Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 28: Mingpeng, Sunscreen, and Swimming

After taking a few turns carrying the boy, he finally woke up just as they arrived back home.

"Miss... Where am I? Is this the afterlife?" The boy asked weakly as Yueyue held him on the back.

"No, you lived. We are still on earth. I'm Yueyue, and he's Xiaoyun." Yueyue replied as Xiaoyun opened the door.

"Can you walk with the other leg?" Xiaoyun curiously asked before letting the two inside the house.

"Yeah, I think I can walk... Wait, how did my leg come back?"

The boy looked dumbfounded as he could still remember the man chopping off his leg right before his eyes. But now it was back to where it was, at least how it appeared to him.

"It's a secret, okay? I can't tell you how, but all you need to know is that you are fully healed now... I think."

As Yueyue puts the boy down, Xiaoyun immediately notices the boy hasn't moved at all.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine... but why does my leg feel a little weird?"

The boy tried to step forward, but it somehow caused both of his legs to move forward at once, almost falling right onto its face if it wasn't for Yueyue's fast reaction.

"Um, you might need to relearn how to walk. It's the cost of getting your leg back," Xiaoyun explained as he picked up the boy and carried him to the sofa.

"Thank you, mister... I can never pay back this debt to you."

The boy suddenly started sobbing as if it was the first time he had received kindness from someone.

"It's okay. There's no need to pay back. Anyone would have done the same——"

Suddenly, a loud sound came out of Mingpeng's stomach.

"You must be hungry. Let me call Leyan to cook you something."

As Xiaoyun headed upstairs, Yueyue returned with a cup of water for the boy to drink.

"What's your name?" Yueyue asked softly.

"My name is Mingpeng..."

The boy's sobbing slowly stopped as Yueyue gently patted his head.

"Mingpeng? That sounds like a good name. Where's your parents?" Yueyue curiously asked.

"They are still in the 309... My dad was killed by them when he tried to protect Mom."

Mingpeng's face immediately darkens for a second as a bunch of unhappy memories are triggered inside his head.

"I'm sorry to hear that... We're going to save your mom, okay?" Yueyue promised as she clenched her fist in anger.

"Thank you, sister Yueyue..."

As Mingpeng looked back at Yueyue full of hope, she suddenly started to regret making such a big promise as she remembered the man saying the gang leader had guns and several people armed.

However, she didn't take it back as she couldn't watch Mingpeng be disappointed.

"No problem... Just lay down on the sofa and rest for a bit, okay? You had been very strong."

Mingpeng nodded in agreement as Yueyue helped him lay down on the sofa and grabbed a small blanket to cover him.


Meanwhile, an hour before Xiaoyun and Yueyue came back home.

Yuqi was in her room, putting her ear on the wall and trying to hear what Nami and Lily were doing for half an hour.

"Lily, do you like this dress? Doesn't it look nice?"

"Um, it feels kind of cold wearing this. Is this a little too short?"

"Nah, it's perfect. Here, wear this."

Yuqi could feel Lily's hesitation as she imagined Nami forcing Lily to play dress up.

"T-This is a c-cloth?"

Yuqi immediately raised the alarm in her head as Lily's voice started to sound a little nervous.

"Yes, it is, trust me. Are we friends? Hm... It looks very nice on you. But this bra and underwear... The color just doesn't fit.

I think you should just take them off."

"B-but then I don't have anything to cover..."

Yuqi could imagine Lily blushing hard, being pressured by Nami constantly to take off her undergarments.

"Just trust me. The cloth still has a strap that perfectly covers it. We are both girls anyway, so there's no need to be so shy and scared."

Hearing Nami's tempting words, Yuqi immediately got up from the bed and started walking towards the door.

Just as she stepped into the hallway, an odd moaning sound suddenly came out of Nami's bedroom.

"Hm!——W-We can't do this, sister Nami."

Yuqi stopped for a second as she realized it wasn't the right time to go in yet.

In her head, she knew if she had stepped inside right now, Nami would have simply made some excuse unless she had caught her in the act.

"Come on, it's very fun! We are friends, right? Do you think sister Nami would ever hurt you?"

"N-No. But my mom said girls shouldn't do this kind of stuff... Can we not do this?" Lily pleaded.

"Your mom is just stubborn. Come on, it's It's about time you learned this kind of stuff. You're fully grown now. I'll teach you how to touch down there——"

Before Yuqi could hear the whole thing, she pushed the door wide open.

