Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 278: Chapter 278: Wuli's and Shuli's prank (R-18)

"Wake up, stop pretding to be asleep. We ar't idiots, you know."

Despite Wuli shaking Xiaoyun from the left, his eyes remained closed with no sign of waking up.

"If you ar't going to wake up and explain yourself, we're going to kick you out of bed." Shuli threated as she began shaking Xiaoyun from the right side.

But still, his eyes were closed. Combined with his steady sleep pattern, the two started to realize he might actually have fall asleep.

"Wuli... Should we just sleep? He's not waking up."

"No, he interrupted us... We were so close to letting it out earlier. He's going to take responsibility no matter what."

Both of their faces blushed as they thought back to earlier before Xiaoyun came inside the room.


A few hours earlier...

"Shuli, wh was the last time we did it?" Wuli asked as she and Shuli had just come back from taking a shower.

"Did what?" Shuli curiously asked as she removed her hairclip at the desk.

"You know what I mean."

As Wuli lay down on the bed, Shuli wt over to turn off the light.

"If you want to do it that bad, why don't you just ask him?" Shuli asked as she lay down next to Wuli.

"Leyan said he's busy... I had se him working almost every day, walking in and out of the warehouse every morning, th going to the command cter every day, and ev to Yuqi's office right after that.

I don't want to sound like a thirsty woman... work in the town is more important for every one of us in the town." Wuli pointed out.

"Th go to sleep if you don't want to ask. I'm not going to ask it for you... Besides, it has only be a week."

Shuli replied with a hint of irritability in her voice, almost as if she was jealous of Wuli caring for Xiaoyun so much.

"But I can't... Shuli, how are you holding on still? You don't want to do it at all?" Wuli asked

"I'm already tired from working every day. Why would I want to do it? I just want to go to sleep now, okay?"

"I have work too..." Wuli murmured to herself.

Ssing Shuli wanting to go to sleep, Wuli shut her mouth and closed her eyes.

But as she lay down on the bed, the urges were only getting stronger and stronger, as her body craved for something to fill the emptiness inside.

"Shuli... are you asleep?"

"Not yet. What do you want?"

"I was thinking, can you... Nevermind."

Wuli's face was blushing red as she changed her mind at the last second.

"Don't call me up again. I still have work tomorrow."

As Shuli rolled over to the other side, Wuli turned over to the other side as well, facing away from her.

Slowly, Wuli moved her hands down, first below her pajama, th below her panties.

With a small flick, her finger was now rubbing against her clitoris, as her left hand was underneath her bra and playing with the tips.


Wuli quickly covered her mouth with the blanket to block the moaning sound, but it was very obvious to Shuli that she was touching herself again.

Hearing Wuli's constant muffled moaning, Shuli couldn't fall asleep at all.

Soon ough, Shuli was beginning to crack in her mind as the sound from Wuli was getting louder and louder.

Her left hand began moving down on its own as her right hand reached underneath her bra.


Shuli covered her mouth with the blanket as well, as she didn't want Wuli to know what she was doing right now.

As the two continued to touch themselves on the bed, neither of them noticed the other's sound, as the only thing in their mind was pleasure.

But neither of them could climax as their finger wasn't ough to satisfy themselves.

"Shuli, you're jerking off right now, ar't you?" Wuli suddly asked as she sat up from the bed.

"Shut up, this is all your fault," Shuli replied as she quickly pulled out her hands and sat back up as well.

Both of them could see each other's pajamas unbuttoned, with their bra unclipped and panties down to their knee.

"If we both want to do it, why don't we just help each other?" Wuli suddly suggested.

"Isn't that cheating..." Shuli pointed out as she seriously considered Wuli's suggestion.

Wuli's face instantly turned red as she didn't think of it at all.

"I-I don't think he minds us doing that, right? H-He knew what he signed up for wh he married us." Wuli argued back as she couldn't make herself look back at Shuli's face.

"You sure? We're siblings, too..." Shuli pointed out another issue.

