in Sinnoh through this slow but eventual movement of information that finally reached those powerful beings. Another slaughter was committed and all evidence of the foul creations but a few crumbs were wiped out.-

This slab was created by the only survivor of that slaughter as a record in case his vengeance was thwarted after he returned to Sinnoh. The rest of the story after that wasn't written here but I knew it as the story of the rise of the infernal. The man created the first and only infernal pokemon that was truly the closest to having the power that his ancestors sought and raged death and war against the legendries of Sinnoh who had slaughtered his people and eventually had the three godly lake guardians get involved.-

"Well what does it say? I have to know!" Ein practically begged with a mad desire in his eyes. I sighed "The first part is a guide to the creation of shadow pokemon which you already know, the rest is the story of the origin of shadow pokemon and the tale of why this region is the way it is. There is no improvements to be found for you research there." I said honestly since there was no reason to lie. "This.. this cannot be? So much time and effort and that was all that was there, a mere history lesson told by the long dead?" Ein muttered with a broken look.-

I almost pitied him, to know that the only hope for your lifelong research was heading to a dead end where there was no going past. Something like that broke scientists back on earth and applied here as well it seemed. I pulled the slab out of the wall and immediately shattered it to sand. "This knowledge is better left in the forgotten past." I said firmly. That was it, the final pieces to the puzzle that painted the full picture of this regions story.-

It began when Giratina fell and showed people the power of corrupted aura and it ended with the region as it was now. In a way it was funny that despite achieving my goal in coming to this region I would be leaving it far more burdened than I arrived. I couldn't share this knowledge, it was far too dangerous and gods know what people like Giovanni and Cyrus would do if they got their hands on it. I ignored the system notification telling me that I completed the quest and unlocked the next part of the chain quest.-

Instead I contacted Wes and Rui and let them know that I had raided this lab and left the clean up to them. Obviously I had Vulcan incinerate the bodies since it would be traumatic for them otherwise but that was all I did before going back to my Hub. Once there I finally accepted the notification from the system and the rewards for this chain of the quest. 2x item tickets, 1x ability ticket, 5x Exp ticket, Crime upgrade+, the next chain quest, my rewards.

[Chain Quest conditions established!

Description: You have learned the whole truth of the Orre region and all that is left now is to decide what you will do with this information, Choose!

Objectives: Publish your findings for the world to know(optional), Keep it to yourself(optional), Publish a partial account of the matter so that no one ever goes searching for the whole truth(optional)

Rewards: Option one: 2x skill tickets, 5x item tickets, 1x guaranteed ability ticket. Option two: 4x skill tickets, 2x guaranteed item tickets. Option three: 1x skill ticket, 2x item tickets, 2x ability tickets]

This was clearly the last quest in the chain and was interestingly set with three different possible rewards based entirely on what I chose to do with the information I had now.

Each of the rewards were more or less equal though I did notice that the first was slightly more biased with that guaranteed ability ticket. I couldn't exactly say that was unfair though as that option was also the one that would have the biggest impact out of all three on the world. It was also the only one that was absolutely off the table for me as I had already chosen to keep the information from getting out. I hadn't even thought about releasing a heavily edited version of the tale but looking at it now the idea appealed to me.


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Remove the spaces after the "A".

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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