"Nami Stop! Let go of Lily——"

Yuqi froze as she saw the opposite of what she had imagined—Nami and Lily were both in front of the computer, playing a game.

"Hm? What stop? What are you talking about?" Nami asked in confusion as they both turned around to look towards Yuqi standing at the doorway.

"I... had been seeing you in the room all day. You know how mad Mom is going to be if she sees you leading Lily down the wrong path and playing video games all day?"

Yuqi started lecturing Nami as she shifted the topic away from her unannounced entry to Nami's room.

"Okay, okay. When did my sister become controlling like mom? I never knew I have two moms——"

"S-Shut up. I better see you out of your room in an hour."

Yuqi quickly rushed out of the room and closed the door, her face blushing a little from the embarrassment of making such a big mistake.

"She didn't even knock on the door... And why did she look at me as if I was guilty of something?" Nami thought to herself as she shifted her attention back to watching Lily playing the game.


"I should stop thinking about this. I am just too paranoid. Why did I think Mimi would do that kind of stuff to Lily?"

As Yuqi lay down on her bed, she couldn't calm down, as the embarrassment of what had happened earlier kept appearing in her head.

"Maybe I should go take a swim to clear my mind."

Yuqi quickly got out of bed and grabbed her swimsuit before heading to the backyard.

As she arrived in the backyard, she noticed the sun was so bright that it almost blinded her eyes for a second.

"Hey Qiqi, what are you doing here?"

Leyan was already in the backyard, wearing a crop top and shorts, resting on a beach chair below the patio.

"Oh, I'm going for a swim. How long have you been sitting here?" Yuqi asked curiously as she began undressing.

"I just finished watering the garden... Wait, let me help you put on some sunscreen first. Your skin is too pale to be like this under the sun."

Yuqi thought for a second, then nodded in agreement after looking down at her pale arm.

"Here, lay down on this chair. It's easier for me to apply it."

Yuqi followed Leyan's order and laid down where Leyan was sitting earlier.

"Qiqi, your skin looks so pale... Do you not go outside at all?"

Leyan murmured as she shook the bottle a little and squeezed some of the sunscreen onto her hands.

"You know I have to be in that office most of the time... Mom, can you teach me how you get such good tanned skin?" Yuqi asked curiously.

"Of course. All you need to do is be under the sun for a few days, and you'll get the same thing... Hey, Yuqi, have anyone told you that your leg is so long?"

As Leyan started rubbing the sunscreen all over Yuqi's leg, she suddenly felt a tickling sensation down her spine.

"Stop flattering me. Your legs are even longer. Can you hurry up? I want to go swimming already."

Yuqi could feel her body suddenly get a little more sensitive as Leyan moved on to apply the sunscreen to her inner thighs.

"Keep asking me, and you'll end up with tanned and pale skin on your body after you finish swimming."

Hearing Leyan's threat, Yuqi immediately stopped asking her to hurry and waited in silence.

Soon, Leyan moved her hands up to Yuqi's butt.

"Wait, I can do this myself——"

"Come on, I'm your mom. There's no need to be shy... I showered you so many times when you were a baby.

It's not like it's my first time putting sunscreen on your body... Besides, you changed right in front of me earlier. Why be shy now?"

Leyan smirked as she moved her hand underneath Yuqi's swimsuit and started gently applying the sunscreen to it.

"That's different——Hm!——Mom, are you done?"

Yuqi quickly held in her moan as Leyan started applying the sunscreen directly onto her butts.

"Yeah... Just now the front and you are all good."

Leyan finally put Yuqi's swimsuit back down, but her hand started moving to the front.

"W-Wait, Mom, I-I can do this myself——"

Before Yuqi could stop her, Leyan's hand moved right underneath the swimsuit and started applying sunscreen.

"Hm!——Mom! S-Stop it!"

Yuqi accidentally moaned out again as the coldness of the sun skin triggered something in her head.

"Oh my... I didn't know your body was that sensitive. Sorry." Leyan quickly apologized as her hand accidentally rubbed against something soft.

"S-Shut up. Anyone would have reacted the same way. Just hurry up already."

As Leyan went to squeeze more sunscreen to put on Yuqi's back, she suddenly noticed a small bit of clear liquid on the tip of her finger.

Her brain froze for a second as she realized the thing soft entrance into something hard was her daughter's clit.