After a short silce, Wuli spoke up again.

"All four of them are related, and it doesn't stop them... Is it really that bad for us to just help relieve each other?"

Shuli sat in silce as she seriously considered Wuli's argumt but shook her head in the d.

"We still shouldn't... We're married to him, and it just doesn't feel right to touch each other without asking him." Shuli argued.

"Wait, wer't you the one that always wanted to do it with me?" Wuli suddly brought up an old topic.

"Shut up. That was back wh we were still frids and before we were married to him." Shuli quickly deflected back.

"So you were a lesbian that wanted me... I knew it."

Wuli suddly spoke up as if she found the biggest secret in the world.

"Yeah, so what? We're both married to him now, you dummy. How are you this oblivious that you just realized it now?"

Shuli finally admitted to it as she looked back at Wuli with determination.

"How am I supposed to know that... Wait, a-are you still a lesbian?"

Wuli nervously asked as she suddly moved back a little away from Shuli.

"What do you think? Do you think a lesbian would want a cock inside them? And that they will marry to the same man as her sister?"

Shuli rolled her eyes as she looked back at Wuli as if she were questioning her intelligce.

"Okay, okay. You're right. My bad." Wuli apologized as she realized she was questioning her sister on faithfulness to Xiaoyun just based on her random assumptions.

As the two sat on the bed, the atmosphere was getting a little awkward.

"Um, let's go back to sleep," Wuli suggested.

'Yeah..." Shuli softly replied.

With the two back down on the bed, they soon fell asleep.


"Wuli, you there?"

Shuli waved her hands in front of Wuli's face as she noticed Wuli seemed a little zoned out.

"Yeah, I'm here... what should we do with him?" Wuli asked as she snapped back to reality.

"Since we wer't satisfied earlier... And he's not responding and still pretding to be asleep on purpose. Let's cheat on him in front of his face."

Shuli replied out loud as if she wanted Xiaoyun to hear it.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?"

Wuli suddly had a bad feeling as Shuli almost sounded like a completely differt person from earlier, much braver and op than the usual Shuli.

"Earlier, you wanted to ask me to jerk you off, right? Let me help you right now."

Shuli purposely stepped on top of Xiaoyun's leg as she got over to Wuli's side.

"N-No, I don't think this is a good——Hm!"

Wuli let out a moan as it travels into Xiaoyun's ear.

"Xiaoyun, wake up. Your wife is being assaulted by her own sister."

"Shuli, stop, it's not funny——Hm! I really mean it."

Wuli's voice started moaning louder and louder, but a sweat fell down his forehead as Xiaoyun remained asleep.

"Shuli... I really mean it——Hm! I'm cumming!"

Wuli moaned out her climax as she purposely kicked Xiaoyun on the leg.

"Look, another woman just made your wife cum. Are you just going to lie there still——Hm!"

Before Shuli could finish, she suddly let out a small moaning sound.

"You think playing with my feelings like that is funny? You're going to regret this."

As soon as Wuli finished talking, Shuli's moaning sound echoed in the room as if Wuli was repeating what Shuli had done to her right back at her.

"Hm!——I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to touch you. W-Wait, don't kiss me——"

The sound of kissing traveled into Xiaoyun's ear as the moaning sound was completely gone.

But the sound quickly ded as Shuli's moaning sound resumed.

"W-Wait, s-stop, I-I'm at my limit! I'm cumming!"

As Shuli let out her climax sound, Xiaoyun finally stopped acting and flipped the blanket to the side.

"You two——"

Xiaoyun was completely stunned as the two were just sitting on the bed with their pajama still fully on, with no trace of climax or anything.

"Ha, got you."

Both of them laughed as Xiaoyun held up a confused face.

"Finally, you are awake. Did you joy our show?" Wuli smirked as she looked toward Xiaoyun.

"And did you really think we're touching each other to fulfill your fetish?" Shuli smirked as she looked toward Xiaoyun as well.

"I... I was just curious how you two would react. I never thought or imagine you two touching each other."

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