A random pokemon journey

Raiding the lab(2)

Raiding the lab(2)

It came as little surprise that everything really important was in the admin and chief scientist Ein's lab. Some more interrogation and I found out what sort of person this Ein was and while eccentric he also sounded brilliant as well. Apparently he was the main force behind the technology for creating shadow pokemon and doggedly chased perfection in his research of the stuff. Even more of a credit to the man was that he was clearly working with extremely incomplete information given the quality of his created shadow pokemon being so low.-

Satisfied with the information I gathered I checked the last few rooms on this floor before calling the elevator up. It was a simple glass tube elevator that opened and went up and down in a smooth fashion, likely so that anything fragile within it didn't get jostled. There were four floors to this lab with the first at the top being the main entrance and living quarters for those stationed here. The second was the data storage and item storage area. I ignored the viscera and blood as I stepped out onto the second floor from the elevator and began to check the floor for any goodies.-

There was quite a lot of rations and scientific supplies but not much in terms of stuff that I would find much use for beyond a lot of medicinal ingredients for potions, no doubt to keep the shadow pokemon from dying during the process of transformation. The data storerooms on the otherhand had some gold waiting to be discovered. It was easy to get access to the information stored on the servers since there was no password needed or anything. I found an absolutely massive amount of research notes on the shadowfication process as well as technical jargon that went right over my head about the technology involved.-

'This seems like a lot of work for such a low quality product, then again they don't know that it is a low quality product and probably think it quite good.' I thought as I read over the information. I copied all the information to my PDA and uploaded it to my computer back at the Hub before heading back to the elevator to head to the third floor that had the main lab and Ein himself. There were no survivors on the second floor which meant no one here seemed important to my pokemon.-

Of course the shadow pokemon were spared death and I collected them before I left but the normal pokemon got no such mercy. When I got to the third floor I was slightly surprised to find that Ein was tied up but the fight wasn't over as Vulcan and a Raikou were duking it out with Vulcan having a clear edge but having difficulty subduing the other legendary. It wasn't a matter of power or skill exactly so much as the Raikou was rampantly unleashing electrical energy around it which kept Vulcan from just smacking the shit out of it.-

Tank was pretty much helpless to help as well as he couldn't use status moves without risking friendly fire on Vulcan and he was flying type which meant he had a weakness to the electric type. "Hades go help Vulcan out so we can wrap this up and get back home." I said as I tossed the keystone out near the fight. While that was going on I casually walked over to the tied up man with black hair and glasses that Tank was floating next to. "You! Do you have any idea the setback you've caused my research!?"-

"I was this close to understanding the next line of the ancient glyphs when you attacked this facility!" The man yelled angrily like he wasn't tied up and totally at my mercy. I crouched down to look him right in the eyes. "Where is this ancient glyph of yours exactly?" I asked calmly. He laughed coldly "Do your worst, you'll get nothing from me." he said furiously. I nodded "I believe you, A shame you'll never be able to complete your research." I said calmly before reaching out and lifting him by his throat.

I choked him nice and slowly so the despair started to set in as he realized that I was right and his work will forever remain incomplete if he died now. Physical torture didn't work on eccentric personalities like his, no you had to attack the insecurities and aspirations that drove their actions. The mere idea that all they had hoped to accomplish and do would be no more than sand slipping through the grasp of history to be forgotten was a torment effective like no other. "W-a-ait!" the scientist managed to wheeze out and I dropped him.-

"Had a change of heart at the last second have we? Well by all means go on." I said calmly. He coughed and sputtered as he desperately struggled to re-oxygenate himself. "Your word, give me your word that you won't kill me or destroy my life's work." he demanded and I was tempted to choke him again but held off since his gaze made it clear that he wouldn't fold unless I agreed. "I can't agree to not ridding the world of shadow pokemon but I can agree not to kill you or destroy the information on your work." I said honestly.-

I meant it too as while I wasn't just going to leave the shadow pokemon as they were I could bend a little and leave him and his information intact if archived and heavily protected. "Less than ideal but I can recognize that I am in no position to negotiate further. The ancient glyph is hidden behind that wall over there that was made to block even the x-ray ability." He said and I activated my x-ray ability to check and to my surprise he was right except it wasn't just that wall but this whole damn place that was a blind spot.-

"I was wondering why your security measures were so trashy but this explains everything. You weren't worried about protecting this place because everything important was hidden in a way that you would only find it if you knew where it was, you could abandon this place without worry as you could just come back later to retrieve it." I said genuinely impressed. It was a bold strategy that almost worked if this guy hadn't likely decided to stubbornly stay here and defend his lab. He could have simply abandoned this place and I would assume that the information had been destroyed or taken and moved on.-

"That was the plan but my foolish stubbornness brought upon this scenario. Hindsight is rather annoying like that." the scientist said self depreciatingly. "Oh good it looks they finally subdued that one. Time to see what this ancient glyph has to say." I said tapping the pokeball belonging to the now knocked out Raikou and putting the captured pokemon in my bag with the rest of the shadow pokemon. Walking over to the wall that Ein had pointed out I pressed it and with a hiss of hydraulics the panel open to reveal a large slab of stone with ancient Sinnoh glyphs written on it.


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