"Yuqi, I'm so sorry... I really didn't mean to do that." Leyan apologized again as she began evenly spreading the sunscreen on her back.

Yuqi lay in silence, but her face blushed red from embarrassment, which further confirmed what Leyan thought.

"Okay, now, just one last part. I'll try not to touch anything too sensitive this time..."

Leyan's hand slowly moved to the front and started applying sunscreen directly onto Yuqi's chest.

"Hm!——I think I'm good, Mom! Y-You can stop now."

Yuqi tries to push Leyan away as the coldness of the sunscreen triggers inside her head again.

"Wait a second. I need to apply it evenly... I'm almost done."

As Leyan started spreading the sunscreen all over Yuqi's chest, her hand kept brushing Yuqi's nipple over and over again.

"Mom!——Hm!——Why didn't you stop when I told you to stop!"

Leyan let out a loud moan as her body twitched a little before calming back down, as it only lasted for a short second.

"S-Sorry. I just wanted to spread it evenly. I-I didn't mean to do that."

Leyan bowed down in apology as she realized she had gone a little bit too far after noticing the wet mark down below on Yuqi's swimsuit.

"You idiot... You are going to pay for this!"

Yuqi suddenly pushed Leyan into the pool, then jumped into the pool herself as two loud splash sounds appeared in the backyard.

As Leyan struggled in the water, Yuqi couldn't help but laugh.

"Ha ha, that's what you get for bullying me."

However, Yuqi's laugh quickly ended as Leyan started to panic more and more and even started sinking.

"Okay, okay, stop panicking."

Yuqi swam closer and lifted Leyan to the edge of the pool, letting her hold onto it to float on the water.

"Y-You don't do that, okay? I-I almost drowned." Leyan yelled in anger as she panted heavily.

"Well, if somebody didn't tease me like that, I wouldn't be so mad... Mom, do you really don't know how to swim?" Yuqi curiously asked.

"S-shut up. Nobody taught me how to swim, so how am I supposed to know?"

Seeing Leyan holding onto the edge of her dear life, Yuqi started to feel a little bad.

"I can teach you if you want," Yuqi suggested.

"Really?" Leyan asked in an uncertain voice.

"Yes, really. Try to copy me and float like this."

Yuqi started to spread out her body as flat as possible, demonstrating how to float in the water.

After a few tries, Leyan quickly learns it and is finally able to float on the water without sinking.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem. Now, let's learn to swim. I'll start with freestyle."

As Yuqi began stroking the water with her hand, her leg started kicking the water behind her.

After swimming an entire lap, Yuq signaled Leyan to replicate it.

However, Leyan's attempt ends in disaster as she almost drown again if it wasn't for Yuqi carrying her back to the edge.

"Okay, let's go back to the basics first. You should try to paddle with your hand forward. Imagine a dog digging a hole with its hand. Then kick your legs like you were holding the edge earlier."

After a few more attempts, Leyan was finally able to swim a lap and got the hang of it.

"You still need a lot of practice. Anyway, we should practice on the deeper side now. This is too shallow for you."

Yuqi quickly dragged Leyan to the other side of the pool, where the deepest part was only almost doubled her height.


After thirty minutes, Leyan was able to swim to the deeper side without kicking the ground a single time, but she had to do it in one breath as she struggled to change breaths while doing a stroke.

Yuqi noticed it and showed her how to tilt her head to catch a breath as her hand stroked toward the water.

"Now you get it?" Yuqi asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Leyan replied after swimming to the other side with the new technique she learned.

"Nice, you got it. There are other ways to swim, like butterfly or backward, but let's learn that next time." Yuqi commented as she jumped onto the edge and got out of the pool.

"Thank you... I never knew swimming was this easy."

As Leyan got out of the pool, Yuqi suddenly noticed Leyan's crop top and shorts were completely transparent.

More importantly, Leyan wasn't wearing anything underneath, allowing her to see Leyan's body as if it were naked.

"Um, Mom, you might want to go take a shower right and change first." Yuqi pointed out.

"What's wrong?... Oh yeah, good idea."

Leyan's face blushed a little as she noticed it as well and quickly rushed upstairs.

"Mom size... How is it still so much bigger than mine."

Yuqi looked down at her own, which was already bigger than most people she knew.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter... But why did my body become so sensitive earlier? Why does the coldness feel so good?"

Yuqi thought to herself as she headed towards the bathroom to take a shower.

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